Game on April 7, 2024 at 19:58, 10 players
1. 505 pts roocatcher
2. 257 pts LongJump22
3. 188 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 74 74 


12G 22 96 


M7 88 184 


L3 44 228 


14J 38 266 


15H 40 306 


O12 57 363 


10D 67 430 


D8 32 462 


8A 39 501 


G1 66 567 


1A 84 651 


I2 72 723 


A5 65 788 


D1 30 818 


N8 58 876 


M1 32 908 


C12 28 936 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
roocatcher 3 14:06 -431 505 1.8492 LongJump22 3 4:59 -679 257
LongJump22 3 4:59 -679 257 2.8818 Quincunx 1 1:26 -898 38
HollyIvy 2 6:42 -748 188 3.8516 Vuincunx 1 1:49 -898 38
sicilianc5 2 6:44 -748 188 4.8688 Zuincunx 0 1:24 -900 36
5. -
UUU333 1 1:55 -852 84 5.8376 Wuincunx 0 1:47 -900 36
6. -
OOO333 1 1:57 -879 57 Group: advanced
Quincunx 1 1:26 -898 38 1.7198 roocatcher 3 14:06 -431 505
Vuincunx 1 1:49 -898 38 2.7476 HollyIvy 2 6:42 -748 188
Zuincunx 0 1:24 -900 36 3.7644 sicilianc5 2 6:44 -748 188
Wuincunx 0 1:47 -900 36 Group: not rated
1. - UUU333 1 1:55 -852 84
2. - OOO333 1 1:57 -879 57
On 1st draw, E(Y)EL(I)FT H7 74 --- EYELIFT plastic surgery of the eyelid [n]
Other tops: FEE(D)L(O)T H4 74, FELTE(R)(S) H4 74, FELT(I)E(R) H4 74, FEL(L)E(S)T H4 74, FEL(L)(A)TE H4 74, FEL(S)(I)TE H4 74, FET(T)LE(D) H4 74, FET(T)LE(R) H4 74, FET(T)LE(S) H4 74, FE(L)LE(S)T H4 74, FE(L)L(A)TE H4 74, FE(R)T(I)LE H4 74, FE(T)TLE(D) H4 74, FE(T)TLE(R) H4 74, FE(T)TLE(S) H4 74, FLEET(E)(D) H4 74, FLEET(E)(R) H4 74, FLEET(L)(Y) H4 74, FLE(E)TE(D) H4 74, FLE(E)TE(R) H4 74, FLE(U)(R)ET H4 74, FL(E)ETE(D) H4 74, FL(E)ETE(R) H4 74, F(I)LETE(D) H4 74, F(L)EETL(Y) H4 74, LEFTE(S)(T) H2 74, LEFT(I)E(S) H2 74, LEF(T)E(S)T H2 74, TEE(M)F(U)L H8 74, TEE(N)F(U)L H8 74, TELEF(A)(X) H8 74, (B)EETFL(Y) H8 74, (D)EFLE(C)T H2 74, (D)EFL(A)TE H2 74, (G)EF(I)LTE H2 74, (R)EFLET(S) H2 74, (R)EFLE(C)T H2 74, (R)EFL(A)TE H2 74
Other moves: E(Y)EL(I)FT H2 68, E(Y)EL(I)FT H4 68, E(Y)EL(I)FT H6 68, FEE(D)L(O)T H2 68, FEE(D)L(O)T H3 68
FELT(I)E(R) H4 74 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, AFEARED 12G 22 --- AFEAR to frighten [v] --- AFEARED afeard [adj]
Other moves: AFEARD 12G 20, AREDE G8 20, FADEUR 12H 20, FEARED 12H 20, DARE G7 19
On 3rd draw, HOTELDOM M7 88 --- HOTELDOM hotels and hotel workers [n]
Other moves: MOHEL 11J 36, HOME G7 35, HOMO I7 35, HOME 11J 34, HOMO 11J 34
HOTELDOM M7 88 LongJump22
On 4th draw, FACEUP L3 44 --- FACEUP with the front part up [adv]
Other moves: CAPED N6 38, FACED L4 36, FOUD 8L 36, POUF 8L 36, CAPED L4 34
CAPED N6 38 LongJump22
FOUD 8L 36 roocatcher
On 5th draw, HOLMIA 14J 38 --- HOLMIA an oxide [n]
Other moves: LOATH M1 35, LAH N8 34, LATH M2 33, OATH M2 33, HATFUL 3I 32
HOLMIA 14J 38 Quincunx, Vuincunx
AHI N9 31 roocatcher
On 6th draw, MBIRA 15H 40 --- MBIRA an African musical instrument [n]
