Game on April 4, 2024 at 15:09, 7 players
1. 200 pts LongJump22
2. 60 pts Quincunx
3. 60 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


5E 60 92 


L1 40 132 


1I 33 165 


9A 68 233 


A8 140 373 


6A 37 410 


10E 33 443 


7B 83 526 


11A 32 558 


6J 28 586 


D11 20 606 


3I 34 640 


11G 80 720 


12L 28 748 


O8 140 888 


10I 52 940 


14D 89 1029 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 3:51 -829 200 1.8479 LongJump22 4 3:51 -829 200
Quincunx 1 1:27 -969 60 2.8738 Quincunx 1 1:27 -969 60
Vuincunx 1 1:57 -969 60 3.8697 Vuincunx 1 1:57 -969 60
4. -
BBB333 1 1:56 -989 40 4.8842 Zuincunx 1 1:43 -996 33
Zuincunx 1 1:43 -996 33 Group: not rated
6. -
RRR333 1 0:50 -997 32 1. - BBB333 1 1:56 -989 40
7. -
SSS333 1 1:20 -997 32 2. - RRR333 1 0:50 -997 32
3. - SSS333 1 1:20 -997 32
On 1st draw, WAFERS H4 32 --- WAFER to fasten with an adhesive strip [v]
Other moves: FEWER H4 30, SWARF H8 30, SWERF H8 30, WAFER H4 30, FEARES H4 26
WAFERS H4 32 LongJump22, RRR333, SSS333
On 2nd draw, (G)AZANIA 5E 60 --- GAZANIA South African composite herb [n]
Other moves: AZIN(E) G4 39, U(M)FAZI 6F 39, ZA(M)IA G3 38, ZA(Y)IN G3 38, FAZIN(G) 6H 37
(G)AZANIA 5E 60 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 3rd draw, BICES L1 40 --- BICE pale blue or green paint [n]
Other moves: BISECT L3 38, BITES L1 36, CITES L1 36, ICIEST L1 34, TICES L1 32
BICES L1 40 LongJump22, BBB333
On 4th draw, PREBOIL 1I 33 --- PREBOIL to boil beforehand [v]
Other moves: ZEP G5 29, ZIP G5 29, EPILOG 6A 27, GLOZE G2 26, GRIPLE 2J 26
PREBOIL 1I 33 Zuincunx
On 5th draw, BEDROOMS 9A 68 --- BEDROOM a room for sleeping [n]
Other moves: BOREDOMS 9A 67, MOFO 6F 38, MOZED G3 37, BOOZED G2 36, OOZED G3 33
BEDROOMS 9A 68 LongJump22
On 6th draw, ABUTTIN(G) A8 140 --- ABUT to touch along a border [v]
Other moves: TI(T)UBANT A5 80, (T)ITUBANT A5 80, INTUBAT(E) A5 77, TITUBAN(T) A5 77, LUTANI(S)T O1 74
On 7th draw, VERDOY 6A 37 --- VERDOY charged with flowers as a bordure [adj]
Other moves: DYE 10E 35, OYE 10E 33, RYE 10E 33, VOICED 3I 32, YRIVD D8 32
On 8th draw, OYE 10E 33 --- OYE a grandchild [n]
Other moves: YA 10F 30, YE 10F 30, YO 10F 30, OY 10E 28, PAEONY I1 25
On 9th draw, LEADSMEN 7B 83 --- LEADSMAN a seaman who measures the depth of water [n]
Other moves: DALESMAN K4 75, EMENDALS 7F 72, EMENDALS 7H 65, LEADSMEN 7G 64, MAELIDS 2H 41
On 10th draw, TITCH 11A 32 --- TITCH a very small person [n]
Other moves: GLITCH 11G 30, ICH 11C 28, TILTH 11A 28, LITCHI 11G 27, LITHIC 11G 27
On 11th draw, FA 6J 28 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: FIDO 2K 28, FURCA 3I 28
Other moves: GROUF 11G 24, FA 2N 22, FODGEL B2 22, FOU B13 22, FAD 6H 21
On 12th draw, CRAIG D11 20 --- CRAIG a crag [n]
Other tops: GRACE 3I 20, GRECE 3I 20, GRICE 3I 20
Other moves: AERIE 2I 19, AGREE 2F 18, CAGER D11 18, CERGE D11 18, CIGAR D11 18
On 13th draw, VETCH 3I 34 --- VETCH a climbing plant [n]
Other moves: INEARTH 13A 28, HE M3 26, HINT 2K 25, TETH C11 25, EARTH 13C 24
On 14th draw, GLAIKET 11G 80 --- GLAIKET foolish [adj]
Other moves: TAGLIKE 11G 79, GLAIKET 15D 36, GLAIK 15D 30, GLIKE 15D 30, TAGLIKE 13C 28
On 15th draw, DOUP 12L 28 --- DOUP the posterior, or bottom of anything [n]
Other moves: DONAS 12J 27, SADO 12J 26, SNOD 12I 26, SODA 12J 26, UPSTAND M8 26
On 16th draw, NONUPLET O8 140 --- NONUPLET a group of nine [n]
Other moves: NONUPLE O8 27, LEPTON O10 24, TUPELO O10 24, UNPENT O10 24, GLUTEN 15D 21
On 17th draw, EX 10I 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: WAXINGS 13C 40, LEXIS H11 39, LWEIS H11 36, NIXING 14A 36, WAXING 13C 36
On 18th draw, INQUIRES 14D 89 --- INQUIRE to ask about [v]
Other moves: REQUINS 13F 72, QUESTOR M7 54, QUINE N6 44, REQUIN N4 39, SEQUIN N4 39
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