Game on April 7, 2024 at 18:30, 6 players
1. 212 pts LongJump22
2. 117 pts Vuincunx
3. 91 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


11E 28 56 


E5 78 134 


F2 78 212 


8H 83 295 


13C 27 322 


N5 67 389 


O1 42 431 


I8 52 483 


O12 42 525 


M3 32 557 


12A 36 593 


J1 63 656 


A11 39 695 


1H 54 749 


K5 31 780 


6B 33 813 


3B 28 841 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 3:35 -629 212 1.8317 LongJump22 4 3:35 -629 212
Vuincunx 1 4:52 -724 117 2.8516 Vuincunx 1 4:52 -724 117
Quincunx 0 2:23 -750 91 3.8818 Quincunx 0 2:23 -750 91
Zuincunx 1 1:53 -783 58 4.8688 Zuincunx 1 1:53 -783 58
Wuincunx 1 2:47 -783 58 5.8475 Wuincunx 1 2:47 -783 58
6. -
RRR333 2 2:52 -785 56 Group: not rated
1. - RRR333 2 2:52 -785 56
On 1st draw, REINK H8 28 --- INK to mark with ink (a colored fluid used for writing) [v] --- REINK to ink again [v]
Other moves: INKER H4 20, INKER H8 20, REINK H4 20, INKER H5 18, INKER H6 18
REINK H8 28 LongJump22, RRR333, Zuincunx, Wuincunx
On 2nd draw, NOINTER 11E 28 --- NOINTER (Australian slang) a rascal [n]
Other tops: TERNION 11E 28
Other moves: ROOINEK 12B 22, KROONI 12H 20, NOOIT I9 20, RETOOK 12C 20, KIORE 12H 18
NOINTER 11E 28 LongJump22, RRR333
On 3rd draw, DEWPOINT E5 78 --- DEWPOINT the temperature at which dew forms [n]
Other moves: WEPT 10J 32, WIPED 10B 32, PEW 10D 31, POW 10D 31, WEID 10J 31
DEWPOINT E5 78 LongJump22
On 4th draw, PUGA(R)EE F2 78 --- PUGAREE a cloth band wrapped around a hat [n]
Other moves: PUGA(R)EE G3 68, PUGA(R)EE I3 68, PUGA(R)EE G2 63, PUGA(R)EE I2 63, PUGAREE(S) K7 60
PUGA(R)EE F2 78 LongJump22
On 5th draw, REDOUNDS 8H 83 --- REDOUND to have an effect or consequence [v]
Other moves: SOUNDED 13H 80, SOUNDED I3 71, UNDE(R)DOES 6B 64, UNDE(R)DOSE 6B 64, DOUSED 13B 35
SOUNDED 13H 30 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 6th draw, NISEI 13C 27 --- NISEI one born in America of immigrant Japanese parents [n]
Other moves: ANISE 13B 25, AINEE D11 24, KANES 12H 24, KINES 12H 24, SAINE D10 24
NISEI 13C 27 Vuincunx
On 7th draw, BARDISMS N5 67 --- BARDISM the study of the musc and wisdom of bards [n]
Other moves: BISMARS 10G 35, BISMAR 10G 34, BRASTS 12A 31, MAISTS 12A 31, AMISS G2 30
BARMS 10J 29 Vuincunx
On 8th draw, FORGAT O1 42 --- FORGET to fail to remember [v]
Other moves: FORGAT 14F 35, WAFTS 10J 34, GOWF G3 33, FAW 10J 32, WOF 10J 32
FAROS 10J 31 Vuincunx
On 9th draw, EXOTICA I8 52 --- EXOTICA things excitingly different or unusual [n]
Other moves: EXOTIC I8 51, CAUDEX I4 43, CODEX I5 42, OXID O12 42, AX G6 40
CAUDEX I4 43 Quincunx
On 10th draw, HATE O12 42 --- HATE to despise [v]
Other tops: HAET O12 42, HEAT O12 42
Other moves: TAIAHA O10 39, AHENT M5 27, EATH D7 27, ETHE J11 27, HEAT D6 27
On 11th draw, BROGAN M3 32 --- BROGAN a heavy shoe [n]
Other moves: BAGUIO 2J 30, BURGOO 2J 30, OBANG M5 29, BARONG M4 28, GAB G5 27
On 12th draw, WHEAT 12A 36 --- WHEAT a cereal grass [n]
Other tops: WHAE L1 36
Other moves: HALF M11 33, FAWNER 4H 32, WHALER 4H 32, HAW M11 31, WHEFT 14K 28
On 13th draw, TOILETED J1 63 --- TOILET to dress and groom oneself [v]
Other moves: OWLET A11 24, TWEEL A11 24, TWEET A11 24, TWILT A11 24, TWITE A11 24
On 14th draw, AWMRY A11 39 --- AWMRY a cupboard for sacred vessels [n]
Other moves: MORAY 14F 36, NITRY 1H 36, MAY G5 33, MAYOR M11 32, MOYA G3 31
On 15th draw, JUT(T)Y 1H 54 --- JUTTY to jut [v]
Other moves: QUYT(E) 1G 48, QA(T) I3 45, JA(N)TY 1G 42, JU(T)TY 1G 42, JA N2 41
QUYT(E) 1G 48 Quincunx
On 16th draw, FADO K5 31 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other tops: FADO K3 31
Other moves: DOF K3 29, FANO K5 28, FAD K3 27, FANO K3 27, FOAL D6 27
On 17th draw, QUEE(R) 6B 33 --- QUEER deviating from the expected or normal [adj] --- QUEER to spoil the effect or success of [v]
Other moves: QUEEN C9 24, QI 3I 21, CALQUE 14H 19, QUIN 10C 19, CAVEL 14H 18
On 18th draw, VOLVULI 3B 28 --- VOLVULUS a twisting of the intestine that causes obstruction [n]
Other tops: VOLVULI C2 28
Other moves: VIN 7A 21, COVIN 13I 20, LIN 7A 18, IN 7B 17, VAV 14H 17
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