Game on April 21, 2024 at 00:55, 5 players
1. 290 pts roocatcher
2. 85 pts sunshine12
3. 22 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 76 76
2. 11F 34 110
3. 12A 80 190
4. B10 40 230
5. J8 62 292
6. 15J 39 331
7. A12 40 371
8. 8A 80 451
9. O8 89 540
10. 15H 36 576
11. N10 62 638
12. M13 30 668
13. K5 41 709
14. 7E 26 735
15. B1 76 811
16. L4 52 863
17. 1A 54 917
18. J3 32 949
19. 3B 28 977
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7030 roocatcher 0 10:53 -687 290 1.7030 roocatcher 0 10:53 -687 290
2.7640 sunshine12 0 4:53 -892 85 2.7640 sunshine12 0 4:53 -892 85
3.7774 GLOBEMAN 0 1:15 -955 22 3.7774 GLOBEMAN 0 1:15 -955 22
4. - chunk88 0 1:59 -967 10 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:21 -968 9 1. - chunk88 0 1:59 -967 10
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:21 -968 9
On 1st draw, BOULDER H4 76 --- BOULDER a large rock [n] --- BOULDER to climb up large rocks [v]
Other moves: BOULDER H8 74, DOUBLER H4 74, BOULDER H2 72, BOULDER H3 72, BOULDER H6 72
On 2nd draw, RAYLED 11F 34 --- RAYLE to flow [v]
Other tops: DEARLY 11C 34
Other moves: DEARY 11D 32, DELAY 11D 32, DERAY 11D 32, LARDY 11D 32, LEADY 11D 32
On 3rd draw, VI(S)ITER 12A 80 --- VISITER someone who calls in to see you [n]
Other moves: I(N)VITER 12A 74, (S)TIVIER 12A 72, TIR(R)IVEE J5 70, TI(R)RIVEE J5 70, TIR(R)IVEE 9B 66
On 4th draw, FAINTY B10 40 --- FAINTY somewhat faint [adj]
Other moves: FRAY 10G 39, RAYONS 10H 35, FAINTS B10 34, FANOS 10J 34, F*TS*FATSO 10J 34
On 5th draw, ROSEOLAS J8 62 --- ROSEOLA a rose-coloured skin rash [n]
Other moves: AEROSOLS 9G 61, ROSEOLAS 9E 60, LYSSA 15A 27, RYALS 15A 27, LYRA 15A 24
On 6th draw, SIGHED 15J 39 --- SIGH to let out a sigh (a deep, audible breath) [v]
Other tops: HYED 15A 39, SUGHED 15J 39
Other moves: GUSHED 15H 36, HISSED 15G 36, RUDISH 8J 36, DISHES 15H 33, DUSHES 15H 33
GUSHED 15H 36 roocatcher
On 7th draw, VAIN A12 40 --- VAIN filled with undue admiration for oneself [adj]
Other tops: VEIN A12 40
Other moves: HYENA 15A 36, HEINIE N10 34, HAN(S)E C9 33, HYEN 15A 33, HYTE 15A 33
On 8th draw, ASTONIED 8A 80 --- ASTONY to amaze or shock [v]
Other tops: ASTONIED O8 80
Other moves: BOTANIES 4H 72, BOTANISE 4H 72, NIOBATES 4E 70, OBEISANT 4G 70, ATONIES K3 68
On 9th draw, VIOLATED O8 89 --- VIOLATE to break or disregard the terms or requirements of [v]
Other moves: BLOVIATE 4H 78, VIOLATES B1 76, VOLITATE C2 76, VOLATILE 13H 74, VIOLATE K2 72
AVEL 13E 20 roocatcher
On 10th draw, (B)ESIGHED 15H 36 --- BESIGH to sigh over [v]
Other moves: FI(S)C 13D 28, FE(T)ICH M10 26, FICE 13D 26, FICE(S) 13D 26, FLEC(K) 13I 26
EF 13F 22 roocatcher
On 11th draw, JAPE N10 62 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JAP N10 59, JA N10 52, JAPE N12 45, WAP N10 35, JAPER 10D 34
JA N10 52 roocatcher
On 12th draw, FEH M13 30 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FOH M13 30
Other moves: CONFUTE C3 28, INFECT C3 28, NEIF 13D 28, NIEF 13D 28, FICE 13D 26
OF 13F 22 sunshine12
ARF G11 10 chunk88
On 13th draw, CODEX K5 41 --- CODEX an ancient manuscript [n]
Other tops: PODEX K5 41
Other moves: COWPOX 5D 40, COWPOX 5G 40, COWPOX D4 40, COXED K5 35, POXED K5 35
POXES B4 30 roocatcher
OX 7E 20 sunshine12
XU 6G 9 BadBoyBen
On 14th draw, UMBLE 7E 26 --- UMBLE as in umble pie, a pie made from the heart, entrails etc. of a deer [n]
Other tops: AMBLE 7E 26
Other moves: BAM L6 25, BENUMB 4C 24, BEAM 7A 22, NEEM G6 22, NUMBAT C3 22
BAM L6 25 sunshine12
On 15th draw, UNWRITES B1 76 --- UNWRITE to undo the writing of [v]
Other moves: UNWROTE D4 30, NEW L6 25, REW L6 25, TWINERS B2 24, UNWIRES B2 24
WERT 6B 18 sunshine12
WENT 6B 18 roocatcher
On 16th draw, SHROW L4 52 --- SHROW to curse [v]
Other moves: HOW L8 33, RUSH 1A 33, WHIO L4 32, HOW L6 31, WINOS L6 31
RUSH 1A 33 roocatcher
On 17th draw, KUZU 1A 54 --- KUZU a thickening agent used in a macrobiotic diet [n]
Other moves: KRANTZ 4A 48, AZUKI J1 46, KRANZ 4A 46, NAIK J3 43, TAK J4 42
ZATI M2 36 roocatcher
On 18th draw, OGAM J3 32 --- OGAM an ancient alphabet [n]
Other moves: GAM J4 31, AIM J4 30, NAM J4 30, NIM J4 30, NOM J4 30
MOI M3 20 roocatcher
On 19th draw, WIPING 3B 28 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v] --- WIPING the act of cleaning [n]
Other moves: PINTO D4 24, WITING 3B 24, GIP 10D 23, NIP 10D 22, TIP 10D 22
GIP 10D 23 roocatcher
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