Game on April 9, 2024 at 11:52, 9 players
1. 280 pts Chelsea
2. 210 pts LongJump22
3. 129 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


4H 34 82 


8A 92 174 


M1 36 210 


B2 78 288 


2H 66 354 


5D 107 461 


1F 42 503 


A1 24 527 


O1 39 566 


6J 35 601 


D8 22 623 


G8 59 682 


12F 84 766 


15D 45 811 


14J 53 864 


15M 43 907 


11I 43 950 


10J 37 987 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 3 7:32 -707 280 1.8614 LongJump22 4 3:45 -777 210
LongJump22 4 3:45 -777 210 2.8604 Vuincunx 2 2:28 -858 129
Vuincunx 2 2:28 -858 129 3.8588 Quincunx 1 2:25 -900 87
Quincunx 1 2:25 -900 87 4.8550 Zuincunx 1 2:00 -918 69
Zuincunx 1 2:00 -918 69 5.8414 Wuincunx 0 1:28 -948 39
6. -
DDD333 1 1:45 -934 53 Group: advanced
7. -
SSS333 1 1:27 -939 48 1.7116 Chelsea 3 7:32 -707 280
Wuincunx 0 1:28 -948 39 Group: not rated
9. -
GGG333 1 1:52 -950 37 1. - DDD333 1 1:45 -934 53
2. - SSS333 1 1:27 -939 48
3. - GGG333 1 1:52 -950 37
On 1st draw, ZILLS H4 48 --- ZILL one of a pair of finger cymbals [n]
Other tops: ZILL(A)S H4 48, ZO(R)ILS H4 48
Other moves: ZILL(A) H4 46, ZILL(S) H4 46, ZIL(A)S H4 46, ZIL(L)S H4 46, ZI(L)LS H4 46
ZO(R)ILS H4 48 LongJump22
ZILLS H4 48 SSS333, Quincunx
On 2nd draw, ZAYIN 4H 34 --- ZAYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: MANI I3 24, WAN I3 23, WINEY 5G 22, MAN I3 21, MYELIN 6E 21
ZAYIN 4H 34 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, RETWIS(T)S 8A 92 --- RETWIST to twist again [v]
Other tops: RE(T)WISTS 8A 92
Other moves: TWIS(T)ER M1 88, T(O)WSIER M1 88, W(A)ISTER M1 88, W(A)STRIE M2 88, (T)WISTER M1 88
RETWIS(T)S 8A 92 LongJump22
On 4th draw, DAISY M1 36 --- DAISY a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: DAYS M1 34, DOYS M1 34, YADS M1 34, Y*DSYIDS M1 34, YODS M1 34
DAISY M1 36 LongJump22
On 5th draw, IMPELLER B2 78 --- IMPELLER one that impels [n]
Other moves: IMPELLER B5 70, RIMPLED 1G 39, IMPLED 1H 36, LIMPED 1H 36, PRIMED 1H 36
RIMPLED 1G 39 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
PRIMED 1H 36 Chelsea
On 6th draw, AD(J)UTANT 2H 66 --- ADJUTANT a officer assisting a commanding officer [n]
Other moves: ATTUN(E)D N5 64, STAND(O)UT F8 62, UNSTAT(E)D F6 62, (O)UTSTAND F5 62, UNTAST(E)D F4 60
(S)TAUN A1 28 Chelsea
DAUNT(E)D 1G 24 Zuincunx
On 7th draw, UPRAISED 5D 107 --- UPRAISE to raise up [v]
Other moves: UPRAISED E4 94, ASPIRED 5E 53, PRAISED 5E 53, SPARED 1C 45, SPREAD 1C 45
DRAPE 1E 39 Chelsea
On 8th draw, QAT 1F 42 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: IDEA 1L 29, TOQUE D2 28, TOGAE 1D 27, TOGAE 1E 27, GATE 1F 24
QAT 1F 42 Chelsea
On 9th draw, VAU A1 24 --- VAU the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other tops: MARVER 3B 24, MAUVER 3B 24, VAE A1 24
Other moves: BAUR A2 22, WAVER D8 22, AVER N5 20, DAE 1M 20, DUE 1M 20
WAVER D8 22 Chelsea
On 10th draw, ATOK O1 39 --- ATOK a skunk [n]
Other moves: KAM C1 35, HAM C1 33, DAM C1 29, HOKUM D2 28, KHOUM D2 28
YEH J4 17 Chelsea
On 11th draw, HER 6J 35 --- HER the objective or possessive case of the pronoun she [pron]
Other tops: HEN 6J 35
Other moves: HE 6J 34, HONOUR D1 26, WHEREON D8 26, WHEEN D8 22, WHERE D8 22
HEN 6J 35 Chelsea
On 12th draw, WOVEN D8 22 --- WOVEN a woven fabric [n]
Other moves: EVEN N5 20, EVOE N5 20, OVEN N5 20, CORVES F3 19, EVE N5 19
WOVEN D8 22 Chelsea
On 13th draw, (T)EENTIER G8 59 --- TEENTY tiny [adj]
Other tops: INTERNEE 12C 59
Other moves: REI 2D 18, TI 2E 17, EERIE E11 16, REENTER L6 16, REINTER L6 16
On 14th draw, ETHANOIC 12F 84 --- ETHANOIC as in ethanoic acid, the same as acetic acid [adj]
Other moves: OENANTHIC 12B 68, CHORINE 15D 45, CHOREA 15D 42, CHORIA 15D 42, ARCHINE 15F 39
CHORE 15D 39 Chelsea
On 15th draw, FERRUGO 15D 45 --- FERRUGO a plant disease [n]
Other moves: RETURF 15G 39, FRORE 15D 36, FUERO 15D 36, FERRUGO 15E 33, FOREGUT 15E 33
FERRUGO 15D 45 Zuincunx
On 16th draw, WIFED 14J 53 --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: FEEDER F10 42, WEEDER F10 42, FEW 11I 35, FEED F10 34, WEED F10 34
WIFED 14J 53 Vuincunx, DDD333
On 17th draw, MIX 15M 43 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other moves: PIX 4B 42, POX 4B 42, JO 11K 38, JOT 11I 35, OXIM 14B 35
On 18th draw, JOB 11I 43 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: JO 11K 38, BENJ C11 32, JOBE 14A 31, JOCO 14A 31, JEON 14B 29
On 19th draw, BOCAGE 10J 37 --- BOCAGE a thicket [n]
Other moves: BAC 10J 29, CAB 10J 29, CAGE 10J 29, COB 10J 29, BAG 10J 28
BOCAGE 10J 37 Vuincunx, GGG333
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