Game on April 21, 2024 at 04:00, 5 players
1. 407 pts roocatcher
2. 299 pts sunshine12
3. 287 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 4G 78 106
3. 3J 31 137
4. 8D 79 216
5. 2E 69 285
6. N2 82 367
7. 1F 48 415
8. 9A 34 449
9. A3 51 500
10. O8 50 550
11. 10B 45 595
12. 1L 40 635
13. 14J 36 671
14. L9 36 707
15. C9 28 735
16. 15F 41 776
17. M6 43 819
18. 4A 30 849
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7002 roocatcher 3 14:16 -442 407 1.7002 roocatcher 3 14:16 -442 407
2.7596 sunshine12 2 9:24 -550 299 2.7596 sunshine12 2 9:24 -550 299
3.7696 GLOBEMAN 1 9:09 -562 287 3.7696 GLOBEMAN 1 9:09 -562 287
4. - BadBoyBen 0 1:56 -828 21 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 1:22 -840 9 1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:56 -828 21
2. - chunk88 0 1:22 -840 9
On 1st draw, FACET H4 28 --- FACET to cut small plane surfaces on [v]
Other moves: GANEF H8 26, FACET H8 22, GANEF H4 22, FACET H5 20, FACET H6 20
On 2nd draw, AFFERENT 4G 78 --- AFFERENT a nerve that conveys impulses toward a nerve center [n]
Other tops: AFFERENT 4F 78
Other moves: FATTENER 8E 62, FATTENER 8F 62, RATAFEE 5E 40, FEATER 9G 25, FEATER G7 25
FARE G7 23 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, DOBIE 3J 31 --- DOBIE an unburnt sun-dried brick [n]
Other moves: BOUTADE N1 28, OBIED 3K 28, BADE 3J 27, BEDU 3J 27, BODE 3J 27
ABIDE 3C 21 roocatcher
On 4th draw, QW(E)RTIES 8D 79 --- QWERTY a standard typewriter keyboard [n]
Other tops: QWERTI(E)S 8D 79
Other moves: QWER(T)IES 7B 75, QWER(T)IES 7F 75, SQ(U)IER O4 61, SQ(U)IRE O4 61, QIS O1 45
SQ(U)IRE O4 61 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 5th draw, (P)ELOTON 2E 69 --- PELOTON the main body of riders in a bicycle race [n]
Other moves: TOOL(M)EN 3A 67, (M)OONLET 3A 67, (P)ELOTON 3A 67, SOLONET(S) K8 64, SOLONET(Z) K8 64
Q(U)OTE D8 26 roocatcher
On 6th draw, RETRAINED N2 82 --- RETRAIN to train again [v]
Other moves: SERRANID K8 68, RANCIDER 6E 67, NADIR 1F 38, REDAN 1F 38, DENAR 1F 36
DEN 1H 28 roocatcher
On 7th draw, TAKI 1F 48 --- TAKI a wild horse [n]
Other tops: TAKS 1F 48
Other moves: TAK 1F 43, KA 1H 38, KI 1H 38, KATIS M7 34, KATI M7 33
TAKI 1F 48 roocatcher, sunshine12
On 8th draw, NAZI 9A 34 --- NAZI a type of fascist [n]
Other tops: CAZ 6H 34, CUZ 6H 34
Other moves: INULA O6 30, QUAIL D8 28, QUINA D8 28, ZILA 5E 28, NAZI 3B 27
ZILA 3B 27 sunshine12
On 9th draw, CHAGRIN A3 51 --- CHAGRIN to humiliate [v]
Other moves: CHARING A4 48, ARCHING A4 42, CARDING A4 42, INARCH A8 42, ANIGH A8 39
DAH O7 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 10th draw, YAOURT O8 50 --- YAOURT food made from fermented milk [n]
Other moves: OTARY O8 47, TYRO O7 43, YAOURT M9 38, LOY O6 37, TOY O6 37
On 11th draw, MOSE 10B 45 --- MOSE to have glanders [v]
Other moves: MOS 10B 44, GOS 10B 38, MEOWS E5 34, IOS 10B 32, ZOISM C9 32
MOSE 10B 45 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 12th draw, DIPT 1L 40 --- DIP to immerse briefly into a liquid [v]
Other moves: LEPT 1L 34, LIPE 1L 34, JEEP J6 29, EEJIT J8 28, JEED J6 28
JEEP J6 29 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 13th draw, GOLPES 14J 36 --- GOLPE a purple roundel [n]
Other moves: ELLOPS 14J 30, EPOS M6 29, GLOPS 14K 26, GOLPS 14K 26, LOP M7 26
GLOPS 14K 26 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 14th draw, VALIDLY L9 36 --- VALIDLY in a valid manner [adj] --- VALIDLY in a valid manner [adv]
Other moves: L(E)VY F7 35, AVIDLY L10 34, DAY M7 34, DOY M7 34, VILDLY L10 34
AVOID 15G 33 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 15th draw, ZONES C9 28 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: SEG O4 26, ESNE 9G 25, SEE O4 24, SEEN 9F 24, SEN O4 24
SEVEN F10 21 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, BadBoyBen
MOSES 10B 9 chunk88
On 16th draw, ALIMONY 15F 41 --- ALIMONY an allowance paid to a woman by her divorced husband [n]
Other moves: ANOMY 15H 37, MAVIN 11E 28, VOEMA 12A 28, AM 5J 25, NIPA M12 25
VALI 15G 24 roocatcher
On 17th draw, EXO M6 43 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EXO 7H 37, EX M6 36, XU 11E 36, EX 7H 34, XI I7 34
EXO M6 43 roocatcher
On 18th draw, HEWGH 4A 30 --- HEWGH imitating the sound of an arrow [interj]
Other moves: HE 14F 28, HEW 11E 28, UGH 14D 28, WHEE 12A 28, BEG 14F 27
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