Game on April 8, 2024 at 12:49, 13 players
1. 384 pts ArcticFox
2. 326 pts Chelsea
3. 231 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 78 78 


12H 74 152 


11H 29 181 


13H 68 249 


O6 39 288 


N2 43 331 


8A 83 414 


O1 44 458 


D2 80 538 


A8 83 621 


F3 65 686 


C3 40 726 


M3 35 761 


15A 92 853 


F14 31 884 


I1 68 952 


H1 41 993 


L4 36 1029 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
ArcticFox 3 10:55 -645 384 1.9839 Pacific 1 1:40 -985 44
Chelsea 3 7:39 -703 326 Group: expert
LongJump22 2 4:48 -798 231 1.8492 LongJump22 2 4:48 -798 231
Zuincunx 1 4:05 -920 109 2.8688 Zuincunx 1 4:05 -920 109
sicilianc5 1 3:31 -924 105 3.8538 Vuincunx 1 1:05 -986 43
Pacific 1 1:40 -985 44 4.8568 Quincunx 1 1:00 -990 39
Vuincunx 1 1:05 -986 43 5.8376 Wuincunx 0 0:50 -995 34
8. -
HHH333 1 1:56 -986 43 Group: advanced
Quincunx 1 1:00 -990 39 1.7107 ArcticFox 3 10:55 -645 384
10. -
UUU333 1 1:54 -990 39 2.7096 Chelsea 3 7:39 -703 326
Wuincunx 0 0:50 -995 34 3.7614 sicilianc5 1 3:31 -924 105
Mycophot 0 0:58 -1001 28 4.7780 Mycophot 0 0:58 -1001 28
moonmonkey 0 1:18 -1001 28 5.7728 moonmonkey 0 1:18 -1001 28
Group: not rated
1. - HHH333 1 1:56 -986 43
2. - UUU333 1 1:54 -990 39
On 1st draw, UNIFAC(E) H7 78 --- UNIFACE a coin having a design on only one side [n]
Other moves: UNIFAC(E) H2 74, UNIFAC(E) H3 74, UNIFAC(E) H4 74, UNIFAC(E) H8 74, UNIFAC(E) H5 72
UNIFAC(E) H7 78 LongJump22
FACIN(G) H4 28 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, CODEINES 12H 74 --- CODEINE a narcotic alkaloid [n]
Other moves: DEIONISE 9C 63, DEIONISE 9F 62, SODAINE 11E 32, NODES I7 26, DESINE 14F 25
CODEINES 12H 74 LongJump22
NODES 14D 22 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, ATAPS 11H 29 --- ATAP the nipa palm tree [n]
Other moves: APNEAS N9 28, PAEANS N10 28, PAESAN N10 28, SPUTA I6 28, UPSENT N9 28
PAESAN N10 28 LongJump22
PASTA 14F 27 ArcticFox
On 4th draw, (E)CZE(M)A 13H 68 --- ECZEMA a skin disease [n]
Other moves: Z(O)EAE N10 66, Z(O)EAL N10 66, ZETA(S) 13J 52, ZETA 13J 51, (M)EZCALS O6 51
(M)EZCALS O6 51 LongJump22
C(R)AZES O7 48 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, WUTHERS O6 39 --- WUTHER to blow with a dull roaring sound [v]
Other moves: HEW G9 38, REWTHS O7 36, THEWS O8 33, WHETS O8 33, GUSHER O10 30
WUTHERS O6 39 Quincunx, UUU333
On 6th draw, HODJA N2 43 --- HODJA a title of respect [n]
Other moves: G*DJ*GADJO N2 39, YAH G7 37, HAJ 14M 32, AH N9 31, AY N9 31
HODJA N2 43 Vuincunx, HHH333
On 7th draw, MISEATEN 8A 83 --- MISEAT to eat improperly [v]
Other moves: MATINEES 8D 63, ETAMINES 8C 61, SEMINATE 8D 61, MAES N10 40, MEES N10 40
TAME O1 34 Wuincunx
SEME O1 34 Zuincunx
On 8th draw, REX O1 44 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other tops: NOX O1 44, RAX O1 44
Other moves: REXINE 9E 43, AXION 9F 40, EXINE 9F 40, EXO G8 40, AXE G6 35
NOX O1 44 Zuincunx
REX O1 44 Pacific
On 9th draw, LAWGIVER D2 80 --- LAWGIVER one who institutes a legal system [n]
Other moves: AW N9 31, GI M3 31, WAE N10 29, LA M3 27, LI M3 27
AW N9 31 Chelsea, Zuincunx
On 10th draw, MENSTRUA A8 83 --- MENSTRUA solvents [n] --- MENSTRUUM a solvent, pl MENSTRUUMS or MENSTRUA [n]
Other tops: ANESTRUM A1 83
Other moves: AUNTERS 14B 80, NATURES 14B 80, SAUNTERS C8 71, SAUTERNE G1 63, AUNTERS I1 62
REEST N10 36 sicilianc5
NE M3 27 Chelsea
On 11th draw, ORIENTED F3 65 --- ORIENT to acquaint with details of a situation [v]
Other moves: ED 14J 28, NE M3 27, NO M3 27, EN 14J 26, ER 14J 26
ED 14J 28 Chelsea, Mycophot, moonmonkey
NE M3 27 ArcticFox
On 12th draw, FOAM C3 40 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: FA M3 39, MAKO C1 39, KAMI 14K 38, KOA C3 34, KAF C1 32
FA M3 39 Chelsea, ArcticFox
On 13th draw, BI M3 35 --- BI a bisexual [n]
Other tops: BE M3 35
Other moves: GI M3 31, ED 14J 28, DIEB 14K 27, DINGE 14K 27, NE M3 27
BE M3 35 ArcticFox, Chelsea, sicilianc5
On 14th draw, ABORTIVE 15A 92 --- ABORTIVE failing to succeed [adj]
Other moves: BEVOR L4 34, VERB L4 32, VIBE L4 32, VIREO L4 32, VOTER L4 32
BEVOR L4 34 sicilianc5
VIBE L4 32 Chelsea
BEE N10 23 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, QI F14 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: EL 14J 26, EN 14J 26, OE 14I 26, LIGNE 14K 25, LEGION L4 24
QI F14 31 Chelsea, ArcticFox
On 16th draw, POLYGON I1 68 --- POLYGON a closed plane figure bounded by straight lines [n]
Other moves: GLOOPY L4 40, GOOPY L4 40, GOOLY L4 36, GOONY L4 36, LOOPY L4 36
LOOPY L4 36 ArcticFox
YOOP L4 32 Chelsea
On 17th draw, OKA H1 41 --- OKA a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other moves: KATIPO 1E 36, TILAK L4 36, DAKOIT L4 34, KADI L4 34, KAID L4 34
OKA H1 41 Chelsea
KID L4 32 ArcticFox
On 18th draw, DILLY L4 36 --- DILLY something remarkable [n] --- DILLY very pleasing [adj]
Other tops: DELLY L4 36, YIELD L4 36
Other moves: LINDY L4 34, LINEY L4 32, NELLY L4 32, Y*DYID J6 31, YILL J6 31
YIELD L4 36 ArcticFox
LINY B7 30 Chelsea
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