Game on April 4, 2024 at 11:14, 7 players
1. 229 pts LongJump22
2. 92 pts Quincunx
3. 92 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 76 76 


11H 34 110 


5E 94 204 


M9 22 226 


4K 26 252 


O4 48 300 


N8 56 356 


L8 38 394 


10F 33 427 


4A 27 454 


A1 54 508 


1A 98 606 


B6 36 642 


7D 63 705 


9G 39 744 


C9 32 776 


N2 41 817 


12A 50 867 


A12 39 906 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 2:17 -677 229 1.8416 LongJump22 3 2:17 -677 229
Quincunx 1 3:21 -814 92 2.8738 Quincunx 1 3:21 -814 92
Vuincunx 0 2:09 -814 92 3.8697 Vuincunx 0 2:09 -814 92
4. -
BBB333 1 1:54 -852 54 4.8771 Wuincunx 1 1:20 -884 22
queen66 0 0:54 -862 44 5.8857 Zuincunx 1 1:44 -884 22
Wuincunx 1 1:20 -884 22 Group: advanced
Zuincunx 1 1:44 -884 22 1.7698 queen66 0 0:54 -862 44
Group: not rated
1. - BBB333 1 1:54 -852 54
On 1st draw, FISS(I)ON H4 76 --- FISSION to split into parts [v]
Other tops: FOIS(O)NS H4 76, F(I)SSION H4 76, F(O)ISONS H4 76, F(R)ISSON H4 76, F(U)SIONS H4 76
Other moves: FISS(I)ON H2 70, FISS(I)ON H3 70, FISS(I)ON H6 70, FISS(I)ON H7 70, FOIS(O)NS H2 70
FISS(I)ON H4 76 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, SHERIF 11H 34 --- SHERIF a descendant of the prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima [n]
Other tops: FISHER 11F 34
Other moves: FRESH 11E 32, FRUSH 11E 32, HUFFERS 4F 32, HUFFIER 4F 32, SHERIF G8 32
SHERIF 11H 34 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, INDICTER 5E 94 --- INDICTER one that indicts [n]
Other tops: INDIRECT 5E 94
Other moves: (I)NDICTER 8H 89, (I)NDIRECT 8H 83, INDICTER L8 76, INDIRECT L8 76, REINDICT L6 74
INDIRECT 5E 94 LongJump22
INDIRECT 5E 44 queen66, Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 4th draw, GOFER M9 22 --- GOFER an employee who runs errands [n]
Other tops: IGNARO 10F 22, IGNORE 10F 22
Other moves: GENOA 10F 21, GONER 10F 21, RAGE 10J 21, RAGI 10J 21, REGO 10J 21
GOFER M9 22 Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 5th draw, TELIC 4K 26 --- TELIC directed toward a goal [adj]
Other moves: QI G8 25, QI 4E 24, CLINT 4A 22, ETIC 4L 22, CLINE 6B 21
QI G8 25 LongJump22
On 6th draw, COWKED O4 48 --- COWK to feel nauseous [v]
Other moves: WRECK O1 42, KNOWE 10G 40, CORKED O4 39, KNEW 10G 37, KNOW 10G 37
COWKED O4 48 Quincunx
On 7th draw, (D)EX N8 56 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other tops: (F)AX N8 56, (F)IX N8 56, (H)EX N8 56, (M)AX N8 56, (M)IX N8 56, (N)IX N8 56, (P)AX N8 56, (P)IX N8 56, (R)AX N8 56, (R)EX N8 56, (T)AX N8 56, (T)EX N8 56, (T)IX N8 56, (W)AX N8 56, (W)EX N8 56, (Y)EX N8 56
Other moves: AX N9 55, EX N9 55, (A)X N9 53, (E)X N9 53, (O)X N9 53
On 8th draw, TAPIR L8 38 --- TAPIR a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: PIROG L10 34, GIAOUR L10 33, AGIO L9 31, GIP L10 31, PITA L10 30
On 9th draw, VANED 10F 33 --- VANE a device for showing the direction of the wind [adj] --- VANED having a vane [adj]
Other moves: VOILA N2 29, VOLED 4A 29, VULNED 10E 28, LOANED 10E 25, LOUNED 10E 25
On 10th draw, BEGAD 4A 27 --- BEGAD by God! [interj]
Other moves: DEBAG 4A 25, DEBUG 4A 25, GIBED 4A 25, BADGE 4B 23, BEHEAD I9 23
On 11th draw, JABBLES A1 54 --- JABBLE to splash [v]
Other tops: JABBLES A2 54
Other moves: JABBLE A1 51, BAJUS A4 42, JABS 14J 39, JUSTLE J2 39, JEATS J2 38
On 12th draw, JAUNTIER 1A 98 --- JAUNTY having a lively and self-confident manner [adj]
Other moves: TAURINE B7 61, RETINA N1 25, TUINA N2 23, BEAN 3A 22, BEAT 3A 22
JAUNTIER 1A 48 Vuincunx
On 13th draw, MIAOW B6 36 --- MIAOW to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: HOMA B6 32, HOW B6 32, HIM B6 31, HOM B6 31, HAM 3L 30
On 14th draw, AVERSION 7D 63 --- AVERSION a feeling of repugnance [n]
Other moves: AVENIR A10 35, VIRINO N1 31, RENVOI C9 28, IGNORE C3 27, VIATOR J2 27
On 15th draw, HOY 9G 39 --- HOY a heavy barge or scow [n] --- HOY to incite [v]
Other moves: BHAT 3A 31, LOY 9G 27, TOY 9G 27, *L*Y*HALIYAH D7 26, HAT 3L 24
On 16th draw, POILU C9 32 --- POILU a French soldier [n]
Other tops: POULT C9 32
Other moves: OUPA 3J 24, APO C8 22, BOAT 3A 22, BOUT 3A 22, PAL 3L 21
On 17th draw, QUINO N2 41 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: QUIM N2 34, QUOIN N1 30, QUIN N2 28, QUEER L1 24, BOUN 3A 22
On 18th draw, ZELANT 12A 50 --- ZELANT a fanatic [n]
Other moves: ZILA 12A 46, MATZOT J3 45, MATZO J3 44, ZEIN N12 40, ZETA N12 40
On 19th draw, ZILA A12 39 --- ZILA an administrative district in British India [n]
Other tops: ZATI A12 39
Other moves: AGMA 2A 26, AMIE B1 24, ALUM 13A 23, MI O1 23, ALMA 2A 22
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