Game on April 6, 2024 at 12:02, 9 players
1. 242 pts Chelsea
2. 159 pts LongJump22
3. 94 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


5E 40 66 


10E 71 137 


4K 29 166 


6B 39 205 


O4 27 232 


M2 24 256 


2I 72 328 


1D 38 366 


N6 30 396 


4A 36 432 


11A 78 510 


12C 42 552 


J7 64 616 


15F 61 677 


7C 36 713 


A8 33 746 


9C 30 776 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 2 7:20 -534 242 1.8494 LongJump22 2 3:14 -617 159
LongJump22 2 3:14 -617 159 2.8870 Quincunx 1 2:43 -682 94
Quincunx 1 2:43 -682 94 3.8543 Wuincunx 0 0:56 -743 33
4. -
OOO333 1 1:57 -715 61 4.8688 Zuincunx 0 1:28 -750 26
Wuincunx 0 0:56 -743 33 5.8529 Vuincunx 0 1:57 -750 26
6. -
RRR333 1 1:01 -750 26 Group: advanced
7. -
TTT333 1 1:30 -750 26 1.7151 Chelsea 2 7:20 -534 242
Zuincunx 0 1:28 -750 26 Group: not rated
Vuincunx 0 1:57 -750 26 1. - OOO333 1 1:57 -715 61
2. - RRR333 1 1:01 -750 26
3. - TTT333 1 1:30 -750 26
On 1st draw, FITTER H4 26 --- FITTER one that fits [n]
Other moves: FETOR H4 24, FITTE H4 24, FORTE H4 24, FREIT H4 24, FRITT H4 24
FITTER H4 26 LongJump22, RRR333, TTT333
FORTE H4 24 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, AUDI(B)LY 5E 40 --- AUDIBLY in a way so as to be heard [adv]
Other moves: FLAXY 4H 36, FL(A)XY 4H 34, F(L)AXY 4H 34, LUXAT(E)D 6D 34, (S)AX 10H 34
FLAXY 4H 36 LongJump22
(S)AX 10H 34 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, INOSITE 10E 71 --- INOSITE an alcohol found in plant and animal tissue [n]
Other moves: INOSITE G7 68, ETIOLINS J1 62, IRONIEST 9G 61, IODISE G3 21, EOSIN 10F 19
INOSITE 10E 71 LongJump22
TONIES 10C 18 Chelsea
On 4th draw, BEVOR 4K 29 --- BEVOR a piece of armor for the lower face [n]
Other tops: MOVER 4K 29
Other moves: MOVER 11K 28, OMBER 11J 28, OMBRE 11J 28, BROME 4K 27, BERM 6C 26
MOVER 4K 29 Chelsea
VOMER 6B 26 LongJump22
BROME 4A 26 Zuincunx, Vuincunx
On 5th draw, CANEH 6B 39 --- CANEH a Hebrew measure of length [n]
Other moves: CHOOF 4D 36, ARCHON O3 33, CHOREA O1 33, ENARCH O1 33, OCHREA O1 33
ARCHON O3 33 Wuincunx, Quincunx
CHORE O1 30 Chelsea
On 6th draw, RIDGIER O4 27 --- RIDGY having ridges [adj]
Other tops: RIGIDER O4 27
Other moves: DIRIGE 11I 25, GARRED O1 24, GRADER O3 24, RADGER O4 24, REGARD O4 24
GEAR O1 15 Chelsea
On 7th draw, PAVONE M2 24 --- PAVONE a peacock [n]
Other tops: GOOP 11D 24
Other moves: PAEON 4A 23, APOGEAN C1 22, NOOP 11D 22, PROA 9G 22, GA(B)OON I3 21
PAVEN M2 20 Chelsea
On 8th draw, EQ(U)IPE 2I 72 --- EQUIPE a motor-racing team [n]
Other moves: (U)MIAQ C3 50, EQ(U)IP 2I 35, Q(U)EP 2J 34, Q(U)IP 2J 34, Q(U)IM 4B 33
EQ(U)IPE 2I 72 Chelsea
On 9th draw, BOGART 1D 38 --- BOGART to use without sharing [v]
Other moves: BRAVO 1E 32, BOGART N9 30, GAVOT 1E 29, GARBO 1E 26, GARB 1F 25
On 10th draw, ENODAL N6 30 --- ENODAL without nodes [adj]
Other moves: LLANO 2B 25, LOADEN 11B 24, LOANED 11B 23, ELAND 4B 22, ENODAL N10 22
On 11th draw, WETLY 4A 36 --- WETLY in a wet manner [adv]
Other moves: NEWLY 4A 30, WETLY M10 30, WYTE 11C 26, WEY 2B 25, TWEELY K7 24
On 12th draw, FENITAR 11A 78 --- FENITAR a plant once used to treat scurvy [n]
Other tops: FAINTER 11A 78
Other moves: FAINTIER E8 72, FETWA A1 33, NAIFER 11B 32, INFER 11C 30, TREIFA 11A 30
On 13th draw, UNSHED 12C 42 --- UNSHED not shed [adj]
Other moves: DUNSH 12B 36, INFUSED A9 36, HEEDS B10 34, HEIDS B10 34, HENDS B10 34
On 14th draw, PASTROMI J7 64 --- PASTROMI a highly seasoned smoked beef [n]
Other moves: PRIMOS 2B 39, PRIMO 2B 35, FARMS A11 33, FIRMS A11 33, FOAMS A11 33
On 15th draw, KOJIS 15F 61 --- KOJI a Japanese fungus which breaks down soy beans into soy sauce [n]
Other moves: JAKS 15G 58, JAILS 15F 49, JIAOS 15F 49, JOLS 15G 46, SKOLIA 15J 46
KOJIS 15F 61 Quincunx, OOO333
On 16th draw, XU 7C 36 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: OX 1K 35, WOX 2E 34, GOWF A8 33, MUX 2E 32, OW 10A 31
On 17th draw, GOWF A8 33 --- GOWF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other moves: OW 10A 31, FUGAL A11 30, WOLF A8 30, AGLOW 2A 27, AWOL 2D 25
On 18th draw, CAZ 9C 30 --- CAZ casual [adj]
Other tops: CUZ 9C 30, MAZE B1 30
Other moves: CLAW A1 27, LAZE B1 26, LUZ 9C 26, CLAM 2B 24, AMU 3A 23
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