Game on April 10, 2024 at 17:19, 8 players
1. 315 pts LongJump22
2. 142 pts Quincunx
3. 96 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 66 66 


14C 85 151 


10B 75 226 


E5 90 316 


15A 52 368 


8A 54 422 


15J 23 445 


8H 80 525 


F2 43 568 


3B 76 644 


2I 84 728 


K5 36 764 


1L 47 811 


1G 39 850 


4A 41 891 


3M 28 919 


13A 26 945 


M7 48 993 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 3:59 -678 315 1.8716 LongJump22 3 3:59 -678 315
Quincunx 1 4:03 -851 142 2.8610 Quincunx 1 4:03 -851 142
moonmonkey 2 2:55 -897 96 3.8552 Wuincunx 0 1:05 -945 48
4. -
HHH333 1 1:50 -939 54 4.8468 Zuincunx 0 1:28 -945 48
Wuincunx 0 1:05 -945 48 5.8598 Vuincunx 0 1:54 -953 40
Zuincunx 0 1:28 -945 48 Group: advanced
7. -
CCC333 1 1:58 -950 43 1.7757 moonmonkey 2 2:55 -897 96
Vuincunx 0 1:54 -953 40 Group: not rated
1. - HHH333 1 1:50 -939 54
2. - CCC333 1 1:58 -950 43
On 1st draw, TROELIE H8 66 --- TROELIE a leaf of the bussu palm [n]
Other tops: TROELIE H2 66, TROELIE H3 66, TROELIE H4 66, TROELIE H6 66, TROELIE H7 66
Other moves: TROELIE H5 64, ETOILE H3 14, ETOILE H4 14, ETOILE H7 14, ETOILE H8 14
TROELIE H8 66 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, INEXPERT 14C 85 --- INEXPERT one who is unskilled [n]
Other moves: INEXPERT 11C 84, INEXPERT 11F 84, INEXPERT 14F 75, PREX G10 46, NEXT G11 42
INEXPERT 11F 84 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, SKI(N)FOOD 10B 75 --- SKINFOOD a cosmetic intended to nourish the skin [n]
Other moves: DISFRO(C)K 9D 70, SKI(N)FOOD 10C 69, (A)DIOS 15D 56, DI(E)S 15E 51, D(U)OS 15E 51
SKI(N)FOOD 10B 75 LongJump22
On 4th draw, BAITI(N)GS E5 90 --- BAITING fish or worms used as bait [n]
Other moves: BAITI(N)G E5 36, BASTI(N)G E5 36, BIASI(N)G E5 36, AS 15G 34, IS 15G 34
BAITI(N)GS E5 90 LongJump22
BAITI(N)GS E5 40 Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 5th draw, ZONER 15A 52 --- ZONER one that zones [n]
Other tops: ZONAE 15A 52
Other moves: AZIONE 15J 50, ZEINS 12A 48, ZEROS 12A 48, ZINES 12A 48, ZOEAS 12A 48
ZONES 12A 48 Wuincunx, Zuincunx, Quincunx
On 6th draw, WHEFT 8A 54 --- WHEFT an ensign, flag or signal [n]
Other moves: THEFT 8A 45, WHEAT 8A 36, THAW F3 35, THEW F3 35, FAH F4 34
WHEFT 8A 54 Quincunx, HHH333
On 7th draw, OUTLIE 15J 23 --- OUTLIE to lie beyond [v]
Other tops: EAU 9A 23, OIL 9A 23
Other moves: KAOLIN C10 20, BAILOUT 5E 18, OUTLIE F1 18, AE 9B 17, AI 9B 17
OUTLIE 15J 23 moonmonkey
On 8th draw, TORME(N)TA 8H 80 --- TORMENTUM a missile hurler, pl TORMENTUMS or TORMENTA [n]
Other tops: MO(D)ERATE O8 80, O(V)ERTAME O8 80, TA(U)TOMER 8H 80, TERATOM(A) 8H 80, TER(A)TOMA 8H 80
Other moves: AMORET(S) F1 75, AMORET(S) J4 75, OMERTA(S) J4 75, O(V)ERTAME C1 74, AMORET(T)I N8 72
MO(D)ERATE O8 30 moonmonkey
On 9th draw, COPAY F2 43 --- COPAY a fee required by a health insurer to be paid by the patient [n]
Other moves: CLAY F3 34, CLOY F3 34, PLAY F3 34, PLOY F3 34, CAY F4 33
COPAY F2 43 moonmonkey, CCC333
On 10th draw, BANDORES 3B 76 --- BANDORE ancient musical instrument [n]
Other moves: BRANDERS J2 71, BANDSTER N3 67, BARTENDS N5 65, BROADENS 3D 63, BANED G3 35
On 11th draw, AMIDINE 2I 84 --- AMIDINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: DIAMINE 4H 81, DIAMINE 2H 79, LIMNAEID 12H 76, INDAMI(N)E M2 74, MINIATED N3 67
On 12th draw, ENAMELS K5 36 --- ENAMEL to cover with a hard, glossy surface [v]
Other tops: ANELES 1H 36
Other moves: AS 15G 34, ES 15G 34, SALUE 1K 34, UNEASE 1G 34, ANELE 1H 31
On 13th draw, ALOW 1L 47 --- ALOW in or to a lower position [adv]
Other tops: ALEW 1L 47
Other moves: CAWED 1G 46, COWED 1G 46, DWALE 1H 46, COWAL 1G 42, DECLAWED L2 42
On 14th draw, QUA 1G 39 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: TOQUE N8 34, QAT N6 32, VARE 4A 32, VERA 4A 32, ARVO 1G 31
On 15th draw, HOYA 4A 41 --- HOYA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: HOYA 13A 35, HOYA 2A 35, HARO 4A 32, HORA 4A 32, OARY 4A 32
On 16th draw, GED 3M 28 --- GED a food fish [n]
Other moves: DEV 13A 26, GUV 13A 26, RECUR G3 25, REV 13A 24, CRUDE L4 23
On 17th draw, GUV 13A 26 --- GUV a governor [n]
Other moves: VIRUS 12A 24, GUV G5 23, VIG 13A 22, VUG 13A 22, GUR G5 17
On 18th draw, I(N)JUNCT M7 48 --- INJUNCT to prohibit [v]
Other moves: JUT N6 26, JERK C7 24, INJURE O10 21, CUR G5 19, CUT G5 19
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