Game on April 19, 2024 at 06:38, 9 players
1. 214 pts Chelsea
2. 159 pts LongJump22
3. 51 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 22 22 


G6 25 47 


I8 20 67 


14E 78 145 


15A 45 190 


15J 47 237 


J5 36 273 


6A 66 339 


B4 60 399 


A6 35 434 


A1 51 485 


K4 26 511 


4K 30 541 


O1 42 583 


E5 48 631 


N2 59 690 


M3 29 719 


H1 42 761 


N10 30 791 


O7 37 828 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 0 7:02 -614 214 1.8604 LongJump22 3 4:00 -669 159
LongJump22 3 4:00 -669 159 2.8235 Vuincunx 1 1:40 -777 51
Vuincunx 1 1:40 -777 51 3.8179 Wuincunx 1 0:52 -802 26
Wuincunx 1 0:52 -802 26 4.8401 Quincunx 1 1:11 -802 26
Quincunx 1 1:11 -802 26 5.8580 Zuincunx 1 1:28 -802 26
Zuincunx 1 1:28 -802 26 Group: advanced
7. -
CCC333 1 0:47 -806 22 1.7092 Chelsea 0 7:02 -614 214
8. -
RRR333 1 1:17 -806 22 Group: not rated
9. -
SSS333 1 1:42 -806 22 1. - CCC333 1 0:47 -806 22
2. - RRR333 1 1:17 -806 22
3. - SSS333 1 1:42 -806 22
On 1st draw, RESECT H8 22 --- RESECT to excise part of an organ or structure surgically [v]
Other tops: CERTES H4 22, SCREET H3 22
Other moves: CERES H4 20, CERTS H4 20, CETES H4 20, CREES H4 20, CREST H4 20
CERTES H4 22 CCC333, RRR333, SSS333
CERTS H4 20 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, (S)NAFU G6 25 --- SNAFU to bring into a state of confusion [v]
Other moves: AFA(R) G8 24, *F*yOFA(Y) G8 24, UN(S)OFT 13C 24, FAA G9 23, FAN G9 23
FAN G9 23 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, TEEL I8 20 --- TEEL an East Indian plant [n]
Other moves: AILETTE 13C 18, ELATE I5 17, ELITE I5 17, TEE I8 17, ALEE I6 16
LET I7 15 Chelsea
On 4th draw, JOISTED 14E 78 --- JOIST to support with horizontal beams [v]
Other moves: JEST J6 38, JEST 14F 36, SIJO 14H 36, RESECTED H8 33, JOIST(S) 6B 30
JEST 14F 36 Chelsea
On 5th draw, LAEVO 15A 45 --- LAEVO turning towards the left [adj]
Other moves: VIOLA 15A 36, VOILA 15A 36, APIOL 15K 33, PILAO 15A 33, PILEA 15A 33
PAVED K10 22 Chelsea
On 6th draw, RICHER 15J 47 --- RICH having wealth [adj]
Other moves: ETHIC 15K 36, CHIRR J6 35, ITHER 15K 30, RICHER 13J 27, THEIR J5 27
RETCH 13J 25 Chelsea
On 7th draw, TWAINS J5 36 --- TWAIN a set of two [n]
Other moves: WAILS J6 35, WAINS J6 35, WAITS J6 35, WALISE N10 34, WINTLE N10 34
AW 14M 25 Chelsea
On 8th draw, MU(R)KIE(S)T 6A 66 --- MURKY dark [adj]
Other tops: MU(C)KIE(S)T 6A 66, MU(S)KIE(S)T 6A 66
Other moves: MU(S)KET H1 49, MU(S)KIT H1 49, KETMIA B10 44, KUMITE N10 44, KI(S)MET H1 43
MIKE K2 24 Chelsea
On 9th draw, NEURONAL B4 60 --- NEURON the basic cellular unit of the nervous system [adj] --- NEURONAL pertaining to a neuron [adj]
Other moves: ALMONER A4 30, MONERAN A6 30, NEMORAL A4 30, AILERON E5 28, ALMNER A4 27
MANNER A6 24 Chelsea
On 10th draw, MOB A6 35 --- MOB to crowd about [v]
Other tops: BAD A8 35, BOD A8 35
Other moves: DAB A8 33, DOABS 8A 33, DOB A8 33, DOOBS 8A 33, DORBA 8A 33
On 11th draw, ZUPA A1 51 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other moves: AZO 14A 50, ZA 14B 46, ZO 14B 46, RIZA A1 45, ZORI A1 45
ZUPA A1 51 LongJump22, Vuincunx
On 12th draw, QI K4 26 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI C3 25, LIKED D4 24, TOKED D4 24, LIED K4 22, QI E5 22
QI K4 26 Wuincunx, Quincunx, Zuincunx
On 13th draw, QUANT 4K 30 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: BANJO E11 28, BUTANE N10 28, QUAD 4K 28, QUAT 4K 26, BAD F10 25
QUANT 4K 30 LongJump22
On 14th draw, FIXT O1 42 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: FLEXO F10 39, FIX F10 37, EXIT O1 33, FEG F10 31, FIG F10 31
FIXT O1 42 LongJump22
On 15th draw, PINWALE E5 48 --- PINWALE a type of fabric [n]
Other moves: PANGEN N2 39, PENANG N2 39, PENNAL N2 37, WANGLE N10 36, PANEL N2 35
WANGLE N10 36 LongJump22
On 16th draw, HANDY N2 59 --- HANDY convenient for handling [adj]
Other moves: GANDY N2 51, DENAY N2 49, HANGED N2 45, HANGI N2 41, HEX 3M 38
On 17th draw, SAE M3 29 --- SAE so [adv]
Other moves: AG B1 23, GOOK D3 22, SOKE D4 22, (R)AGES C6 22, (R)EGOS C6 22
On 18th draw, GROVET H1 42 --- GROVET a wrestling hold [n]
Other tops: GRIVET H1 42
Other moves: VERDIT H1 36, VOIDEE N10 36, DIVERT H1 33, OGIVE O6 32, DERIVE N10 28
On 19th draw, MAIGRE N10 30 --- MAIGRE a large Mediterranean food fish [n] --- MAIGRE containing neither flesh nor its juices [adj]
Other tops: MIRAGE N10 30
Other moves: AMIDO O6 29, AMIGO O6 29, AM B1 27, AMIDO C9 27, AMIGO C9 27
On 20th draw, BODY O7 37 --- BODY to give form to [v]
Other tops: DOBY O7 37
Other moves: BOY O8 31, BOYO O7 31, DOOB O8 29, DOY O8 28, BOYO C8 27
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