Game on April 17, 2024 at 17:24, 9 players
1. 243 pts LongJump22
2. 66 pts Quincunx
3. 66 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


G9 40 70 


11A 78 148 


A4 95 243 


8H 80 323 


O8 86 409 


I7 43 452 


K6 64 516 


B2 26 542 


B10 53 595 


15A 36 631 


N11 24 655 


J2 39 694 


15H 39 733 


C1 41 774 


L11 42 816 


J12 28 844 


L3 26 870 


D1 32 902 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 2:50 -659 243 1.8635 LongJump22 4 2:50 -659 243
Quincunx 0 2:35 -836 66 2.8278 Quincunx 0 2:35 -836 66
Wuincunx 0 2:38 -836 66 3.8174 Wuincunx 0 2:38 -836 66
Vuincunx 0 2:39 -836 66 4.8232 Vuincunx 0 2:39 -836 66
5. -
DDD333 1 1:57 -862 40 5.8436 Zuincunx 0 1:01 -869 33
Zuincunx 0 1:01 -869 33 Group: not rated
7. -
CCC333 1 0:52 -872 30 1. - DDD333 1 1:57 -862 40
8. -
RRR333 1 1:13 -872 30 2. - CCC333 1 0:52 -872 30
9. -
SSS333 1 1:38 -872 30 3. - RRR333 1 1:13 -872 30
4. - SSS333 1 1:38 -872 30
On 1st draw, FRESCO H4 30 --- FRESCO to paint on a surface of plaster [v]
Other tops: FORCES H4 30
Other moves: FECES H4 28, FORCE H4 28, FRESCO H8 28, FEERS H4 24, FERES H4 24
FORCES H4 30 LongJump22, CCC333, RRR333, SSS333
On 2nd draw, JOLED G9 40 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: JODEL G9 39, JADE G9 37, JANE G9 36, JEAN G9 36, JEON G9 36
JOLED G9 40 LongJump22, DDD333
On 3rd draw, SECUNDLY 11A 78 --- SECUND having the parts or organs arranged on one side only [adv] --- SECUNDLY pertaining to a secund [adv]
Other moves: DENY H12 38, DEYS H12 38, COSEY 10F 36, YEN F10 31, COSED 10F 30
SECUNDLY 11A 78 LongJump22
On 4th draw, MENDIGOS A4 95 --- MENDIGO a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: SMIDGEON 7H 66, MENDIGOS 7A 64, MOERING 5E 40, EGOISM A7 36, MISDONE A9 36
MENDIGOS A4 95 LongJump22
On 5th draw, CAL(D)ERAS 8H 80 --- CALDERA a large crater [n]
Other tops: CAR(P)ALES 8H 80
Other moves: CAES(U)RAL 8H 77, CARA(M)ELS 8H 77, CARA(V)ELS 8H 77, CERA(M)ALS 8H 77, (B)ERASCAL C6 72
CAR(P)ALES 8H 30 Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Quincunx
On 6th draw, ST(R)IPIER O8 86 --- STRIPY marked with stripes [adj]
Other tops: STRIPIE(R) O8 86, TRIP(L)IES O1 86, T(W)IRPIER 5E 86
Other moves: PI(C)RITES O1 80, P(A)RITIES O1 80, P(U)RITIES O1 80, RIPTI(D)ES O1 80, SPIRIE(S)T O8 80
T(W)IRPIER 5E 36 Quincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 7th draw, HAW I7 43 --- HAW to turn left [v]
Other moves: AWHILE B1 38, WHALE B2 36, WHILE B2 36, HALE I7 32, HAE I7 31
On 8th draw, AN(D)ANTES K6 64 --- ANDANTE a moderately slow musical passage [n]
Other moves: ANDANTES 13E 60, ANTENNAS E6 58, ANTENNAS E7 58, YEANS H11 33, YEAST H11 33
YEAST H11 33 Zuincunx
On 9th draw, AGILA B2 26 --- AGILA an Indian tree [n]
Other moves: LAURA B2 24, GUAR N11 23, GULA N11 23, FIGURAL 4H 22, REGULA B10 22
On 10th draw, WEAVER B10 53 --- WEAVER one that weaves [n]
Other moves: WEAVE B10 51, WOLVER L1 34, REAVOW B10 32, REWOVE B10 32, OWER B9 31
On 11th draw, FRAB 15A 36 --- FRAB to worry [v]
Other tops: TREFA 15A 36
Other moves: TREF 15A 33, AFTER L11 32, BARF J3 30, FRATER 15A 30, BEFRET 6D 29
On 12th draw, TUTEE N11 24 --- TUTEE one who is being tutored [n]
Other moves: FOUETTE 4H 20, TOTE N11 20, VENTED 13B 20, VETOED 13B 20, VETTED 13B 20
On 13th draw, PLUMY J2 39 --- PLUMY covered with feathers [adj]
Other tops: PALMY J2 39, YEALM H11 39
Other moves: PLUMERY M3 38, MEALY J2 37, MULEY J2 37, MYAL J5 37, GLUMPY 3B 36
On 14th draw, BEARDIER 15H 39 --- BEARDY having a beard [adj]
Other moves: YAIRD H11 36, YEARD H11 36, BIRD C2 33, BURD C2 33, BURIED L1 31
On 15th draw, ZHO C1 41 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: VEZIR 5D 34, VIZOR 5D 34, EVHOE L4 33, PIEZO 2J 32, ZEA N6 32
On 16th draw, EXO L11 42 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX L11 38, OX L11 38, VEXT D3 35, UNVEXT 4J 34, VEX D3 33
On 17th draw, RIVA J12 28 --- RIVA a cleft in rock [n]
Other moves: VITA J12 25, VIRTU D3 23, OUR J10 22, OUT J10 22, OI D1 21
On 18th draw, TOOK L3 26 --- TAKE to get possession of [v]
Other tops: TOUK L3 26, TUKTOO D3 26
Other moves: DOOK F11 24, OIK L4 24, OUK L4 24, POOKIT 2J 24, POUKIT 2J 24
On 19th draw, OINT D1 32 --- OINT to anoint [v]
Other moves: QI G3 26, QI M2 26, QUIN D10 26, QUIT D10 26, OI D1 21
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