Game on April 16, 2024 at 08:02, 18 players
1. 530 pts fatcat
2. 346 pts Chelsea
3. 229 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 26 26 


10F 67 93 


11J 37 130 


12B 30 160 


12K 51 211 


11C 40 251 


13M 26 277 


8A 74 351 


F1 74 425 


1E 39 464 


3B 80 544 


14G 71 615 


15F 44 659 


13C 49 708 


B12 24 732 


7H 70 802 


O4 42 844 


A13 43 887 


2B 28 915 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
fatcat 2 13:39 -385 530 1.8580 LongJump22 4 4:11 -686 229
Chelsea 0 12:49 -569 346 2.8208 Vuincunx 0 1:16 -887 28
LongJump22 4 4:11 -686 229 3.8287 Wuincunx 0 1:31 -887 28
moonmonkey 1 2:35 -824 91 4.8334 Quincunx 0 1:47 -887 28
5. -
UUU333 1 1:55 -864 51 5.8502 Zuincunx 0 1:55 -887 28
BBBBBB1112 0 0:59 -873 42 Group: advanced
HollyIvy 0 0:33 -877 38 1.7061 Chelsea 0 12:49 -569 346
sicilianc5 0 0:49 -877 38 2.7752 moonmonkey 1 2:35 -824 91
Hammer22 0 1:05 -877 38 3.7520 HollyIvy 0 0:33 -877 38
Discus22 0 1:22 -877 38 4.7616 sicilianc5 0 0:49 -877 38
ShotPut22 0 1:40 -877 38 5.7728 queen66 0 1:54 -877 38
queen66 0 1:54 -877 38 Group: intermediate
Vuincunx 0 1:16 -887 28 1.6419 fatcat 2 13:39 -385 530
Wuincunx 0 1:31 -887 28 2.6674 BBBBBB1112 0 0:59 -873 42
Quincunx 0 1:47 -887 28 3.6978 Hammer22 0 1:05 -877 38
Zuincunx 0 1:55 -887 28 4.6861 Discus22 0 1:22 -877 38
17. -
RRR333 1 0:49 -889 26 5.6821 ShotPut22 0 1:40 -877 38
18. -
SSS333 1 1:14 -889 26 Group: not rated
1. - UUU333 1 1:55 -864 51
2. - RRR333 1 0:49 -889 26
3. - SSS333 1 1:14 -889 26
On 1st draw, ESTRAY H7 26 --- ESTRAY to stray [v]
Other tops: OYSTER H3 26, REASTY H7 26, ROSETY H7 26, STOREY H7 26, TYROES H3 26, YAREST H4 26, YARTOS H4 26
Other moves: ARSEY H8 24, ARTSY H8 24, OTARY H8 24, RESAY H8 24, RESTY H8 24
OYSTER H3 26 RRR333, SSS333
STORY H8 24 fatcat
STRAY H8 24 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, STRAIKED 10F 67 --- STRAIK to stroke [v]
Other moves: SKATED 13H 42, SKITED 13H 42, STAKED 13H 34, DYK**STDYKIEST 12G 30, TASKED 13F 27
STRAIKED 10F 67 LongJump22
SKATED 13H 42 Chelsea, fatcat
On 3rd draw, NAMED 11J 37 --- NAME to give a title to [v]
Other moves: DAME 11J 36, AMEND 11K 35, ADEEM 11K 34, AMENE 11K 33, NAME 11J 33
NAMED 11J 37 LongJump22
DEMAND M10 20 fatcat
On 4th draw, CHARLEY 12B 30 --- CHARLEY charlie [n]
Other moves: CHEAT G6 29, HAUTE G7 29, ARCHLY 12C 28, LEACHY 12C 28, CHARY 12D 26
REACH G3 24 fatcat
On 5th draw, FUBAR 12K 51 --- FUBAR disastrous -- usually taken to be offensive [adj]
Other moves: FUB 12K 42, FUG 12K 39, BUNA 12K 38, BUG 12K 36, FUN 12K 36
FUBAR 12K 51 LongJump22, UUU333
FA 11D 19 fatcat
On 6th draw, AZ(O) 11C 40 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: Z(E)A 11D 38, Z(O)A 11D 38, ZA 11D 37, RAZ(E) O12 36, RAZ(Z) O12 36
