Game on April 7, 2024 at 16:14, 11 players
1. 484 pts ArcticFox
2. 441 pts roocatcher
3. 266 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 64 64 


13C 20 84 


C6 61 145 


14D 59 204 


15A 48 252 


B6 55 307 


D1 82 389 


I1 65 454 


1G 86 540 


A8 89 629 


N1 72 701 


O8 36 737 


M8 83 820 


1A 36 856 


L7 33 889 


15F 28 917 


14J 56 973 


3C 24 997 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
ArcticFox 4 13:35 -513 484 1.8317 LongJump22 4 4:37 -731 266
roocatcher 2 11:57 -556 441 2.8688 Zuincunx 2 3:02 -894 103
LongJump22 4 4:37 -731 266 3.8912 Quincunx 1 0:42 -949 48
moonmonkey 0 2:28 -844 153 4.8572 Vuincunx 1 1:02 -949 48
Zuincunx 2 3:02 -894 103 5.8518 Wuincunx 1 1:22 -949 48
6. -
KKK333 0 1:50 -913 84 Group: advanced
7. -
OOO333 1 1:57 -938 59 1.7138 ArcticFox 4 13:35 -513 484
8. -
BBB333 1 1:51 -942 55 2.7226 roocatcher 2 11:57 -556 441
Quincunx 1 0:42 -949 48 3.7734 moonmonkey 0 2:28 -844 153
Vuincunx 1 1:02 -949 48 Group: not rated
Wuincunx 1 1:22 -949 48 1. - KKK333 0 1:50 -913 84
2. - OOO333 1 1:57 -938 59
3. - BBB333 1 1:51 -942 55
On 1st draw, ENNU(Y)EE H7 64 --- ENNUYEE ennuye [adj]
Other tops: ENNU(Y)EE H2 64, ENNU(Y)EE H3 64, ENNU(Y)EE H4 64, ENNU(Y)EE H6 64
Other moves: ENNU(Y)EE H5 62, ENNU(Y)EE H8 62, ENNU(Y)E H3 12, ENNU(Y)E H4 12, ENNU(Y)E H7 12
ENNU(Y)EE H3 64 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, DOTAGE 13C 20 --- DOTAGE the state of senility [n]
Other tops: DAUT I7 20, DOAT I7 20, DOUT I7 20, GEDACT 12G 20
Other moves: GOAD G10 19, GOAD I10 19, CADGE 12D 18, COATED 12D 18, DOGATE 13C 18
On 3rd draw, ENSOULED C6 61 --- ENSOUL to infuse with a soul [v]
Other moves: LEONES 14A 27, ENOLS I9 25, LENES 14B 25, LENOS 14B 25, LOSEN 14B 25
ENSOULED C6 61 LongJump22
On 4th draw, BOX 14D 59 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other tops: PIX 14D 59, POX 14D 59
Other moves: EXO 14E 56, SEX 14D 55, SIX 14D 55, SOX 14D 55, XI 14F 53
POX 14D 59 ArcticFox
BOX 14D 59 LongJump22, OOO333
On 5th draw, ZILA 15A 48 --- ZILA an administrative district in British India [n]
Other tops: NAZI 15A 48, ZATI 15A 48
Other moves: ZED 12B 38, ZEATIN 6B 37, ZELANT 6B 37, ZAS 8A 36, ZEL 12B 34
ZILA 15A 48 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
ZIT D4 26 ArcticFox
On 6th draw, BEADY B6 55 --- BEADY resembling beads [adj]
Other moves: BEADY B2 51, ABSEY B2 49, ABYE B8 38, BAYED B2 37, BOYED B2 37
BEADY B6 55 Zuincunx, BBB333
ABYE B8 38 ArcticFox
EASY 8A 33 roocatcher
On 7th draw, MALAISE D1 82 --- MALAISE a feeling of vague discomfort [n]
Other moves: MALAISE I2 66, AMELIAS I1 64, MALAISE G1 64, MALAISE I1 64, MAAS A8 43
MALAISE D1 82 LongJump22
SMA A7 37 roocatcher
EMAILS 15F 34 ArcticFox
On 8th draw, ROOFIES I1 65 --- ROOFIE a tablet of a powerful sedative [n]
Other moves: ROOSE A4 37, FEES 12A 34, FOES 12A 34, FERMIS 1A 33, FORMES 1A 33
FORMES 1A 33 moonmonkey
FORMS 1A 30 ArcticFox, roocatcher
On 9th draw, ACRIDINE 1G 86 --- ACRIDINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: INDUCIAE 10E 65, CAIRNED 1F 36, AIDE H1 35, ACRIDIN 1G 33, CARIED 1G 33
ACRIDINE 1G 36 moonmonkey
CRIED 1H 30 ArcticFox
MINCER 1D 30 roocatcher
On 10th draw, FAKEY A8 89 --- FAKEY not genuine; phony [adj]
Other moves: FAK(E)Y A8 86, F(A)KEY A8 85, (S)KYF O1 84, FAKE(R)Y A8 77, FA(K)EY A8 69
(S)KYF O1 84 moonmonkey, KKK333
KA A8 43 ArcticFox, roocatcher
On 11th draw, ENCI(E)RRO N1 72 --- ENCIERRO the ritual driving of bulls through the streets [n]
Other moves: C(A)RRION G4 71, ENCI(E)RRO 12H 70, N(A)RICORN M1 70, (T)RICORN J7 66, RESCORIN(G) 7G 62
(S)CORN O1 54 roocatcher
On 12th draw, WRIT O8 36 --- WRIT a written legal order [n]
Other tops: WILT O8 36, WINO O8 36, WONT O8 36, WORN O8 36, WORT O8 36
Other moves: WIN O8 33, WIT O8 33, WON O8 33, WOOL 8L 33, WOON 8L 33
WORN O8 36 roocatcher
WRIT O8 36 ArcticFox
On 13th draw, HARDENS M8 83 --- HARDEN to make hard [v]
Other tops: HANDERS M8 83
Other moves: WRITHERS O8 54, HANDER N10 51, HARDEN N10 51, HEARDS N10 51, HADES N10 49
HANDER N10 51 roocatcher
ENDASH 15F 40 ArcticFox
On 14th draw, THUMP 1A 36 --- THUMP to strike so as to make a dull, heavy sound [v]
Other moves: HOIST 14J 32, LOATH 2B 32, PLUSH 14J 32, HILLTOP 3A 30, HOUT L12 30
HOIST 14J 32 roocatcher
OH J5 28 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, TWP L7 33 --- TWP stupid [adj]
Other moves: TOWT L6 30, IWI J1 29, OWT L7 29, POW L6 29, TOW L6 27
OW L11 23 roocatcher
WO L12 22 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, EMIT 15F 28 --- EMIT to send forth [v]
Other moves: MUIST 14J 26, EMU 15F 25, EM 2A 24, EMU L11 23, METE 12L 23
EMIT 15F 28 ArcticFox, roocatcher
On 17th draw, JOUST 14J 56 --- JOUST en engage in personal combat [v]
Other moves: JOG H3 30, QUOIT 4K 30, JOGS 14J 28, JOT H3 28, JUGS 14J 28
JOUST 14J 56 ArcticFox
QUOIT 4K 30 roocatcher
On 18th draw, OLLAV 3C 24 --- OLLAV a learned man in ancient Ireland [n]
Other moves: AGA 2B 21, AROBA D11 20, OFLAG 4H 20, OGIVAL 5G 20, GALVO 3B 18
VEG 12L 14 ArcticFox
EVO 6I 14 roocatcher
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