Game on April 6, 2024 at 17:18, 5 players
1. 136 pts LongJump22
2. 131 pts Quincunx
3. 131 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


G7 23 51 


5H 30 81 


H10 36 117 


8A 36 153 


O3 55 208 


K3 68 276 


N8 96 372 


13C 30 402 


L9 38 440 


D4 72 512 


C5 35 547 


A5 66 613 


14B 26 639 


3I 42 681 


E3 48 729 


15A 23 752 


B10 28 780 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 4:23 -644 136 1.8500 LongJump22 4 4:23 -644 136
Quincunx 1 4:58 -649 131 2.8858 Quincunx 1 4:58 -649 131
Vuincunx 1 5:42 -649 131 3.8529 Vuincunx 1 5:42 -649 131
moonmonkey 0 2:59 -669 111 Group: advanced
5. -
SSS333 1 1:06 -752 28 1.7737 moonmonkey 0 2:59 -669 111
Group: not rated
1. - SSS333 1 1:06 -752 28
On 1st draw, WAV(E)S H4 28 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other moves: AVULS(E) H3 24, UV(U)LAS H3 24, U(N)LAWS H8 24, VALU(E)S H4 24, VAL(G)US H4 24
WAV(E)S H4 28 LongJump22, SSS333, Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 2nd draw, FAENA G7 23 --- FAENA a series of passes made by a matador in a bullfight [n]
Other moves: FAAN G7 22, FANE G7 22, FAA G7 21, FAE G7 21, FAN G7 21
FAENA G7 23 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, ALIQ(U)OT 5H 30 --- ALIQUOT a number that divides equally into another [n]
Other tops: ALIQ(U)OT 11G 30
Other moves: LOQ(U)AT 11C 28, LOQ(U)AT 5D 28, Q(A)T G3 27, QI(B)LA 11C 26, QI(B)LA 5D 26
ALIQ(U)OT 11G 30 LongJump22
On 4th draw, OBTUND H10 36 --- OBTUND to deaden [v]
Other moves: BIDON H11 31, BOUND H11 31, BUNDT H11 31, DINO 6J 30, DOUBT H11 30
BOUND H11 31 Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 5th draw, GORDITAS 8A 36 --- GORDITA a stuffed and fried pocket of cornmeal dough [n]
Other moves: GODETIAS 8A 33, DIRE 6J 30, DITE 6J 30, DIG 6J 29, DIT 6J 27
On 6th draw, ADSUKI O3 55 --- ADSUKI (Japanese) a kind of bean [n]
Other moves: KAIDS O1 52, ASKED O4 49, DIKAS O1 49, DIKES O1 49, DUKAS O1 49
ADSUKI O3 55 LongJump22
On 7th draw, INQUIRED K3 68 --- INQUIRE to ask about [v]
Other moves: DINE 6J 30, DIRE 6J 30, DIN 6J 27, DI 6J 25, NEUROID M1 20
DINE 6J 30 Quincunx
DIRE 6J 30 Vuincunx
On 8th draw, APHETIC N8 96 --- APHESIS the loss of an unstressed vowel from the beginning of a word [adj] --- APHETIC pertaining to aphesis [adj]
Other moves: HEPATIC N8 95, HEPATIC L9 92, PHREATIC C6 90, CHAPITER C1 82, HEPATIC J7 82
HEPATIC L9 42 Vuincunx, Quincunx, moonmonkey
On 9th draw, NIOBIUM 13C 30 --- NIOBIUM a metallic element [n]
Other moves: BIMA I11 29, BOMA I11 29, MANITO N1 29, BAM M11 28, MIB M11 28
BAM M11 28 moonmonkey
On 10th draw, HEJRA L9 38 --- HEJRA the flight of Mohammed from Mecca [n]
Other moves: FAH M11 35, FEH M11 35, HAJ N1 35, HEJAB 11D 34, HEJIRA D10 34
On 11th draw, SOMEDEAL D4 72 --- SOMEDEAL to some degree [adv]
Other moves: MESOGLEA A4 64, SOMEDEAL 15D 62, NAMES 14H 33, NEMAS 14H 33, NOMAS 14H 33
On 12th draw, POWRE C5 35 --- POWRE to pour [v]
Other moves: SNOWED 4J 31, WOS 14J 30, NEEPS 14H 29, OWE E4 28, OWRE C6 28
On 13th draw, SEIGNORY A5 66 --- SEIGNORY the power of a seignior [n]
Other moves: NOSEY 14B 53, SEITY N2 50, YONIS 14F 39, YONIS J9 37, YORES J9 37
On 14th draw, LUTEA 14B 26 --- LUTEUM a hormone-secreting body [n]
Other moves: ALTO E2 20, AUTO E2 20, LOTA E2 20, ETA E3 18, ETNA 14F 18
On 15th draw, FRIZE 3I 42 --- FRIZE a frieze [n]
Other tops: ROZET N1 42
Other moves: FEZ N1 41, FROZE M3 36, REZ N1 35, ZO 15A 35, GRIZE 3I 34
FEZ N1 41 moonmonkey
On 16th draw, GOX E3 48 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: OX E4 44, YEA B10 34, OXY I9 32, POXY 5C 32, NOX 14H 30
On 17th draw, VAR 15A 23 --- VAR a unit of reactive power [n]
Other tops: VAT 15A 23
Other moves: CAR 15A 20, CAT 15A 20, CAVE 2F 20, CAVIE 13K 20, CAVIL 13K 20
On 18th draw, YE B10 28 --- YE you [pron]
Other moves: LYE F4 27, NYE F4 27, TYE F4 27, EEN M11 25, NY F4 24
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