Game on April 11, 2024 at 12:27, 8 players
1. 239 pts Chelsea
2. 193 pts LongJump22
3. 95 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 22 22 


13B 93 115 


10F 66 181 


B10 36 217 


15A 42 259 


N10 39 298 


J4 69 367 


A5 84 451 


M10 28 479 


5H 66 545 


8J 51 596 


O12 37 633 


B2 53 686 


6L 61 747 


4L 42 789 


H1 27 816 


A1 46 862 


2G 37 899 


C1 25 924 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 0 8:14 -685 239 1.8706 LongJump22 4 3:24 -731 193
LongJump22 4 3:24 -731 193 2.8577 Quincunx 2 2:34 -829 95
Quincunx 2 2:34 -829 95 3.8598 Vuincunx 1 1:06 -882 42
4. -
HHH333 1 1:56 -863 61 4.8634 Wuincunx 1 1:24 -882 42
5. -
SSS333 1 1:25 -871 53 5.8578 Zuincunx 1 1:48 -882 42
Vuincunx 1 1:06 -882 42 Group: advanced
Wuincunx 1 1:24 -882 42 1.7126 Chelsea 0 8:14 -685 239
Zuincunx 1 1:48 -882 42 Group: not rated
1. - HHH333 1 1:56 -863 61
2. - SSS333 1 1:25 -871 53
On 1st draw, TELESM H7 22 --- TELESM a talisman [n]
Other tops: EMLETS H3 22, EMULES H3 22, MUSTEE H4 22
Other moves: MEETS H4 20, MELTS H4 20, MESEL H4 20, METES H4 20, MEUSE H4 20
STEEM H8 20 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, KUCHENS 13B 93 --- KUCHEN a coffee cake [n]
Other moves: KUCHENS G1 73, CHUNKS 13C 49, SUCKEN 13H 35, KEECH 10F 32, KUCHENS 11B 32
CHEEKS 10F 31 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, OVEREDIT 10F 66 --- OVEREDIT to edit more than necessary [v]
Other tops: OVEREDIT 10D 66
Other moves: OVEREDIT 8D 63, OVEREDIT 8F 63, TORSIVE 11E 40, VERDICT D8 34, ROISTED 11E 32
VOICED D10 28 Chelsea
On 4th draw, PINKIE B10 36 --- PINKIE a small narrow-sterned ship [n]
Other tops: PERKIN B10 36, PINKER B10 36
Other moves: PLINKER B9 30, LIP 14A 26, NIP 14A 26, RIP 14A 26, IMPERIL 12G 24
LIP 14A 26 Chelsea
On 5th draw, BEWRAP 15A 42 --- BEWRAP to wrap completely [v]
Other moves: WEBINAR 15A 39, AW A14 32, IMPAWN 12G 28, INWRAP L10 28, NEAP 15A 27
WEB 15A 24 Chelsea
On 6th draw, SWARM N10 39 --- SWARM to move in a large group [v]
Other moves: GROMA A8 38, SOWAR N10 35, WARMS N6 35, WORMS N6 35, MISGROW L9 34
WARMS N6 35 Chelsea
On 7th draw, (S)TANZAED J4 69 --- STANZA a division of a poem [adj] --- STANZAED having a stanza [adj]
Other moves: (S)TANZAED 8B 68, DZ(O) A8 39, Z(E)A M12 39, Z(O)A M12 39, ZA M12 37
Z(E)A M12 39 Chelsea
On 8th draw, AN(T)IBUG A5 84 --- ANTIBUG effective against bugs [adj]
Other moves: BU(B)INGA(S) 4C 72, (B)UBINGA(S) 4C 72, ABUT(T)ING 5G 70, ABU(T)TING 5F 70, (D)AUBING(S) 4C 70
B(E)AN O12 36 Chelsea
On 9th draw, TOFU M10 28 --- TOFU a soft Oriental cheese made from soybean milk [n]
Other moves: FAUN M12 27, FAUT M12 27, FITNA B2 26, FU(S)TIAN 4H 26, DIF 11J 25
On 10th draw, ROTTENER 5H 66 --- ROTTEN being in a state of decay [adj]
Other tops: ROTTENER 5G 66
Other moves: TENOR O11 38, TREEN O11 38, ORDER K8 31, REEN O12 29, TEEN O12 29
On 11th draw, ZONOID 8J 51 --- ZONOID resembling a zone [adj]
Other moves: FROND O4 39, FOH 6L 37, FIDO 4L 36, FOH 4L 35, HOOFED L1 34
On 12th draw, GEIT O12 37 --- GEIT a child [n]
Other moves: GIVER H1 30, GIVER O1 30, VIGOR H1 30, VIGOR O1 30, VOGIE B2 28
GEIT O12 37 LongJump22
On 13th draw, SAVEY B2 53 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other moves: SAVORY O1 39, SAVEY N2 38, SAYED B4 36, SYVER H1 36, SYVER O1 36
SAVEY B2 53 LongJump22, SSS333, Quincunx
On 14th draw, FAX 6L 61 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other tops: HEX 6L 61
Other moves: LATEX N2 56, TELEX N2 56, AXE 6M 55, LAX 6L 55, LEX 6L 55
FAX 6L 61 LongJump22
HEX 6L 61 HHH333
On 15th draw, DATO 4L 42 --- DATO a Philippine tribal chief [n]
Other tops: DATA 4L 42
Other moves: TALA 4L 38, DAL 4L 35, TAD 4L 34, (S)IDA 4J 27, LATEX N2 24
DATA 4L 42 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 16th draw, HILAR H1 27 --- HILAR pertaining to a hilum [adj]
Other moves: LAH A1 25, RAH A1 25, LATEX N2 24, GHI C1 23, DAHL K10 22
On 17th draw, JOY A1 46 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JOY C1 38, JAYGEE 3A 34, JEE A1 34, JOE A1 34, JOL A1 34
On 18th draw, CIRQUE 2G 37 --- CIRQUE a deep, steep-walled basin on a mountain [n]
Other moves: QUIRE 2F 36, GUANACO M2 26, CLIQUE 2F 25, LEG C1 25, REG C1 25
On 19th draw, LEG C1 25 --- LEG to move with the legs (appendages that serve as a means of support and locomotion) [v]
Other moves: GEE C1 23, LEE C1 21, OGEE 1L 21, OGLE 1L 21, DOGIE K10 20
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