Game on April 19, 2024 at 15:00, 6 players
1. 277 pts LongJump22
2. 126 pts Vuincunx
3. 98 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


7E 75 105 


8A 47 152 


8K 20 172 


A8 86 258 


D8 20 278 


M1 86 364 


1G 39 403 


O8 86 489 


15D 33 522 


N10 43 565 


14L 38 603 


E10 30 633 


4H 82 715 


C7 42 757 


2A 94 851 


3A 51 902 


O1 42 944 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 3:17 -667 277 1.8604 LongJump22 4 3:17 -667 277
Vuincunx 2 2:53 -818 126 2.8472 Vuincunx 2 2:53 -818 126
Wuincunx 0 5:22 -846 98 3.8445 Wuincunx 0 5:22 -846 98
Quincunx 1 2:49 -869 75 4.8714 Quincunx 1 2:49 -869 75
5. -
RRR333 1 0:48 -914 30 Group: not rated
6. -
SSS333 1 1:12 -914 30 1. - RRR333 1 0:48 -914 30
2. - SSS333 1 1:12 -914 30
On 1st draw, FRESH H8 30 --- FRESH new [adj] --- FRESH to improve the condition of [v]
Other tops: FRESH H4 30, FROSH H4 30, FROSH H8 30, FRUSH H4 30, FRUSH H8 30, HOUFS H4 30
Other moves: FUEROS H4 26, HOUSER H4 26, FORES H4 24, FOUER H4 24, FOURS H4 24
FRESH H4 30 LongJump22, RRR333
FRESH H8 30 SSS333
On 2nd draw, FRIANDS 7E 75 --- FRIAND an epicure [n]
Other moves: FRIANDES 10B 72, FADS 7G 26, FANDS 7G 26, FARDS 7G 26, FAD 7G 25
FRIANDS 7E 75 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, W(E)AVE 8A 47 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other tops: AW(A)VE 8A 47, WA(I)VE 8A 47, WO(L)VE 8A 47, (A)WAVE 8A 47
Other moves: WEAV(E) 8A 46, VAWTE 8A 41, A(B)OVE 8A 38, A(L)OWE 8A 38, A(M)OVE 8A 38
On 4th draw, OLLAS 8K 20 --- OLLA a wide-mouthed pot or jar [n]
Other tops: HALLOAS 12H 20, HULLOAS 12H 20
Other moves: FELLAS E7 18, HALALS 12H 18, HALLOA 12H 18, HALLOS 12H 18, HOLLAS 12H 18
On 5th draw, WAR(P)AGES A8 86 --- WARPAGE the act of warping [n]
Other moves: (B)RASSAGE 11D 82, (B)RASSAGE 11E 82, (M)ASSAGER 11E 82, (P)ASSAGER 11E 82, AGAR(O)SES O1 77
WAR(P)AGES A8 86 LongJump22
On 6th draw, VAUNTIE D8 20 --- VAUNTIE boastful [adj]
Other tops: HUITAIN 12H 20
Other moves: AUNT B12 19, ENTIA I9 19, ALUNITE M7 18, INIA B11 18, INUTILE M3 18
On 7th draw, DIACETYL M1 86 --- DIACETYL a chemical flavour enhancer [n]
Other moves: EDACITY G9 80, DACTYLI M3 36, TYED E10 33, DACTYL M3 32, DAYCARE 9C 31
DIACETYL M1 86 LongJump22
DIACETYL M1 36 Wuincunx
On 8th draw, AMBROID 1G 39 --- AMBROID a synthetic amber [n]
Other moves: BROMID 1H 36, MORBID 1H 36, MOBCAP 4J 34, IAMB C11 32, IMPAIR 2I 32
AMBROID 1G 39 Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 9th draw, STEEDING O8 86 --- STEED to help [v]
Other moves: SIGNETED O8 83, SIGNETED 11H 70, STEEDING 11H 70, INGESTED O4 61, ENDITE 2J 27
STEEDING O8 36 Quincunx, Wuincunx
On 10th draw, ROOTLE 15D 33 --- ROOTLE to dig in the ground as with the snout [v]
Other tops: RETOOL 15D 33
Other moves: QAT C7 26, ROOTLE E10 24, QI 13C 22, REFELT E5 22, TELFER E4 20
QAT C7 26 Wuincunx
On 11th draw, WEEK N10 43 --- WEEK a period of seven days [n]
Other moves: EWK 14D 41, KEET 14F 40, YBET N10 39, TWEAKY C5 38, WYE N10 38
WEEK N10 43 Vuincunx
On 12th draw, OVEN 14L 38 --- OVEN an enclosed compartment in which substances are heated [n] --- OVEN to cook in an oven [v]
Other moves: BIEN 14L 36, BEN 14M 34, BIEN 14F 28, BOVINE 2B 28, EN 14N 28
On 13th draw, TYIN E10 30 --- TYIN a small unit of money in Kyrgyzstan [n]
Other moves: UNCOY 4K 28, YONI B12 28, YONT B12 28, YU 14F 28, YIN E11 26
On 14th draw, UNPRICED 4H 82 --- PRICE to set a value on [adj] --- UNPRICED not priced [adj]
Other moves: UNREPAID 3H 62, PRISONED K4 44, PIEND 14F 34, RESOUND K5 32, PIED 14F 30
On 15th draw, GAJO C7 42 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other moves: JO C13 40, TAJ C7 36, LOGJAM C4 34, JAM C7 30, JIGOT 5D 28
On 16th draw, HOATZIN 2A 94 --- HOATZIN a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: HOATZIN 3B 92, HOATZIN 5B 90, ZA 14F 64, ZA C13 48, ZO C13 48
ZHO 2F 44 Vuincunx
On 17th draw, MUX 3A 51 --- MUX to spoil [v]
Other tops: MIX 3A 51
Other moves: MIX B12 49, MUX B12 49, OXIM B11 47, LOX B12 43, LUX B12 43
On 18th draw, QUID O1 42 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QUOD O1 42
Other moves: QUIPO 5E 38, PIQUED 12J 36, QUOP L12 36, QUIP 5E 34, QUOP 5E 34
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