Game on April 6, 2024 at 18:02, 10 players
1. 456 pts roocatcher
2. 218 pts LongJump22
3. 199 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 64 64 


11E 40 104 


9C 68 172 


8J 23 195 


10H 25 220 


14H 32 252 


13H 31 283 


12A 46 329 


O1 74 403 


G2 66 469 


A12 42 511 


N5 52 563 


4L 45 608 


2J 42 650 


12L 45 695 


15L 43 738 


C3 34 772 


D1 34 806 


14A 34 840 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
roocatcher 4 11:38 -384 456 1.8500 LongJump22 4 3:31 -622 218
LongJump22 4 3:31 -622 218 2.8858 Quincunx 0 0:49 -801 39
moonmonkey 3 4:26 -641 199 3.8529 Vuincunx 0 1:20 -801 39
Mycophot 3 5:44 -641 199 4.8543 Wuincunx 0 1:49 -801 39
5. -
RRR333 2 3:08 -754 86 5.8688 Zuincunx 0 1:07 -807 33
6. -
SSS333 1 1:55 -800 40 Group: advanced
Quincunx 0 0:49 -801 39 1.7191 roocatcher 4 11:38 -384 456
Vuincunx 0 1:20 -801 39 2.7725 moonmonkey 3 4:26 -641 199
Wuincunx 0 1:49 -801 39 3.7749 Mycophot 3 5:44 -641 199
Zuincunx 0 1:07 -807 33 Group: not rated
1. - RRR333 2 3:08 -754 86
2. - SSS333 1 1:55 -800 40
On 1st draw, IONIU(M)S H8 64 --- IONIUM an isotope of thorium [n]
Other tops: IN(V)IOUS H3 64, IN(V)IOUS H4 64, IN(V)IOUS H6 64, IN(V)IOUS H7 64, IN(V)IOUS H8 64, IONIU(M)S H2 64, IONIU(M)S H3 64, IONIU(M)S H4 64, IONIU(M)S H6 64, NI(M)IOUS H3 64, NI(M)IOUS H4 64, NI(M)IOUS H6 64, NI(M)IOUS H7 64, NI(M)IOUS H8 64, (B)INIOUS H2 64, (B)INIOUS H3 64, (B)INIOUS H6 64, (B)INIOUS H7 64, (B)INIOUS H8 64
Other moves: IN(V)IOUS H2 62, IN(V)IOUS H5 62, IONIU(M)S H5 62, IONIU(M)S H7 62, NI(M)IOUS H2 62
IONIU(M)S H4 64 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, REFINES 11E 40 --- REFINE to free from impurities [v]
Other tops: ENFIRES 11E 40
Other moves: FUNKERS 12G 28, KNIFERS 11F 28, FENS I9 26, FUNKER 12G 26, KEFIRS 11E 26
REFINES 11E 40 LongJump22, RRR333, SSS333
On 3rd draw, GLADSOME 9C 68 --- GLADSOME feeling pleasure [adj]
Other moves: MENAD 10F 42, GLEAM 10B 30, MADGES 10J 30, MADGES 12A 30, MASED 10J 30
GLADSOME 9C 68 LongJump22
MADGES 10J 30 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 4th draw, RATION 8J 23 --- RATION to distribute in fixed portions [v]
Other tops: AROINT 8J 23, TRIOR K5 23
Other moves: NONART 10H 20, AORIST K7 19, ARISTO K8 19, INTROS K6 19, NITROS K6 19
On 5th draw, NODI 10H 25 --- NODUS a difficulty [n]
Other tops: NODE 10H 25
Other moves: DOOLIE 10J 24, DOOLE 10J 23, LOOIE 10B 23, NED 10H 22, NOD 10H 22
On 6th draw, SHEAFED 14H 32 --- SHEAF to gather into a bundle [v]
Other moves: FAH 7K 29, FEH 7K 29, AHED 7J 28, DAH 7K 25, FEH 12D 25
On 7th draw, (M)ARTIN 13H 31 --- MARTIN a small bird [n]
