Game on April 9, 2024 at 07:13, 8 players
1. 269 pts Chelsea
2. 200 pts LongJump22
3. 57 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


H1 42 68 


1H 86 154 


N1 44 198 


8D 65 263 


9H 32 295 


3E 63 358 


L3 36 394 


E5 76 470 


12A 36 506 


A10 33 539 


O5 25 564 


C9 44 608 


7G 28 636 


N8 24 660 


O12 27 687 


B12 30 717 


14J 32 749 


15F 35 784 


L11 48 832 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 2 9:19 -563 269 1.8614 LongJump22 3 3:34 -632 200
LongJump22 3 3:34 -632 200 2.8588 Quincunx 0 2:07 -775 57
Quincunx 0 2:07 -775 57 3.8604 Vuincunx 0 2:13 -775 57
Vuincunx 0 2:13 -775 57 4.8414 Wuincunx 0 1:01 -801 31
Wuincunx 0 1:01 -801 31 5.8582 Zuincunx 0 1:20 -801 31
Zuincunx 0 1:20 -801 31 Group: advanced
7. -
DDD333 1 1:15 -806 26 1.7080 Chelsea 2 9:19 -563 269
8. -
RRR333 1 1:42 -806 26 Group: not rated
1. - DDD333 1 1:15 -806 26
2. - RRR333 1 1:42 -806 26
On 1st draw, WORLD H4 26 --- WORLD the earth and all its inhabitants [n]
Other tops: WORLD(S) H4 26, WOULD H4 26, WOULD(S) H4 26, W(E)LDOR H4 26
Other moves: WOLD(S) H4 24, WORD(S) H4 24, WORD(Y) H4 24, WOR(L)D H4 24, WOU(L)D H4 24
WORLD H4 26 LongJump22, DDD333, RRR333
On 2nd draw, SUBWORLD H1 42 --- SUBWORLD a subdivision of a sphere of interest or activity [n]
Other moves: SWAB 9H 23, BESAW 9F 22, BESNOW 5D 22, BOWNES 5G 22, SUNBOW 5D 22
SWAB 9H 23 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, STEEPEN(S) 1H 86 --- STEEPEN to make steep [v]
Other tops: TE(R)PENES 1A 86, (K)EEPNETS 1A 86
Other moves: (R)EPENTED 8A 83, (R)EPETEND 8A 83, EN(S)TEEPS 1A 80, PENTE(N)ES 1A 80, PE(N)TENES 1A 80
(K)EEPNETS 1A 86 LongJump22
On 4th draw, NOTCHY N1 44 --- NOTCHY having notches [adj]
Other moves: BOTCHY 3H 34, HAO 2J 33, PATCHY L1 32, POACHY L1 32, POCHAY L1 32
On 5th draw, POUNDAGE 8D 65 --- POUNDAGE the act of impounding [n]
Other moves: UPGONE O6 32, UNPEG O6 29, OUPA O5 28, UPGO O6 26, AGONE O6 23
POUNDAGE 8D 65 LongJump22
On 6th draw, (S)EIF 9H 32 --- SEIF a long, narrow sand dune [n]
Other moves: FE(E) 2J 31, F(A)E 2J 31, F(E)E 2J 31, F(R)O 2J 31, FOGIE(S) L3 30
On 7th draw, TREBLING 3E 63 --- TREBLE to triple [v]
Other moves: ENGILT O6 26, ENGIRT O6 26, ERING O6 23, GEFILTE K7 22, REEFING K6 22
ENGILT O6 26 Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 8th draw, GYRONS L3 36 --- GYRON a heraldic inverted vee [n]
Other moves: OARY O5 31, GROANS L3 30, ARSY O6 26, OARY O6 26, QUAYS F7 25
OARY O5 31 Vuincunx, Quincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 9th draw, FLOOZIE E5 76 --- FLOOZIE a prostitute [n]
Other moves: FLOOZIE E6 38, FOOZLER 5F 38, VEZIR 6D 37, VIZOR 6D 37, ZOOEY 6J 37
On 10th draw, DARIS 12A 36 --- DARI Indian millet [n]
Other tops: DORIS 12A 36
Other moves: ADIOS 12A 34, AIDOS 12A 34, RAIDS 12A 34, ROADS 12A 34, ARIAS 12A 32
On 11th draw, BODICE A10 33 --- BODICE a corset [n]
Other tops: CEBOID A7 33
Other moves: BRACE B10 30, BRACT B10 30, CEBID A8 30, COARB B10 30, CORBIE 2A 30
BRACE B10 30 Chelsea
On 12th draw, AUTOS O5 25 --- AUTO to ride in an automobile [v]
Other tops: DUOS F7 25, OUDS O5 25
Other moves: ADUST O6 23, DSO 10J 23, AUTO O5 22, OAST O5 22, OATS O5 22
ADOS O6 20 Chelsea
On 13th draw, JERRID C9 44 --- JERRID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: JIRRE C9 40, J*WJEW N8 32, JIZ 9C 31, JERRID C10 28, JEDI N8 27
J*W N8JEW N8 32 Chelsea
On 14th draw, ELK 7G 28 --- ELK a large deer [n]
Other moves: KNAVE 2A 26, DAKER N8 25, DUAN F7 25, NAKED N8 24, DAK N8 23
NAKED N8 24 Chelsea
On 15th draw, MAVIN N8 24 --- MAVIN an expert [n]
Other tops: AM B14 24, EVADING 11E 24
Other moves: JIZ 9C 23, PI D8 23, DIVAN N8 22, AD B14 21, DIVA N8 21
PI D8 23 Chelsea
On 16th draw, UVAE O12 27 --- UVA a grape [n]
Other tops: UVEA O12 27
Other moves: VAULTER 6B 23, CADEAU 14A 22, AVAUNT 12J 20, AA B14 18, AE B14 18
UVAE O12 27 Chelsea
On 17th draw, AWA B12 30 --- AWA away [adj] --- AWA away [adv]
Other moves: CODDER 14A 24, REDOWA 14J 24, AD B14 21, OD B14 21, WEALD 6B 21
OD B14 21 Chelsea
On 18th draw, ADNEXA 14J 32 --- ADNEXA conjoined anatomical parts [n]
Other tops: HOAXER 5G 32
Other moves: EXINE J1 28, NOAH K3 28, AXONE 2A 26, HEXADE 15J 25, EX D14 24
HOAXER 5G 32 Chelsea
On 19th draw, MIGHT 15F 35 --- MIGHT strength [n]
Other moves: LITHO 15G 32, MOTH 15G 32, HOLM 15G 31, GOTH 15G 29, LIGHT 15F 29
MOTH 15G 32 Chelsea
On 20th draw, TRANQ L11 48 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QAID K11 28, QI D4 27, QI 13J 26, ARIOT 13I 24, JIZ 9C 23
QAID K11 28 Chelsea
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