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Game on April 21, 2024 at 03:16, 5 players
1. 465 pts roocatcher
2. 311 pts sunshine12
3. 309 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efintuv   H4    24    24   feint
 2. adehors   5E    98   122   sorehead
 3. aeinnrs   M3    81   203   insnare
 4. ?aooprs   8A    86   289   soaproot
 5. adeeijn   L1    51   340   jaded
 6. ?aeoqru   N9   122   462   equator
 7. bdeioor  15G    86   548   broodier
 8. eeefgru   A1    89   637   refugees
 9. aelmvwy  14I    39   676   myal
10. ceioptt   L8    28   704   optic
11. aeeilwx   6J    52   756   xi
12. adnnotw   O4    45   801   wanton
13. adeituz  14A    92   893   deutzia
14. aehiltt  12E    64   957   athletic
15. ceilmuw  A12    36   993   wide
16. biklsuv   1L    39  1032   jibs
17. klmnuvy  E11    36  1068   kanzu
18. cglmvvy   B2    32  1100   lym

Remaining tiles: cgglvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7019 Fileroocatcher  3 14:10  -635  465     1.7019 roocatcher  3 14:10  -635  465 
  2.7631 Filesunshine12  1 10:26  -789  311     2.7631 sunshine12  1 10:26  -789  311 
  3.7774 FileGLOBEMAN    0  7:45  -791  309     3.7774 GLOBEMAN    0  7:45  -791  309 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:50 -1067   33            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:25 -1079   21     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:50 -1067   33 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:25 -1079   21 

On 1st draw, FEINT H4 24 --- FEINT ruled with faint lines [adj] --- FEINT to make a deceptive movement [v]
Other tops: FIENT H4 24
Other moves: FIVE H5 20, FIVE H6 20, FIVE H7 20, FIVE H8 20, FEINT H8 18

On 2nd draw, SOREHEAD 5E 98 --- SOREHEAD a person who is easily angered or offended [n]
Other moves: SOREHEAD 5C 74, HARDNOSE 7D 65, ADHERES 5E 44, HEDERAS 5E 44, HORDES G3 30

On 3rd draw, INSNARE M3 81 --- INSNARE to ensnare [v]
Other tops: INSANER M3 81
Other moves: TRANNIES 8H 77, INSANER 9F 68, INSNARE 9F 68, ANSERINE J2 62, RAISONNE F1 62
SOREHEADS 5E 13 roocatcher

On 4th draw, SOAPRO(O)T 8A 86 --- SOAPROOT any plant whose root can be used for soap [n]
Other tops: SOAPR(O)OT 8A 86, SOAP(W)ORT 8A 86, S(O)APROOT 8A 86
Other moves: APRO(P)OS N9 80, PARO(D)OS L7 77, APRO(P)OS L8 75, OROP(E)SA L8 73, A(P)ROPOS L8 72
R(E)PROS 8J 30 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 5th draw, JADED L1 51 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JEANED 4A 49, DJINN 4J 44, JEANED L7 44, DJIN 4J 42, JERID 8K 42
JERID 8K 42 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 6th draw, EQUA(T)OR N9 122 --- EQUATOR an imaginary circle round the middle of the earth [n]
Other moves: EQUA(T)ORS A1 101, (B)AROQUES A1 101, (V)AQUEROS A1 101, (V)AQUERO 10H 95, O(P)AQUER 10G 93
QUARER 8J 48 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 7th draw, BROODIER 15G 86 --- BROODY tending to brood [adj]
Other moves: BROODIER E7 72, BIDE O12 47, BODE O12 47, BORE O12 43, JIBE 1L 39
JIBE 1L 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 8th draw, REFUGEES A1 89 --- REFUGEE one who flees for safety [n]
Other moves: JEFE 1L 42, JEER 1L 33, JURE 1L 33, FE 6J 28, GRUFE 4A 24
JEFE 1L 42 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 9th draw, MYAL 14I 39 --- MYAL of African witchcraft [adj]
Other tops: LYAM 14I 39
Other moves: WYE 14I 38, WEM 14J 36, YAM 14J 36, WAVEY L9 34, YAWL O6 33

On 10th draw, OPTIC L8 28 --- OPTIC an eye [n]
Other tops: APTOTIC C8 28
Other moves: TOECAP 12J 26, COP 6D 25, COPE N1 25, ECTOPIA 12H 24, ECTOPIA C2 24
COP 6D 25 sunshine12, roocatcher

On 11th draw, XI 6J 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AXEL O6 39, AXIL O6 39, AX K10 38, EX B1 38, EX K10 38
XI 6J 52 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 12th draw, WANTON O4 45 --- WANTON immoral [adj] --- WANTON to behave immorally [v]
Other moves: ADOWN O5 33, DANTON O4 33, JANN 1L 33, JATO 1L 33, JOTA 1L 33
JOTA 1L 33 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 13th draw, DEUTZIA 14A 92 --- DEUTZIA an ornamental shrub [n]
Other moves: DEUTZIA 2F 41, FEZ 4H 39, FUTZED 3A 38, TOAZED B7 38, TOUZED B7 38

On 14th draw, ATHLETIC 12E 64 --- ATHLETE one skilled in feats of physical strength and agility [adj] --- ATHLETIC relating to vigorous physical exercise [adj]
Other moves: ELHI 15A 43, HADE A12 36, HIDE A12 36, ETH 15A 34, HALIDE A10 33
HIDE A12 36 roocatcher
JILT 1L 33 GLOBEMAN, chunk88
FAT 4H 21 BadBoyBen

On 15th draw, WIDE A12 36 --- WIDE a type of bowled ball in cricket [n] --- WIDE having great extent from side to side [adj]
Other moves: MICE 11E 35, EMIC 11D 33, MAIZE E11 32, MELIC 11C 31, MIC 11E 31
WIDE A12 36 roocatcher

On 16th draw, JIBS 1L 39 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other moves: BILKS 11B 36, BUIKS 11B 36, BULKS 11B 36, KIS 11E 33, BILK 11B 32
JIBS 1L 39 roocatcher

On 17th draw, KANZU E11 36 --- KANZU a long white garment worn in parts of Africa [n]
Other moves: FLUNKY 3A 32, KYU 11D 32, LYM B2 32, YUK 11C 32, FLUKY 3A 30

On 18th draw, LYM B2 32 --- LYM a leash [n]
Other moves: MY B2 30, MY 9B 24, MY O11 24, MY 9F 23, MOLY B7 21
MY B2 30 roocatcher

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