Game on April 18, 2024 at 12:25, 11 players
1. 234 pts LongJump22
2. 94 pts Wuincunx
3. 77 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


11E 86 114 


E4 78 192 


D4 25 217 


L4 74 291 


J6 92 383 


M3 22 405 


2J 48 453 


K5 43 496 


I10 27 523 


O1 149 672 


15C 76 748 


M2 25 773 


C1 27 800 


1A 45 845 


G2 68 913 


C7 41 954 


B10 35 989 


14E 52 1041 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 4:12 -807 234 1.8665 LongJump22 3 4:12 -807 234
Wuincunx 1 4:28 -947 94 2.8169 Wuincunx 1 4:28 -947 94
Chelsea 1 1:22 -964 77 3.8130 Vuincunx 1 1:42 -978 63
Vuincunx 1 1:42 -978 63 4.8247 Quincunx 1 2:29 -978 63
Quincunx 1 2:29 -978 63 5.8364 Zuincunx 1 1:23 -1019 22
HollyIvy 1 0:39 -989 52 Group: advanced
sicilianc5 1 0:54 -989 52 1.7111 Chelsea 1 1:22 -964 77
Mycophot 1 1:09 -989 52 2.7603 HollyIvy 1 0:39 -989 52
moonmonkey 1 1:30 -989 52 3.7653 sicilianc5 1 0:54 -989 52
10. -
SSS333 1 1:03 -1013 28 4.7884 Mycophot 1 1:09 -989 52
Zuincunx 1 1:23 -1019 22 5.7725 moonmonkey 1 1:30 -989 52
Group: not rated
1. - SSS333 1 1:03 -1013 28
On 1st draw, ABSEY H8 28 --- ABSEY the alphabet [n]
Other tops: BEATY H8 28
Other moves: BAYES H4 26, BAYTS H4 26, BEATY H4 26, BYTES H4 26, YATES H4 24
ABSEY H8 28 LongJump22, SSS333
On 2nd draw, STEELING 11E 86 --- STEEL to cover with steel (a tough iron alloy) [v] --- STEELING the act of steeling [n]
Other tops: SLEETING 11E 86
Other moves: SINGLET 13H 79, SNIGLET 13H 79, TINGLES 13B 79, GLISTEN 13E 71, LESTING 13F 71
SLEETING 11E 86 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, BHANGRAS E4 78 --- BHANGRA a form of popular Punjabi dance music [n]
Other moves: BHANGRA I3 76, BHANGRA G2 70, BHANGRA I2 70, BHANGRA L7 34, HAAR 10J 33
BHANGRAS E4 78 LongJump22
On 4th draw, AUNE D4 25 --- AUNE measure of length [n]
Other moves: AINE F4 21, AITU F4 21, AUE D4 21, EINA F4 21, ETUI F5 20
On 5th draw, PUREEING L4 74 --- PUREE to reduce to a thick pulp by cooking and sieving [v]
Other moves: PIU 10J 26, PE F6 24, PINGER L8 24, GENIP L11 22, PE 10J 22
On 6th draw, THIAZINS J6 92 --- THIAZIN a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: SENZA 8K 42, ZEINS 8K 42, ZETAS 8K 42, THIAZIN J6 41, SHANTI 13H 37
ZEINS 8K 42 LongJump22
On 7th draw, VISE M3 22 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v] --- VISE to visa [v]
Other tops: IVIES M1 22, SOV M11 22
Other moves: EVES 8L 21, EVOE 8L 21, EVOS 8L 21, VISES 13F 21, VISIE I3 21
VISE M3 22 Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx, Quincunx
On 8th draw, COMAKE 2J 48 --- COMAKE to serve as a comaker for another's loan [v]
Other moves: COMAKE N6 41, COMAE 2J 38, WACKE N6 38, WACKO N6 38, CAWK C1 35
COMAKE N6 41 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 9th draw, WAY K5 43 --- WAY a method of doing something [n] --- WAY to journey [v]
Other moves: WAI K5 34, WAY N6 31, COWY N6 29, WAIT N6 29, ZINCY 10J 29
WAY N6 31 Wuincunx
On 10th draw, ELOIN I10 27 --- ELOIN to remove to a distant place [v]
Other moves: NOEL I8 26, NERITE O1 21, NINE K9 21, RETINE O1 21, RENTE O1 18
On 11th draw, PEDER(E)RO O1 149 --- PEDERERO a type of old gun [n]
Other tops: DEPOR(T)ER O1 149, PEDRERO(S) O1 149, REPOR(T)ED O1 149, REPO(U)RED O1 149, REPRO(B)ED O1 149, REPRO(V)ED O1 149
Other moves: DEP(L)ORER O1 140, PED(E)RERO O1 140, PEDR(E)RO C7 86, P(E)DRERO C7 86, DORPER(S) 15C 85
On 12th draw, ETOILE(S) 15C 76 --- ETOILE a star [n]
Other tops: E(S)TOILE 15H 76
Other moves: ETOILE(S) C7 70, E(S)TOILE C7 70, TOELI(K)E C7 70, T(R)OELIE C7 70, ELE(C)TION 14B 68
On 13th draw, AVISED M2 25 --- AVISE to advise [v]
Other tops: HYED 7J 25
Other moves: DADO C5 24, D*G*DAGO C5 24, GADID 14A 24, GILD C2 24, GLADDIE C9 24
On 14th draw, JOLT C1 27 --- JOLT to jar or shake roughly [v]
Other tops: JILT C1 27, JOE 14E 27, JOTA 10B 27
Other moves: JET C2 25, JOL C2 25, JOT C2 25, JO 14E 24, JO 1K 24
On 15th draw, FUJI 1A 45 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: FIQUE C11 34, QUOIF 2A 34, QI F14 31, FRUIT 14B 30, QUIRE C11 28
On 16th draw, VOLUMED G2 68 --- VOLUME to send or give out in large quantities [v]
Other moves: MOOVED 2B 38, MOULD 14B 37, MOOED 2B 34, MOOVE 2B 34, MODULE 2B 33
On 17th draw, FAQIR C7 41 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other tops: AFRAID 14A 41
Other moves: QAID 14B 35, QADI 14A 33, QI F14 31, AFRAID C6 28, FAQIR 9A 27
On 18th draw, DOWAR B10 35 --- DOWAR a type of tent village [n]
Other moves: AGOOD 2A 27, CRAW 14B 27, DAWN 14F 26, DRAW 14B 25, WOAD 14B 23
DRAW 14B 25 Chelsea
On 19th draw, OX 14E 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: TOXIC N8 32, GOX N8 30, OX A14 29, TIX N8 28, NIX 10L 26
OX 14E 52 Chelsea, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot, moonmonkey
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