Game on April 7, 2024 at 06:59, 10 players
1. 330 pts Chelsea
2. 225 pts LongJump22
3. 137 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5E 78 100 


M5 72 172 


N10 53 225 


J4 36 261 


O5 45 306 


13G 84 390 


14F 77 467 


E1 62 529 


L2 89 618 


15D 44 662 


O13 27 689 


1D 42 731 


8A 42 773 


C8 30 803 


6D 54 857 


B10 37 894 


2J 36 930 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 3 11:08 -600 330 1.8414 LongJump22 4 3:48 -705 225
LongJump22 4 3:48 -705 225 2.8529 Vuincunx 3 3:52 -793 137
Vuincunx 3 3:52 -793 137 3.8858 Quincunx 2 2:29 -835 95
Quincunx 2 2:29 -835 95 4.8688 Zuincunx 1 1:30 -863 67
Zuincunx 1 1:30 -863 67 5.8543 Wuincunx 1 1:56 -877 53
6. -
OOO333 1 1:59 -876 54 Group: advanced
Wuincunx 1 1:56 -877 53 1.7118 Chelsea 3 11:08 -600 330
8. -
DDD333 1 1:58 -888 42 Group: not rated
9. -
GGG333 1 1:12 -908 22 1. - OOO333 1 1:59 -876 54
10. -
RRR333 1 1:38 -908 22 2. - DDD333 1 1:58 -888 42
3. - GGG333 1 1:12 -908 22
4. - RRR333 1 1:38 -908 22
On 1st draw, GRIPLE H4 22 --- GRIPLE gripping [adj]
Other tops: QI H7 22, QI H8 22
Other moves: GRIPE H4 20, GRIPLE H3 20, GRIPLE H7 20, GRIPLE H8 20, PERIL H4 20
QI H8 22 LongJump22
GRIPLE H4 22 GGG333, RRR333
On 2nd draw, (R)ETRAITT 5E 78 --- RETRAITT a portrait [n]
Other tops: ATTRITE(D) 5E 78, ATTRITE(S) 5E 78, TITRATE(D) 5E 78, TITRATE(S) 5E 78
Other moves: AT(W)ITTER 5A 64, RATTIE(S)T 5H 64, RET(R)AITT 5H 64, TARTIE(S)T 5F 64, TRIT(I)ATE 5G 64
ATTRITE(S) 5E 78 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, SHAMOIS M5 72 --- SHAMOIS a goatlike antelope (its skin) [n]
Other moves: SHAMOIS I9 67, HOI 6F 29, HOMAS M1 28, MASH 4J 28, SHAM 4L 28
SHAMOIS M5 72 LongJump22
On 4th draw, FIVER N10 53 --- FIVER a five dollar bill, a five pound note [n]
Other moves: FINER N10 47, NEIF N7 36, NIEF N7 36, REIF N7 36, VERMIN 8J 36
FIVER N10 53 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 5th draw, NIQAB J4 36 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: ETALON L4 28, AMBO 8L 27, QAT G3 25, ATONE L4 24, LEMAN 8K 24
QIBLA J4 22 Zuincunx
On 6th draw, JURELS O5 45 --- JUREL a food fish [n]
Other moves: JEES 9G 37, JUS O8 36, JUREL 6B 35, BLUMES 8J 33, BRUMES 8J 33
JURELS O5 45 Zuincunx
On 7th draw, HEADLINE 13G 84 --- HEADLINE to provide with a title [v]
Other moves: HIELAND K7 81, INHALED K8 76, HIELAND G9 75, HIELAND I9 75, INHALED I8 71
EH 6E 27 Chelsea
On 8th draw, LE(R)NEAN 14F 77 --- LERNEAN pertaining to a swamp near Argos [adj]
Other moves: EN(P)LANE 12C 74, LE(R)NEAN 12C 74, LE(R)NEAN 14B 73, LE(R)NEAN 12B 72, EN(P)LANE 14A 71
(S)EE O13 20 Chelsea
On 9th draw, AIRP(R)OOF E1 62 --- AIRPROOF to make impermeable to air [v]
Other tops: AI(R)PROOF E3 62
Other moves: FAIR 15H 46, ARF 15F 41, ORF 15F 41, FORA 15E 35, RIF 15H 34
FA 15H 33 Chelsea
On 10th draw, NICTATED L2 89 --- NICTATE to wink NICTATED [v]
CANTED 1D 36 Chelsea
On 11th draw, BIOTA 15D 44 --- BIOTA the flora and fauna of a region [n]
Other moves: ORBITA 15C 41, ABATOR 1C 33, BORA 15E 32, BOTA 15E 32, AROBA 1A 30
E(R)R H13 6 Chelsea
On 12th draw, REG O13 27 --- REG a regulation [n]
Other tops: SEG O13 27
Other moves: EGERS 9F 26, OGEES 9F 26, GEES 9G 25, GEOS 9G 25, GOERS 9F 25
SEG O13 27 Chelsea
On 13th draw, YARNED 1D 42 --- YARN to tell a long story [v]
Other moves: YODE I7 36, YONDER 2J 36, EYNE F5 35, EYRA F5 35, EYRE F5 35
YARNED 1D 42 Quincunx, DDD333
RANDY 1D 30 Chelsea
On 14th draw, GASIFY 8A 42 --- GASIFY to convert into gas [v]
Other moves: WINGY 2J 40, WEYS 9G 35, YEWS 9G 35, WANGS 2J 34, WINGS 2J 34
WINGY 2J 40 Chelsea
On 15th draw, SCOWED C8 30 --- SCOW to transport by scow (a flat-bottomed boat) [v]
Other tops: DECORUM 3A 30, MENUDO 2J 30
Other moves: CONED 2J 28, MEOW 12D 28, MONDE 2J 28, SOWCED C8 26, SOWMED C8 26
MENUDO 2J 30 Vuincunx
COD M1 20 Chelsea
On 16th draw, WOX 6D 54 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: WEX D10 54, WOX D10 54
Other moves: EX F5 50, OX 6E 50, EXO D11 46, OXO D11 46, EX D11 41
WEX D10 54 Chelsea
WOX D10 54 Vuincunx, OOO333
On 17th draw, KO B10 37 --- KO a Maori digging-stick [n]
Other moves: KEMPT 4B 36, MOTE B10 32, KEPT 4C 30, MINK L12 30, MOE B10 28
KO B10 37 Chelsea
On 18th draw, VENOM 2J 36 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other moves: EMO D11 27, EMPT 4C 26, MENTO 2J 26, MONTE 2J 26, MUNTU 2J 26
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