Game on April 17, 2024 at 14:22, 5 players
1. 226 pts LongJump22
2. 119 pts Wuincunx
3. 110 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


9E 63 93 


5E 98 191 


6D 37 228 


J8 62 290 


10A 77 367 


15D 86 453 


A6 98 551 


4A 55 606 


13G 56 662 


11E 34 696 


12L 47 743 


8L 30 773 


O12 36 809 


A1 42 851 


4H 29 880 


C7 30 910 


3K 32 942 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 3:01 -716 226 1.8635 LongJump22 3 3:01 -716 226
Wuincunx 1 4:00 -823 119 2.8174 Wuincunx 1 4:00 -823 119
Vuincunx 1 3:55 -832 110 3.8232 Vuincunx 1 3:55 -832 110
4. -
RRR333 1 0:50 -912 30 Group: not rated
5. -
SSS333 1 1:15 -912 30 1. - RRR333 1 0:50 -912 30
2. - SSS333 1 1:15 -912 30
On 1st draw, VESPER H4 30 --- VESPER an evening service, prayer, or song [n]
Other moves: PERVES H4 28, PREVES H4 28, VEEPS H4 28, CREEPS H4 26, CREEPS H8 26
VESPER H4 30 LongJump22, RRR333, SSS333, Vuincunx
On 2nd draw, HOARIEST 9E 63 --- HOARY white with age [adj]
Other moves: ATHEISE 5E 40, HOSTIE 10F 31, HASTE 10F 30, HOSTA 10F 30, ETHOS 10D 28
HOARIEST 9E 63 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, KNEE(L)ING 5E 98 --- KNEEL to rest on the knees [v]
Other moves: KEN(N)ING 10A 77, KEN(T)ING 10A 77, KE(E)NING 10A 77, KE(N)NING 10A 77, KE(R)NING 10A 77
KNEE(L)ING 5E 98 LongJump22
KNEE(L)ING 5E 48 Wuincunx
On 4th draw, RAYAS 6D 37 --- RAYA a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey [n]
Other moves: DRAY 6C 35, RAYA 10D 35, DAY 6D 34, DOY 6D 34, DRAY 10C 34
DRAY 6C 35 LongJump22, Vuincunx
On 5th draw, AEROTONE J8 62 --- AEROTONE a deep bath with massaging jets of compressed air [n]
Other moves: ENROOT 8A 28, RATOON 8A 28, ANTRE 8A 23, ATONE 8A 23, OATEN 8K 23
On 6th draw, CORVINA 10A 77 --- CORVINA a food fish [n]
Other moves: CORVINE 15D 45, VINCA 8A 44, VRAIC 8A 40, ENVIRO 15J 39, CAVERN 15G 36
CORVINE 15D 45 Vuincunx
On 7th draw, REMINTED 15D 86 --- REMINT to melt down and make into new coins [v]
Other moves: MINCED A7 39, CRIMED A10 36, CRIMEN A10 33, DEMENTI 15G 33, DEMENTI 15I 33
On 8th draw, SAXICO(L)E A6 98 --- SAXICOLE living or growing among rocks [adj]
Other moves: (G)EOTAXIS 12G 80, OXI(D)ATES 12E 78, SAXO(N)ITE 12D 78, O(R)IXAS 8A 69, SAXONI(T)ES K1 67
On 9th draw, ZATIS 4A 55 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: AZOTIC 13H 54, ZATIS 12H 48, ZOIST 13I 48, SAZ I11 47, SITZ 8L 45
On 10th draw, CAJOLED 13G 56 --- CAJOLE to persuade by flattery [v]
Other moves: CHEZ A1 54, LEACH B2 49, HAJ I11 45, JODEL 13I 42, JOLED 13I 42
On 11th draw, POLE 11E 34 --- POLE to propel with a pole (a long, thin piece of wood or metal) [v]
Other tops: PELE 11E 34
Other moves: LOUPED 4J 32, POL 11E 32, EPODE 14B 31, DELE 11E 30, DELO 11E 30
On 12th draw, HOWF 12L 47 --- HOWF a place frequently visited [n] --- HOWF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: HOUF 12L 41, DOWF 12L 39, DOUGH 6J 34, FOUD 6J 34, HOWF 14L 34
On 13th draw, ABBE 8L 30 --- ABBE an abbot [n]
Other moves: FAB 3B 29, BEANO 14B 28, BEFOG L1 28, BOAB 4J 28, FA 6J 28
On 14th draw, FUMY O12 36 --- FUMY producing or full of fumes [adj]
Other moves: YELM 14L 31, FLEY O12 30, FYLE O12 30, YELD 14L 29, YUM 3B 29
YUM 3B 29 Wuincunx
On 15th draw, DITZ A1 42 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: FLIRTED C7 32, FLEDGE L1 30, FE 6J 28, FETE 7C 27, EF N14 26
DITZ A1 42 Wuincunx
On 16th draw, VELOUR 4H 29 --- VELOUR a fabric resembling velvet [n]
Other tops: ENURE 14I 29
Other moves: ENURE 14B 24, LEONE 14B 24, LOURE 14B 24, ONER 14I 24, NEEM 14L 22
On 17th draw, UNWRITE C7 30 --- UNWRITE to undo the writing of [v]
Other moves: UNITE 14I 29, SEW K9 24, UNIT 14I 24, WRITE C9 24, WINO B7 23
On 18th draw, FLUID 3K 32 --- FLUID a liquid or gas that tends to flow freely [n]
Other moves: FLU 3K 26, FUD 3L 25, FUG 3L 25, GLUG 3K 24, IF B1 23
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