Game on April 15, 2024 at 12:10, 15 players
1. 198 pts Pacific
2. 133 pts LongJump22
3. 132 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 34 34 


13C 33 67 


8C 66 133 


E4 90 223 


D1 38 261 


1A 149 410 


6B 73 483 


F10 36 519 


15D 42 561 


12A 56 617 


A11 42 659 


14I 43 702 


M12 38 740 


7A 24 764 


12K 30 794 


O6 80 874 


N2 31 905 


O1 49 954 


M3 26 980 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 3 3:03 -782 198 1.9856 Pacific 3 3:03 -782 198
LongJump22 3 3:43 -847 133 Group: expert
ArcticFox 2 3:32 -848 132 1.8613 LongJump22 3 3:43 -847 133
moonmonkey 3 2:26 -876 104 2.8240 Quincunx 1 1:30 -891 89
Quincunx 1 1:30 -891 89 3.8447 Wuincunx 1 2:43 -907 73
6. -
GGG333 2 3:44 -907 73 4.8355 Vuincunx 1 3:38 -907 73
Wuincunx 1 2:43 -907 73 5.8269 Zuincunx 1 2:37 -911 69
Vuincunx 1 3:38 -907 73 Group: advanced
Zuincunx 1 2:37 -911 69 1.7144 ArcticFox 2 3:32 -848 132
10. -
DDD333 1 1:46 -924 56 2.7744 moonmonkey 3 2:26 -876 104
HollyIvy 1 1:00 -938 42 3.7513 HollyIvy 1 1:00 -938 42
sicilianc5 1 1:29 -938 42 4.7608 sicilianc5 1 1:29 -938 42
Mycophot 1 1:45 -938 42 5.7801 Mycophot 1 1:45 -938 42
14. -
HHH333 1 1:35 -946 34 Group: not rated
15. -
SSS333 1 1:57 -946 34 1. - GGG333 2 3:44 -907 73
2. - DDD333 1 1:46 -924 56
3. - HHH333 1 1:35 -946 34
4. - SSS333 1 1:57 -946 34
On 1st draw, SHEIK H8 34 --- SHEIK an Arab chief [n]
Other moves: HIKES H4 32, HOIKS H4 32, HOKES H4 32, HOKIS H4 32, HIKES H8 26
SHEIK H8 34 Pacific, LongJump22, HHH333, SSS333
On 2nd draw, TOWIES 13C 33 --- TOWIE a form of contract bridge for three players [n]
Other moves: STOGIE 13H 29, TOWSE 13E 26, OWSE 13F 25, SWIG 13H 25, SWOT 13H 24
TOWIES 13C 33 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 3rd draw, EPINASTY 8C 66 --- EPINASTY a downward bending of plant parts [n]
Other moves: PINETA 14B 35, YAP 12D 35, TAPEN 14B 33, PIETA 12A 31, PAEONY D10 30
EPINASTY 8C 66 LongJump22
On 4th draw, UNBAIT(E)D E4 90 --- UNBAITED not baited [adj]
Other tops: UNBAIT(E)D 11D 90
Other moves: TU(R)BANED C2 76, UNAB(A)TED C2 76, UNBA(I)TED C2 76, UNBA(S)TED C2 76, UN(A)BATED C2 76
ABUND(A)NT F2 66 Pacific
UNBAIT(E)D 11D 40 Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 5th draw, VARY D1 38 --- VARY to become or make different [v]
Other moves: RAYON 14B 36, NAY F4 33, NOY F4 33, RAY F4 33, NAVY D1 32
RAY F4 33 Quincunx, Zuincunx
On 6th draw, S(W)IVELED 1A 149 --- SWIVEL to turn on a pivoted support [v]
Other tops: SILVE(R)ED 1A 149, SLIVE(R)ED 1A 149, S(N)IVELED 1A 149
Other moves: DEVILES(S) 1B 83, DEVILE(S)S 1B 83, DEVILE(T)S 1B 83, L(A)KESIDE 12F 77, KIL(L)DEES 12H 76
On 7th draw, HARBOURS 6B 73 --- HARBOUR to shelter [v]
Other moves: HAROS 14B 33, HORIS F10 33, HORI F10 30, HA F10 28, HO F10 28
On 8th draw, FOMITE F10 36 --- FOMITE an inanimate object that serves to transmit infectious organisms [n]
Other tops: FLAM 12A 36, FOAM 12A 36, METIF F10 36, MOTIF F10 36
Other moves: EFT 14E 34, FETIAL F10 34, OFT 14E 34, FOLIA F10 33, FOLIE F10 33
FOAM 12A 36 Zuincunx
On 9th draw, WEEING 15D 42 --- WEE to urinate [v]
Other moves: AWEING 15D 33, WIGEON 15C 33, GNAW 12A 32, WHAE 9G 32, WHIO 9G 32
WEEING 15D 42 Pacific, GGG333
On 10th draw, QAID 12A 56 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: ARANEID 2D 25, QI 14B 24, IDEA C1 23, KINDER 12H 22, KINRED 12H 22
QAID 12A 56 Quincunx, Pacific, ArcticFox, DDD333
On 11th draw, AQUAE A11 42 --- AQUA water [n]
Other tops: QUAD A12 42
Other moves: IDEA C1 23, AHEAD 9G 22, AREAD 2F 21, HEADER 9H 20, RHEA 9G 20
QUAD A12 42 ArcticFox, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 12th draw, AGRIZE 14I 43 --- AGRIZE to terrify [v]
Other moves: AGRIZE 5I 34, ZEA B10 34, BAIZE 7J 33, BRAZE 7J 33, BRIZE 7J 33
AGRIZE 14I 43 moonmonkey
ZEA B10 34 ArcticFox
On 13th draw, JIZ M12 38 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: NOEL 15L 31, NOLE 15L 31, NOTE 15L 31, TOLE 15L 31, TONE 15L 31
On 14th draw, FOP 7A 24 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other moves: FANON 2C 23, FET 9C 23, FIT 9C 23, TENNO I8 22, NEP 7A 21
On 15th draw, OBJET 12K 30 --- OBJET an object [n]
Other moves: BENJ 12J 26, FOB A7 24, BEGONE N9 22, TENNO I8 22, FEG A7 21
OBJET 12K 30 moonmonkey
On 16th draw, LOCALITE O6 80 --- LOCALITE a resident of a locality [n]
Other moves: COLLATE O7 27, CALLET O7 24, COLLET O7 24, ILEAC 2F 24, LOCATE O8 24
On 17th draw, MONGED N2 31 --- MONGED under the influence of drugs [adj]
Other moves: DOGMEN N2 30, TONGED N2 27, MODGE N2 26, FEM A7 24, GNOME N2 24
MONGED N2 31 moonmonkey, GGG333
On 18th draw, COX O1 49 --- COX to steer a racing rowboat [v]
Other moves: LOX O1 43, LUX O1 43, NOX O1 43, TUX O1 43, COX 9A 41
On 19th draw, NU M3 26 --- NU a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: VOX 3M 26
Other moves: LOX 3M 20, NOX 3M 20, FLU A7 18, FUN A7 18, FUR A7 18
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