Game on April 20, 2024 at 03:49, 5 players
1. 162 pts roocatcher
2. 131 pts sunshine12
3. 131 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 8A 92 120
3. 3H 31 151
4. B2 86 237
5. E5 40 277
6. 4L 34 311
7. O1 176 487
8. J1 69 556
9. 1D 42 598
10. K5 111 709
11. 12A 59 768
12. A1 33 801
13. J10 28 829
14. 15D 48 877
15. F4 58 935
16. 7A 45 980
17. A10 45 1025
18. L11 39 1064
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7042 roocatcher 2 2:15 -902 162 1.7042 roocatcher 2 2:15 -902 162
2.7642 sunshine12 2 3:02 -933 131 2.7642 sunshine12 2 3:02 -933 131
3.7747 GLOBEMAN 2 4:32 -933 131 3.7747 GLOBEMAN 2 4:32 -933 131
4. - chunk88 1 1:48 -1006 58 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:08 -1036 28 1. - chunk88 1 1:48 -1006 58
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:08 -1036 28
On 1st draw, WELTED H4 28 --- WELT to mark with welts (ridges or lumps raised on the skin) [v]
Other moves: WALED H4 26, WEALD H4 26, WEDEL H4 26, WELTED H7 24, DWALE H4 22
On 2nd draw, TRAVOI(S)E 8A 92 --- TRAVOISE a type of sled [n]
Other moves: A(B)ORTIVE 8A 83, RAVI(G)OTE 8A 83, ROTA(T)IVE 8A 83, RO(T)ATIVE 8A 83, (F)AVORITE 8A 83
On 3rd draw, SAPEGO 3H 31 --- SAPEGO a skin disease [n]
Other tops: UPGOES 3C 31
Other moves: SAPEGO I8 26, OSE I7 23, AGAPES C8 22, GASP 3F 22, GAUPS 3D 22
On 4th draw, (S)AVAGERY B2 86 --- SAVAGERY the quality of being savage [n]
Other moves: GIVEA(W)AY F7 74, (S)AVAGE(L)Y G8 69, (S)AVAGE(R)Y G8 69, (S)AVAGELY 6B 68, RAVAGE(D) B8 36
On 5th draw, BOLOGNA E5 40 --- BOLOGNA a seasoned sausage [n]
Other moves: OBANG 2J 35, DOBLA 4K 31, BOGLAND L1 28, DONGA 4K 27, ALONG 4J 26
On 6th draw, OINK 4L 34 --- OINK to utter the natural grunt of a hog [v]
Other tops: KINDA D1 34
Other moves: DRANK D11 33, DRINK D11 33, DAIKON D1 32, KRONA D1 32, DAK A1 31
On 7th draw, DARKENED O1 176 --- DARKEN to make dark [v]
Other moves: PANDERED J3 70, DANDERED 9H 63, DAKERED O2 39, KNEADED O4 39, DARKED O1 36
On 8th draw, HAPTENIC J1 69 --- HAPTEN a substance similar to an antigen [adj] --- HAPTENIC relating to hapten [adj]
Other moves: CANEH F2 41, ETHNIC D10 32, NAH F4 31, AH F5 30, AITCH D11 30
On 9th draw, UNFAITH 1D 42 --- UNFAITH a lack of faith [n]
Other moves: UNHIP 1H 39, FAITH 1F 33, NAIF F3 32, IF F5 30, FAP A1 29
On 10th draw, DASHIER K5 111 --- DASHY stylish [adj]
Other moves: AIRSHED 12B 87, DASHIER 12C 85, SHADIER K7 81, AIRSHED N8 79, HARDIES K8 79
On 11th draw, QUINS 12A 59 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: SEQUIN L10 36, QIS 12C 35, QI A1 34, FIQUES F1 30, SAIQUE 3A 30
On 12th draw, JOE A1 33 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other tops: JET A1 33, JOT A1 33
Other moves: JEEP 10J 29, JAPER 3A 28, JO A1 28, PORTER J10 28, JEER 10J 27
On 13th draw, MOLTER J10 28 --- MOLTER one that molts [n]
Other tops: MERLOT J10 28
Other moves: METOL J10 27, METRO J10 27, MOREL J10 27, MOTEL J10 27, MORAE C5 25
On 14th draw, CRUMPER 15D 48 --- CRUMP crisp [adj]
Other tops: CRUMPER 15I 48
Other moves: QUEP A12 45, QUOP A12 45, CROUPER 15D 42, PROCURE 15I 42, RECOUP 15J 39
On 15th draw, FIX F4 58 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other tops: WEX F4 58
Other moves: SEX F4 55, SIX F4 55, TEX F4 55, TIX F4 55, EX F5 54
WEX F4 58 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, chunk88
On 16th draw, SEZ 7A 45 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: ZOL D4 39, ZOS D4 39, BEZILS 14I 38, BIZ L11 33, SLOB D3 29
BIZ C11 28 BadBoyBen, roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 17th draw, REQUIT A10 45 --- REQUIT to repay (pa p REQUITTED) [v]
Other tops: ROQUET A10 45
Other moves: QUIT A12 39, OUTER L9 20, OUTRE L9 20, TOE L6 19, RIZA C5 18
REQUIT A10 45 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 18th draw, BLOWY L11 39 --- BLOWY windy [adj]
Other moves: BLOW D3 36, YOW D4 36, BOW D4 34, YOB D4 33, OY 2E 31
OY 2E 31 roocatcher
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