Other moves: WAIN 13J 30, WAIR 13J 30, WAIT 13J 30, TAUIWI M3 26, WAI 13M 25
WAR 13M 25 roocatcher
On 8th draw, JOLTER 12A 46 --- JOLTER one that jolts [n]
Other tops: JILTER 12A 46
Other moves: ROJI 12L 39, JERID N10 35, JILT 7K 28, JIRD F6 28, JO 10B 28
JOLTER 12A 46 LongJump22, roocatcher, RRR333
On 9th draw, (D)ERATION O1 74 --- DERATION to free from rationing [v]
Other tops: RE(L)ATION O1 74, (A)ERATION O1 74, (C)REATION O1 74
Other moves: AER(A)TION O1 71, REA(C)TION O1 71, REO(B)TAIN O1 71, TAI(L)ERON O1 71, A(M)ITROLE D3 66
(N)ARTJIE A8 39 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
JO(L)T A12 30 roocatcher
On 10th draw, ECTASIAS G2 66 --- ECTASIA the lengthening of a short syllable [n]
Other moves: JEAT A12 33, JEST A12 33, JETS A12 33, SAIC 12L 33, SAICE 13B 30
JEST A12 33 roocatcher
JEAT A12 33 moonmonkey, Mycophot, Zuincunx
On 11th draw, JUVE A12 42 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: JUBE A12 39, REBUT N2 34, VERTUE 2J 34, JURE A12 33, JUTE A12 33
JUVE A12 42 moonmonkey, roocatcher, Mycophot
On 12th draw, EX N5 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AX N5 52
Other moves: BEANBAG 5E 48, AX 7L 36, AX H1 36, EX 7L 36, EX H1 36
EX N5 52 Mycophot, moonmonkey
AX N5 52 roocatcher
On 13th draw, RIZA 4L 45 --- RIZA an ornamental plate [n]
Other moves: HOARING 5E 44, ZEROING 2F 39, GROZING C3 38, HAZING 5F 38, HIZEN 2D 37
ZEROING 2F 39 roocatcher
On 14th draw, HUMBLE 2J 42 --- HUMBLE modest [adj] --- HUMBLE to reduce the pride of [v] --- HUMBLE to abase [v]
Other tops: HAMBLE 2J 42
Other moves: ALMAH 3I 34, AMAH 7J 34, BLAH 7J 34, HAMAL 3I 34, BAH H1 33
HUMBLE 2J 42 moonmonkey, Mycophot
BAH H1 33 roocatcher
On 15th draw, GABY 12L 45 --- GABY a dolt [n]
Other moves: CYAN 1H 34, BAY 15M 32, BEY 15M 32, GAY 12L 31, GEY 12L 31
BAY 15M 32 roocatcher
On 16th draw, TWAE 15L 43 --- TWAE two [n]
Other tops: TWAL 15L 43
Other moves: TWELVE 2B 40, TWAE 8A 30, WAVELET 2B 30, VOLVAE 14A 28, WAE 15M 28
TWAE 15L 43 roocatcher
On 17th draw, POCKING C3 34 --- POCK to mark with pocks (pustules caused by an eruptive disease) [v]
Other tops: PECKING C3 34
Other moves: COPECK 3C 32, OINK 13C 32, PAIOCKE 5F 32, IKON 1H 31, KEPI 3I 29
NEK 7K 27 roocatcher
On 18th draw, GNOW D1 34 --- GNOW West Australian aboriginal name for Mallee fowl [n]
Other moves: ENOW D1 30, GOOP D1 30, PEW D2 30, POW D2 30, WOON D1 30
GOOP D1 30 roocatcher
On 19th draw, VOLVED 14A 34 --- VOLVE to turn over [v]
Other tops: OUPED E1 34
Other moves: UPLED E2 31, OPED E2 29, DOUP B1 27, PLED E3 27, PLOD E3 27
PONE 8A 24 roocatcher
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