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Game on April 19, 2024 at 01:16, 5 players
1. 235 pts roocatcher
2. 176 pts sunshine12
3. 142 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eilnors   H7    66    66   nerolis
 2. aeinrtu  11D    82   148   auntlier
 3. degiimo  10J    29   177   modge
 4. ?aeehir   O7    89   266   headier
 5. acenoot   M7    28   294   coagent
 6. aacnotv   D8    30   324   vacant
 7. dorstuy  14J    37   361   drusy
 8. aeeottw  15H    35   396   tweet
 9. hilmosu   8A    30   426   shiv
10. ?eijrvw   E5    43   469   jiver
11. aadirux   7B    39   508   ax
12. ?bdiiln   F2    27   535   bidon
13. aeflnpt   G3    31   566   fae
14. abdloos   D1    32   598   bolds
15. aeglory   1A    33   631   globy
16. aemqtwz   L8    46   677   zed
17. aaeknpp   K4    38   715   kappa
18. eilotuw   I1    65   780   outwile
19. agiimno   L2    36   816   ngoma
20. fiioqru   1G    51   867   quoif

Remaining tiles: ior

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7091 Fileroocatcher  4  7:42  -632  235     1.7091 roocatcher  4  7:42  -632  235 
  2.7512 Filesunshine12  3  5:42  -691  176     2.7512 sunshine12  3  5:42  -691  176 
  3.7636 FileGLOBEMAN    2  5:09  -725  142     3.7636 GLOBEMAN    2  5:09  -725  142 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:56  -839   28            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:29  -860    7     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:56  -839   28 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:29  -860    7 

On 1st draw, NEROLIS H7 66 --- NEROLI a fragrant oil [n]
Other tops: NEROLIS H2 66, NEROLIS H3 66, NEROLIS H4 66, NEROLIS H6 66, NEROLIS H8 66
Other moves: NEROLIS H5 64, ELOINS H3 14, ELOINS H4 14, ELOINS H7 14, ELOINS H8 14

On 2nd draw, AUNTLIER 11D 82 --- AUNTLY of or suggesting an aunt [adj]
Other moves: RUINATE G5 71, URINATE G5 71, RUINATE G3 68, RUINATE I3 68, RUINATES 13A 68

On 3rd draw, MODGE 10J 29 --- MODGE (Dial.) to do shoddy work , MODGING, MODGED [v]
Other tops: MIDGE 12B 29, MODGE 12B 29
Other moves: MEDII 10J 28, MODII 10J 28, MIDGE 10B 27, MODGE 10B 27, SMIDGE 13H 26

On 4th draw, HEA(D)IER O7 89 --- HEADY intoxicating [adj]
Other moves: ASHERIE(S) 13G 80, SHEA(F)IER 13H 78, SHIRA(L)EE 13H 78, SHI(K)AREE 13H 78, SHI(V)AREE 13H 78

On 5th draw, COAGENT M7 28 --- COAGENT a person, force, or other agent working together with another [n]
Other moves: COTAN 12A 26, OCTANE 12A 26, OCTANE N2 25, OCTANE 10A 24, TENACE 12J 24

On 6th draw, VACANT D8 30 --- VACANT empty [adj]
Other moves: CAVA 12A 28, COTAN 12A 26, VANT 12A 26, AVANT 12A 24, CANVAS 13C 24

On 7th draw, DRUSY 14J 37 --- DRUSY rough with minute crystals [adj]
Other moves: DURST 14J 31, ROYST 14J 31, TOUSY 14J 31, DUROYS I3 27, RYOTS 14I 27

On 8th draw, TWEET 15H 35 --- TWEET to chirp [v]
Other moves: WEAVE 8A 33, TATTOWS 13B 28, AWETO 15F 27, AWEE 15H 26, TWAE 15H 26

On 9th draw, SHIV 8A 30 --- SHIV a knife [n] --- SHIV to knife [v]
Other moves: ISTHMUS 13B 26, MUSTH G8 25, MOUTHS 13A 22, STULMS 13C 22, HOLTS G8 21
MUSH 13F 14 roocatcher

On 10th draw, JIVER E5 43 --- JIVER one that jives [n]
Other tops: JIV(I)ER E4 43, J(I)VIER E4 43
Other moves: J(A)RVIE E3 41, J(I)VER E5 41, JIVER(S) E3 40, JIVE(D) E5 40, JIVE(R) E5 40
H(A)JI B8 29 roocatcher

On 11th draw, AX 7B 39 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AX 15N 32, RADIX 6B 31, DIXI 6D 28, DUX I6 24, RAD F4 24

On 12th draw, BID(O)N F2 27 --- BIDON a container for liquids [n]
Other moves: ILI(A)D F2 26, BL(A)D F3 25, B(A)D F4 24, B(O)D F4 24, BILI(A)N F1 23

On 13th draw, FAE G3 31 --- FAE from (Scots) [prep]
Other tops: FAT G3 31, FET G3 31
Other moves: EF 6A 30, FETAL G1 28, PANEL G1 27, PENAL G1 27, PETAL G1 27

On 14th draw, BOLDS D1 32 --- BOLD bold-faced type [n]
Other tops: BALDS D1 32, BLADS D1 32
Other moves: BOLAS D1 30, BOLOS D1 30, BOOLS D1 30, DOABS D1 30, DOOBS D1 30
AB 6A 24 roocatcher
OB 6A 24 sunshine12

On 15th draw, GLOBY 1A 33 --- GLOBY like a globe [adj]
Other tops: GLEBY 1A 33
Other moves: AY 6A 30, OY 6A 30, YERBA 1A 30, ARGYLE I4 29, GRAYLE I4 29
GLOBY 1A 33 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 16th draw, ZED L8 46 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: MATZAH B3 40, MAWN 12J 28, LAZE B1 26, ZEAL 3A 26, ZETA 13B 26
ZED L8 46 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 17th draw, KAPPA K4 38 --- KAPPA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: KAPA K5 32, PAKORA K7 31, NAPPA K4 30, KANA K5 28, KNAPS A4 28
KAPPA K4 38 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 18th draw, OUTWILE I1 65 --- OUTWILE to surpass in wiling [v]
Other moves: LOWE L3 35, WEIZED L5 35, OWE L4 33, TOWIE L1 32, WILE L3 32
LOWE L3 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 19th draw, NGOMA L2 36 --- NGOMA (Swahili) a type of drum [n]
Other moves: AMIGO L2 35, IMAGO L2 35, ANIMI L2 34, GAMIN L1 34, MAGI L3 33
GAM L3 28 GLOBEMAN, chunk88

On 20th draw, QUOIF 1G 51 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QUOIFS A3 32, IF 6A 30, OF 6A 30, FOUR M1 29, QUIT 13A 26
QUOIF 1G 51 roocatcher
KOR 4K 7 BadBoyBen

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