Game on April 7, 2024 at 14:37, 6 players
1. 221 pts LongJump22
2. 163 pts Quincunx
3. 135 pts Zuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 74 74 


G7 30 104 


F6 29 133 


5H 30 163 


K4 88 251 


4K 32 283 


M1 28 311 


8J 81 392 


13D 75 467 


14I 84 551 


15D 47 598 


2J 64 662 


O10 33 695 


O1 38 733 


9K 28 761 


8A 24 785 


I9 33 818 


15D 24 842 


C3 24 866 


10A 38 904 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 4:13 -683 221 1.8317 LongJump22 4 4:13 -683 221
Quincunx 4 6:41 -741 163 2.8960 Quincunx 4 6:41 -741 163
Zuincunx 3 4:13 -769 135 3.8688 Zuincunx 3 4:13 -769 135
4. -
TTT333 1 1:57 -823 81 Group: not rated
5. -
DDD333 1 1:51 -840 64 1. - TTT333 1 1:57 -823 81
6. -
KKK333 1 1:58 -871 33 2. - DDD333 1 1:51 -840 64
3. - KKK333 1 1:58 -871 33
On 1st draw, OU(T)WEED H6 74 --- OUTWEED to root out [v]
Other moves: OU(T)WEED H3 72, OU(T)WEED H4 72, OU(T)WEED H7 72, OU(T)WEED H8 72, OU(T)WEED H2 70
OU(T)WEED H6 74 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, YEAR G7 30 --- YEAR a period of time consisting of 365 or 366 days [n]
Other tops: YAAR G7 30
Other moves: YEA G7 27, AYRE G9 24, EARLY G3 24, ALREADY 12C 22, LYE G6 22
YEAR G7 30 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, FARL F6 29 --- FARL a thin oatmeal cake [n]
Other moves: FAINER 11D 26, FLAIR F8 26, FRAIL F8 26, FRIAR F8 26, ALIF I8 25
FARL F6 29 LongJump22
On 4th draw, GYROS 5H 30 --- GYRO a gyroscope [n]
Other tops: GOARY 5H 30, GOORY 5H 30, GOOSERY 11D 30, GOOSY 5H 30, GORSY 5H 30, GRAYS 5H 30
Other moves: GAYS 5H 28, GOOSEY 11D 28, GORY 5H 28, G*YSGOYS 5H 28, GRAY 5H 28
GOOSERY 11D 30 Zuincunx, Quincunx
On 5th draw, ZOOLI(T)HS K4 88 --- ZOOLITH a fossil animal [n]
Other moves: ZOOLI(T)HS K3 69, ZIL(C)H 4K 55, S(C)HIZO 13H 47, S(C)HIZO I9 46, ZIL(A)S L1 46
ZOOLI(T)HS K4 88 LongJump22
On 6th draw, ZIGS 4K 32 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZEST 4K 30, ZIG 4K 30, ZITE 4K 30, ZITS 4K 30, ZIT 4K 28
On 7th draw, MADGE M1 28 --- MADGE a lead hammer [n]
Other moves: MEASED N1 26, QADIS L1 25, IDEAL 8K 24, LEDGE M1 24, MAGE M2 24
On 8th draw, PIQUET 8J 81 --- PIQUET a card game [n] --- PIQUET to strengthen with pickets [v]
Other moves: IXTLE 8K 60, EX N1 40, MUX 1M 36, EQUAL 2J 32, EXPAT 2J 32
PIQUET 8J 81 Zuincunx, TTT333
On 9th draw, VENISON 13D 75 --- VENISON the edible flesh of a deer [n]
Other moves: NOVENAS 2H 36, ENVOIS 13C 33, OVINES 13C 33, VENINS 13C 33, VIMEN 1K 33
On 10th draw, BEARCAT 14I 84 --- BEARCAT a small mammal [n]
Other moves: ACERBATE N6 70, CRAMBE 1J 39, ABREACT 2I 34, APACE J7 33, TARMAC 1J 33
On 11th draw, COMEDO 15D 47 --- COMEDO a skin blemish [n]
Other moves: COMMOT 1J 45, COOMED 15E 42, TOMCOD 15E 42, T*MM*DTOMMED 1J 42, COMMO 1K 36
On 12th draw, JIHAD 2J 64 --- JIHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other moves: HIJAB 2J 50, RHOMBI 1J 42, DHOTI O11 39, HIMBO 1K 39, BOTH O12 36
JIHAD 2J 64 Quincunx, DDD333
On 13th draw, LOBATE O10 33 --- LOBATE having lobes [adj]
Other moves: BATE O12 27, BATT O12 27, BELATE O10 27, BETA O12 27, BETE O12 27
On 14th draw, VIG O1 38 --- VIG short form of vigorish, a charge paid to a bookie on a bet [n]
Other tops: FIG O1 38, GIF O1 38
Other moves: FIL O1 35, VIA O1 35, LIG O1 29, VAGI 14C 29, FLAG 14B 28
On 15th draw, (T)IPT 9K 28 --- TIPT having a tip [adj]
Other moves: PANTINE 11B 26, PENTANE 11B 26, PINENES 11E 26, (T)IP 9K 25, PATINE 11C 24
On 16th draw, LANNERE(T) 8A 24 --- LANNERET a male falcon [n]
Other moves: LANNERET 10B 22, ELANET 11D 20, TUNNEL 11D 20, LUNET 11E 18, TENNE 11D 18
On 17th draw, KIT I9 33 --- KIT to equip [v]
Other moves: WORK L12 32, KI I9 30, KO I9 30, KIWI E3 27, TURK L12 26
KIT I9 33 Quincunx, KKK333
On 18th draw, COMEDOWN 15D 24 --- COMEDOWN a drop in status [n]
Other tops: UNTWINE C3 24
Other moves: UNWIRE E1 23, TWINE E2 21, TWIRE E2 21, WRITE E2 21, TWICE M11 20
On 19th draw, INFAUNA C3 24 --- INFAUNA fauna living on a soft sea floor [n]
Other moves: FANO 3G 21, FINO 3G 21, INFO 3G 21, FAA 14B 20, FANION C3 20
INFAUNA C3 24 Zuincunx, Quincunx
On 20th draw, OXER 10A 38 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other moves: EXO B2 31, REFIX 5A 30, REX B1 29, TEX B1 29, TIX B1 29
TAX 6B 12 Quincunx
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