Game on April 8, 2024 at 13:33, 8 players
1. 323 pts Chelsea
2. 256 pts LongJump22
3. 235 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 72 72 


15E 107 179 


14J 47 226 


12F 30 256 


13G 35 291 


M10 30 321 


15M 31 352 


N6 26 378 


8K 36 414 


11K 28 442 


8A 101 543 


9B 23 566 


O1 37 603 


2J 32 635 


C8 30 665 


L1 38 703 


5H 45 748 


H1 45 793 


6I 38 831 


12A 22 853 


E5 28 881 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 4 11:16 -558 323 1.8492 LongJump22 4 4:02 -625 256
LongJump22 4 4:02 -625 256 2.8568 Quincunx 3 10:52 -646 235
Quincunx 3 10:52 -646 235 3.8538 Vuincunx 3 9:01 -665 216
Vuincunx 3 9:01 -665 216 4.8693 Xuincunx 4 6:09 -698 183
Xuincunx 4 6:09 -698 183 5.8376 Wuincunx 1 6:43 -742 139
Wuincunx 1 6:43 -742 139 Group: advanced
7. -
Zuincunx 1 7:33 -742 139 1.7089 Chelsea 4 11:16 -558 323
8. -
RRR333 1 1:57 -853 28 Group: not rated
1. - Zuincunx 1 7:33 -742 139
2. - RRR333 1 1:57 -853 28
On 1st draw, (S)TORMER H8 72 --- STORMER a humdinger, a really outstanding instance of something [n]
Other tops: REMOT(E)R H2 72, R(E)MOTER H2 72
Other moves: REMOT(E)R H3 68, REMOT(E)R H4 68, REMOT(E)R H6 68, REMOT(E)R H8 68, R(E)MOTER H4 68
REMOT(E)R H2 72 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, EVASION 15E 107 --- EVASION the act of evading [n]
Other moves: AVERSION 11E 94, EVASION(S) 8A 83, AVERSION 14E 71, EVASION I4 68, AVIONS 15C 66
EVASION 15E 107 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, WELTS 14J 47 --- WELT to mark with welts (ridges or lumps raised on the skin) [v]
Other moves: TROWELS 14G 37, TROWEL 14G 36, ROWELS 14H 34, ROWEL 14H 33, OWLETS L10 32
WELTS 14J 47 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 4th draw, COMAKER 12F 30 --- COMAKER one who assumes financial responsibility for another's default [n]
Other moves: MOCKER 12H 28, MUCKER 12H 28, CROAK 10F 27, CROOK 10F 27, KAE 13K 27
COMAKER 12F 30 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 5th draw, FEH 13G 35 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: FAITH 11K 34, HAFT 11K 32, HAUF 11K 32, HEFT 11K 32, FAH 11K 30
FAITH 11K 34 Vuincunx, Quincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 6th draw, POSIT M10 30 --- POSIT to place [v]
Other moves: ADDIOS M7 27, APODS M8 27, PADIS 11K 26, PADS M9 26, PODIA 11K 26
PODIA 11K 26 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 7th draw, SHA 15M 31 --- SHA used to urge silence [interj]
Other tops: SHE 15M 31
Other moves: BOOHS 11K 30, BOOH 11K 28, SOH 15M 28, BOHEAS N6 27, OBEAH 14A 25
BOOHS 11K 30 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 8th draw, BIRLED N6 26 --- BIRL to rotate a floating log [v] --- BIRLE to pour out [v]
Other moves: BIRDIE N6 25, BRIDIE N6 25, BRIDE N6 22, BIRLE N6 21, BIELD 14A 19
BIRLED N6 26 Chelsea
BILED 14A 19 Quincunx
On 9th draw, MBIRA 8K 36 --- MBIRA an African musical instrument [n]
Other moves: BARM 8L 33, DIRAM M3 33, BARD 8L 30, BIRD 8L 30, BRAIRD 8J 30
MBIRA 8K 36 Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx, Quincunx
BARM 8L 33 Chelsea
On 10th draw, FOOD 11K 28 --- FOOD a substance taken into the body to maintain life and growth [n]
Other moves: POOD 11K 24, P**FPOOF 14B 23, POUF 14B 23, P**FPOOF I7 22, ORF 11G 21
FOOD 11K 28 Chelsea
FAA O7 13 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 11th draw, DOZENT(H)(S) 8A 101 --- DOZENTH twelfth [n]
Other moves: ZON(A)TED I4 74, DOZENT(H) I2 68, ZON(A)TE O1 46, ZOO(I)D 10F 38, T(R)OOZ 10F 35
TOZED 14A 33 Xuincunx
DOZE 14B 30 Chelsea
On 12th draw, IOTA 9B 23 --- IOTA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: OAT 9B 20, AL 9C 17, AT 9C 17, IO 9B 17, ULTIMA K4 16
OAT 9B 20 Chelsea
On 13th draw, DEWANI O1 37 --- DEWANI the office of dewan [n]
Other tops: DAWTIE O1 37
Other moves: ZONATED C8 34, ZONATE C8 30, NIDATE O1 28, AW 7C 25, INDEW 14A 23
AW 7C 25 Chelsea
On 14th draw, PLEDGE 2J 32 --- PLEDGE to give as security for something borrowed [v]
Other moves: DEPUTE 2J 26, DELUGE 2J 24, PLEDGET D3 22, EUPLOID B4 20, GETUP 14A 20
PUDGE 14A 20 Chelsea
On 15th draw, ZONURE C8 30 --- ZONURE an African lizard [n]
Other moves: CERING L1 24, CRUE 1H 24, CERGE L1 22, ECRU 1G 22, GRUE 1H 21
CERING L1 24 Chelsea
On 16th draw, JEEL L1 38 --- JEEL to congeal [v]
Other moves: CEILI 3I 34, JEON 10F 27, JET F6 26, DJIN M2 24, CEILI L1 20
JEEL L1 38 Chelsea
On 17th draw, ATAXY 5H 45 --- ATAXY loss of muscular coordination [n]
Other moves: XI 7M 34, XI M7 34, GRAY 5I 31, ARTY 5I 29, GAY 5J 29
ATAXY 5H 45 Xuincunx
XI M7 34 Chelsea
On 18th draw, QUENA H1 45 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other moves: QUEAN 6F 44, QI 7M 42, QI M7 42, QUOTA 10F 36, QUOTE 10F 36
QUENA H1 45 Chelsea, Xuincunx
On 19th draw, AYU 6I 38 --- AYU a small fish [n]
Other moves: YU 6J 35, AY 6I 28, URINANT E5 28, AIRY O8 26, AYIN O10 25
AYU 6I 38 Xuincunx
On 20th draw, VIRE 12A 22 --- VIRE to transfer funds [v]
Other tops: VERT 12A 22
Other moves: ODE M1 21, GIVEN 4D 18, VEGO 3G 18, VOUGE 11A 18, GET D11 17
VIRE 12A 22 Xuincunx
On 21th draw, URINANT E5 28 --- URINANT diving head downward [adj]
Other moves: NOTICER 3C 26, NOURICE 3B 24, TROUNCE 3B 24, COINTER 3C 22, COUNTER 3C 22
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