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Game on April 14, 2024 at 23:18, 5 players
1. 305 pts roocatcher
2. 224 pts sunshine12
3. 206 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aacdein   H7    76    76   aidance
 2. ?efoptw   I5    31   107   powter
 3. aehlort   G5    84   191   rathole
 4. aeepqrs   J6    35   226   pas
 5. aeeostv   H1    41   267   stave
 6. ?acdoqu  13C    42   309   casqued
 7. eehikrs   3D    71   380   shikaree
 8. adeorsu  12H    79   459   caroused
 9. abefiot   2J    44   503   befit
10. aeginov   1K    47   550   vogie
11. adllowx   2E    55   605   ox
12. aelnnou   M6    70   675   annulose
13. eginoor   C6    64   739   orogenic
14. aelmnru   E6    68   807   numerals
15. diilrwz   B4    66   873   wiz
16. fiijnrt  O12    36   909   djin
17. diirtty   A6    40   949   ditty
18. bgilmry   4J    45   994   grimly

Remaining tiles: bf

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7104 Fileroocatcher  2  8:57  -689  305     1.7104 roocatcher  2  8:57  -689  305 
  2.7430 Filesunshine12  3  5:46  -770  224     2.7430 sunshine12  3  5:46  -770  224 
  3.7531 FileGLOBEMAN    2  4:53  -788  206     3.7531 GLOBEMAN    2  4:53  -788  206 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:15  -967   27            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:53  -967   27     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:15  -967   27 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:53  -967   27 

On 1st draw, AIDANCE H7 76 --- AIDANCE help [n]
Other moves: AIDANCE H2 74, AIDANCE H3 72, AIDANCE H4 72, AIDANCE H6 72, AIDANCE H8 72
CANID H4 22 roocatcher

On 2nd draw, POWTE(R) I5 31 --- POWTER a domestic pigeon [n] --- POWTER to poke [v]
Other tops: F(L)OP G7 31
Other moves: EWFTE(S) 13H 30, F(L)OTE G7 30, O(U)TWEEP 13C 30, W(E)FTE G5 30, Po*F G7 29
WE(S)T 14F 24 roocatcher

On 3rd draw, RATHOLE G5 84 --- RATHOLE a hole made by a rat [n]
Other moves: CHELATOR 12H 78, CHLORATE 12H 78, TROCHLEA 12E 76, LOATHER G1 69, HEAL J6 41
EARTH G3 26 roocatcher

On 4th draw, PAS J6 35 --- PA a father [n] --- PAS a dance step [n]
Other moves: REAPS J3 34, ESCAPER 12F 33, RAPS J4 33, REPS J4 33, REAPS F3 32
REAPS F3 32 roocatcher

On 5th draw, STAVE H1 41 --- STAVE to drive or thrust away [v]
Other tops: SOAVE H1 41, STOVE H1 41
Other moves: OVATE H1 32, VESTA H1 32, OVATES K2 31, VETOES K2 31, VOTEENS 11C 31
VESTA 14F 29 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 6th draw, CA(S)QUED 13C 42 --- CASQUE a helmet [adj] --- CASQUED having a casque [adj]
Other tops: CA(L)QUED 13C 42
Other moves: (S)UQ 14H 41, DOCQU(E)T 2B 40, QUAC(K)ED 13C 40, DOCQUE(T) 13C 38, O(P)AQUED 13C 38

On 7th draw, SHIKAREE 3D 71 --- SHIKAREE a big game hunter [n]
Other moves: HIKES K3 37, KHI J10 37, KIR J10 34, KIS J10 34, SHARK D11 34

On 8th draw, CAROUSED 12H 79 --- CAROUSE to engage in a carousal [v]
Other moves: AROUSED 14I 73, OREAD 2B 34, SOARED L3 34, SOURED L3 34, DOSER L1 32

On 9th draw, BEFIT 2J 44 --- BEFIT to be suitable for [v]
Other moves: BOATIE 2J 40, BOITE 2J 38, TOFT 2H 32, BOITE 11K 31, FAB 2J 31

On 10th draw, VOGIE 1K 47 --- VOGIE vain [adj]
Other tops: VEGAN 1K 47
Other moves: EVADING O9 36, VOGIE 4A 35, NAEVOID O6 33, VADING O10 33, VEENA N10 32
VOGIE 1K 47 sunshine12

On 11th draw, OX 2E 55 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 2E 55
Other moves: WOAD 11K 33, DEWAX N11 32, OX 11K 31, OX 13M 31, WAXEN 11D 30
OX 2E 55 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 12th draw, ANNULOSE M6 70 --- ANNULOSE pertaining to a ring [adj] --- ANNULUS a ring or ringlike part [adj]
Other moves: ANNULO(S)E E7 64, ENSOUL D1 24, UNLADEN O8 24, UNSEAL D1 24, ULNAE 11J 22
UNDONE O10 21 roocatcher

On 13th draw, OROGENIC C6 64 --- OROGENIC pertaining to orogeny [adj] --- OROGENY mountain formation by lifting and folding [adj]
Other moves: REIGN 1A 30, ERINGO 4J 28, ERGON 1A 27, ERODING O9 27, GENRO 1A 27
ERODING O9 27 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 14th draw, NUMERAL(S) E6 68 --- NUMERAL a symbol that expresses a number [n]
Other moves: MURENA D8 40, MANURE B6 39, ENARM B2 36, LARUM B2 36, REALM B2 36
MAULED O7 27 chunk88

On 15th draw, WIZ B4 66 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other moves: RIZ B4 63, WIZ L4 41, DZO 8A 39, RIZ L4 35, DZO 6A 33
WIZ B4 66 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 16th draw, DJIN O12 36 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: FIT B10 31, TRIFID O7 30, RAJ 6L 26, TAJ 6L 26, JOINT K11 24
DJIN O12 36 roocatcher

On 17th draw, DITTY A6 40 --- DITTY a short, simple song [n] --- DITTY to put to music [v]
Other tops: DIRTY A6 40
Other moves: DRY A6 34, Y*D B10 33, DIRT A6 28, DITT A6 28, DRY N4 28
Y*D B10 33 roocatcher

On 18th draw, GRIMLY 4J 45 --- GRIMLY in a grim manner [adv]
Other moves: GRIMY 4J 35, INBY 8L 30, LIMY N4 30, RIMY N4 30, BY N5 28

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