Other moves: MINBAR 15F 37, ABRAM O11 36, ABRIM 15G 36, AMBAN O11 36, IMBAR O11 36
ABRIM 15G 36 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
BRIM 15H 33 roocatcher
On 7th draw, JIAO O12 57 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: JEAT O12 57
Other moves: JAP O13 36, JOLED 10F 33, JET M2 32, JILTED 10F 32, JOLTED 10F 32
JEAT O12 57 roocatcher, LongJump22
JIAO O12 57 OOO333
On 8th draw, BODILESS 10D 67 --- BODILESS lacking material form [adj]
Other moves: DISOBE(Y)S 8B 61, BIPODS 8J 33, BEDSITS 13C 30, DIEB M1 28, BODE G7 27
DIEB M1 28 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
DEB M2 26 roocatcher
On 9th draw, WEBLOG D8 32 --- WEBLOG a website that contains an online personal journal [n]
Other moves: LOWE 11C 31, GLOW 11B 30, GNOW 11B 30, OWE 11D 29, BOWLEG D10 28
LOWE 11C 31 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
GLOW 11B 30 roocatcher
On 10th draw, AVOWED 8A 39 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: AVOW 8A 30, VIEW 8A 30, VIED M1 29, VILDE 11B 27, OVICIDE 5I 26
AVOWED 8A 39 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
VIED M1 29 roocatcher
On 11th draw, STONNED G1 66 --- STONNE to stun [v]
Other tops: STONNED I1 66
Other moves: TENDONS I1 63, NOSED 14B 33, TOSED 14B 33, TENSON 14A 29, DEPOTS 8J 27
NOSED 14B 33 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
STED M1 23 roocatcher
On 12th draw, CRUZIES 1A 84 --- CRUZIE an oil lamp [n]
Other moves: SCRUZE 1G 54, SIZER 1G 42, SITZ 1G 39, SIZE 1G 39, ZEST 1E 39
SIZER 1G 42 roocatcher
On 13th draw, WANTAGE I2 72 --- WANTAGE something that is lacking [n]
Other moves: WANTAGE I1 68, WANTAGES J3 64, GNAW M1 31, ANEW M1 29, AW F5 28
GNAW M1 31 roocatcher
POWN 8L 27 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 14th draw, INSANITY A5 65 --- INSANITY the state of being insane; something utterly foolish [n]
Other moves: NYS M2 30, SYN M2 30, SNY M1 28, STY M1 28, ZITIS D1 28
PONY 8L 27 roocatcher
On 15th draw, ZIGAN D1 30 --- ZIGAN a Hungarian gypsy [n]
Other moves: ZING D1 28, VAG M2 27, RAVINING 4C 26, VAN M2 24, VANNING 4D 24
ZIGAN D1 30 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
ZING D1 28 roocatcher
On 16th draw, TIX N8 58 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other moves: XI N10 52, TUQUE E4 34, XU E4 31, FIXT 3L 28, TUX C12 28
TIX N8 58 roocatcher
On 17th draw, PRY M1 32 --- PRY to inquire impertinently into private matters [v]
Other tops: PUY M1 32
Other moves: VLY 11C 28, YUP C12 27, PLY 11C 26, PUY C12 26, QUOP C6 26
TRULY 11A 26 roocatcher
On 18th draw, KURU C12 28 --- KURU a disease of the nervous system [n]
Other tops: UKE 9F 28
Other moves: TRUCK 5I 22, EUK F1 19, UKE 6E 17, KOR C7 16, REV 9C 16
KURU C12 28 roocatcher
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