Z(E)A 11D 38 Chelsea
ZA 11D 37 fatcat
CAZ B12 28 Vuincunx, Quincunx
CUZ B12 28 Wuincunx
On 7th draw, ENE 13M 26 --- ENE evening (poetic) [n]
Other tops: TEE 13M 26
Other moves: EE 13M 22, EN 13M 22, TE 13M 22, DEBONE M10 18, DEBTEE M10 18
ZANTE D11 15 fatcat
QI 9E 13 Chelsea
On 8th draw, OTITIS(E)S 8A 74 --- OTITIS inflammation of the ear [n]
Other tops: O(U)STITIS 8A 74
Other moves: OST(E)ITIS 8A 71, TITO(K)IS 14G 66, TOIT(O)IS 14G 66, T(O)ITOIS 14G 66, O(U)STITI G2 62
OTITIS(E)S 8A 74 LongJump22
IS 13C 28 Zuincunx
ITS 13I 15 Chelsea
TOTS 14J 14 fatcat
On 9th draw, WHEATENS F1 74 --- WHEATEN a pale yellowish colour [n]
Other moves: WHEATEN I1 68, WHA 13A 37, HA 13B 29, WH(E)AT G6 27, HATE 7C 26
WHA 13A 37 Chelsea
CHEW B12 24 fatcat
On 10th draw, SWIVED 1E 39 --- SWIVE to copulate with [v]
Other moves: WIVED 1F 36, SWIVE 1E 33, WIVES 1F 33, SWIVED 3B 30, VIEWED 3B 30
WIVED 1F 36 fatcat, Chelsea
On 11th draw, OROGENIC 3B 80 --- OROGENIC pertaining to orogeny [adj] --- OROGENY mountain formation by lifting and folding [adj]
Other moves: ESTRAYING H7 39, GIRONIC C3 28, INCOG 2J 25, ORGIC 2J 25, COREIGN 3C 24
ESTRAYING H7 39 Chelsea
DINGO J1 9 fatcat
On 12th draw, OPTIMAL 14G 71 --- OPTIMAL most desirable [adj]
Other moves: APT 13C 38, MALT 14K 30, MILT 14K 30, MOLT 14K 30, POLT 14K 30
APT 13C 38 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22, queen66
MOP 2B 28 Chelsea
MAP 2B 28 fatcat
On 13th draw, WYE 15F 44 --- WYE the letter Y [n]
Other moves: WEAN 15G 42, YEAN 15G 42, NOWAY B2 38, WAE 15G 37, YAE 15G 37
WEAN 15G 42 BBBBBB1112
YEAN 15G 42 moonmonkey
AWE 15F 35 fatcat
WAY 2B 35 Chelsea
On 14th draw, AX 13C 49 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXION 7B 43, NIX 15J 41, NOX 15J 41, NIX 7A 39, AX 15K 38
AX 13C 49 moonmonkey
NIX 7A 39 fatcat, Chelsea
On 15th draw, CLOG B12 24 --- CLOG to block up or obstruct [v]
Other tops: CLEG B12 24
Other moves: OUGLIE 2J 23, CLOU B12 22, CLUE B12 22, LEGION 7A 22, GEL 2B 18
GOUT 5C 10 fatcat
On 16th draw, ENQUIRED 7H 70 --- ENQUIRE to inquire [v]
Other moves: QI 7C 44, EQUID 2J 39, QUIRED 6B 36, EQUINE 6A 35, QUININ J6 35
QI 7C 44 fatcat
On 17th draw, VERDIN O4 42 --- VERDIN a small bird [n]
Other tops: BREDING O4 42
Other moves: BRIDGE O4 39, REGIVEN N2 38, BINDER O4 36, GRIEVE N2 36, REGIVE N2 36
BRIDGE O4 39 fatcat
On 18th draw, FOU A13 43 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other moves: BOP 2B 28, PUB 2B 28, FOB 15J 27, FUB 15J 27, BOG 2B 25
FOU A13 43 fatcat
On 19th draw, BOP 2B 28 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other tops: PUB 2B 28
Other moves: BOG 2B 25, BUG 2B 25, PUG 2B 25, GLIB E3 24, GLOB 2A 24
BOP 2B 28 fatcat
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