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Game on April 15, 2024 at 23:02, 5 players
1. 140 pts roocatcher
2. 37 pts sunshine12
3. 37 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ginort   H6    68    68   routing
 2. moorstw  13C    28    96   wroots
 3. adelrtu   D8    74   170   ultrared
 4. ?aadelu  15C    77   247   adulated
 5. eehkott   5H    33   280   theek
 6. denoppu  14I    35   315   pouped
 7. adefmoy   6J    48   363   fayed
 8. aceirrs   M8    72   435   creasier
 9. aehiilo   8K    33   468   elchi
10. eeimnru   N8    29   497   heme
11. aclqstu   L1    68   565   quacky
12. aginnoy   2J    34   599   young
13. agijlrt   1F    44   643   jirga
14. afimosv  L11    36   679   vamp
15. abinosx  15M    33   712   rax
16. befinot   8A    30   742   boeuf
17. eiilstw   C1    74   816   lewisite
18. biinnoo   B2    25   841   boo
19. iinnstz   4A    48   889   zoist
20. iinnnnv   M1    21   910   inn

Remaining tiles: iinnnv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7038 Fileroocatcher  2  5:42  -770  140     1.7038 roocatcher  2  5:42  -770  140 
  2.7435 Filesunshine12  0  1:26  -873   37     2.7435 sunshine12  0  1:26  -873   37 
  3.7525 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:58  -873   37     3.7525 GLOBEMAN    0  1:58  -873   37 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:24  -889   21            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:54  -897   13     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:24  -889   21 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:54  -897   13 

On 1st draw, RO(U)TING H6 68 --- ROUTE to send on a particular course [v] --- ROUTING going to receptions [n]
Other tops: G(E)NITOR H4 68, IGN(I)TOR H3 68, OR(A)TING H6 68, O(U)TRING H6 68, RIOT(I)NG H6 68, ROT(T)ING H6 68, RO(A)TING H6 68, RO(O)TING H6 68, RO(R)TING H6 68, RO(S)TING H6 68, RO(T)TING H6 68, RO(W)TING H6 68, R(I)OTING H6 68, R(O)OTING H6 68, TO(U)RING H6 68, TRO(K)ING H6 68, TRO(P)ING H6 68, TRO(W)ING H6 68, (D)ORTING H6 68, (F)ORTING H6 68, (I)GNITOR H3 68, (P)ORTING H6 68, (R)ORTING H6 68, (S)ORTING H6 68, (S)TORING H6 68
Other moves: G(E)NITOR H2 66, G(E)NITOR H6 66, G(E)NITOR H7 66, G(E)NITOR H8 66, IGN(I)TOR H2 66

On 2nd draw, WROOTS 13C 28 --- WROOT to turn up with the snout [v]
Other tops: SMOWT 5D 28
Other moves: SOWM G5 27, WOST G7 27, MOTORS 13C 26, WROOTS 5D 26, MOTORS 5F 24

On 3rd draw, ULTRARED D8 74 --- ULTRARED a part of the visible spectrum [n]
Other moves: DENTURAL 11F 68, ULTRARED 6C 65, ULTRARED 6E 63, DAUNTER 11E 32, LAUNDER 11E 32

On 4th draw, ADULA(T)ED 15C 77 --- ADULATE to praise excessively [v]
Other moves: ADULA(T)E 5C 72, RADULA(T)E 6H 62, ALARU(M)ED 6E 60, (Q)(U)AALUDE 8G 58, ADDA(B)LE 15B 24

On 5th draw, THEEK 5H 33 --- THEEK to thatch [v]
Other moves: KHET 5E 31, THEEK G3 31, OKEH E5 27, OKEH G4 26, OKEH I4 26

On 6th draw, POUPED 14I 35 --- POUPE to befool [v]
Other moves: PORED 6F 30, POUPE G7 30, PURED 6F 30, P**P G7 27, POURED 6E 27

On 7th draw, FAYED 6J 48 --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: *F*Y 15L 46, MADEFY C3 43, MAYED 6J 42, FAY 6J 41, FEY 6J 41

On 8th draw, CREASIER M8 72 --- CREASY having folds or wrinkles [adj]
Other tops: CARIERES M8 72
Other moves: CARRIES E2 70, SCARIER E2 70, SCARRIER 6A 68, C(U)RARISE 8G 60, SAIC 4L 38

On 9th draw, ELCHI 8K 33 --- ELCHI an ambassador [n]
Other tops: LICHI 8K 33
Other moves: HAO N10 31, ACHE 8L 30, ECHO 8L 30, OCHE 8L 30, HEAP L11 29

On 10th draw, HEME N8 29 --- HEME a component of hemoglobin [n]
Other moves: MIRKY L2 28, MURKY L2 28, HEM N8 26, REEKY L2 24, IMP L12 22
HEME N8 29 roocatcher

On 11th draw, QUACKY L1 68 --- QUACKY resembling the cry of a duck [adj]
Other moves: SUQ 4L 44, QUAKY L2 42, QUASS 12J 38, QUILTS 10F 37, QUILT 10F 36
QUILTS 10F 37 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 12th draw, YOUNG 2J 34 --- YOUNG being in the early period of life or growth [adj] --- YOUNG the offspring [n]
Other moves: NONGAY C3 27, YGO I7 26, NOYING C3 25, INN M1 23, IRON 15L 23
RAY 15M 21 chunk88
GAY C6 13 BadBoyBen

On 13th draw, JIRGA 1F 44 --- JIRGA a council of tribal headmen in Afghanistan [n]
Other moves: JARUL 8A 36, RAJ 15M 33, JIRGA E5 31, JAGIR E4 28, JINGAL 11F 28

On 14th draw, VAMP L11 36 --- VAMP to repair or patch [v]
Other moves: FAVISM C3 34, FAVUS 8A 33, FAVISM E3 32, AVISO 2B 31, FOSSA 12K 28
ROM 15M 18 roocatcher

On 15th draw, RAX 15M 33 --- RAX to stretch out [v]
Other tops: BASION 2B 33
Other moves: ISBA O1 31, AX 1N 30, AXIONS E3 28, BORAX 11B 28, SAX O2 28
RAX 15M 33 roocatcher

On 16th draw, BOEUF 8A 30 --- BOEUF as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc cooked in red wine. [adj]
Other moves: BENTO 2B 29, BOITE G7 26, FONE 2E 24, BOET G7 23, BONE 2E 23
OF 2F 23 roocatcher

On 17th draw, LEWISITE C1 74 --- LEWISITE an irritant and poison gas used for chemical warfare [n]
Other moves: WE 14F 30, ISLET O1 28, ISTLE O1 28, ISIT O1 25, ISLE O1 25

On 18th draw, BOO B2 25 --- BOO to show disapproval by making this sound [v]
Other moves: BIO B6 23, NOB B2 23, OB B5 22, BO B2 21, BOLO 1A 21

On 19th draw, ZOIST 4A 48 --- ZOIST an advocate of zoism [n]
Other moves: ZITIS 10B 36, ZITIS 6B 36, SITZ 10G 33, ZINS 6B 33, ZITI 10B 33

On 20th draw, INN M1 21 --- INN to put up at an inn (a public lodging house) [v]
Other moves: INNS D1 19, VINO F10 15, VIN 6B 14, IN M1 13, QI 1L 13

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