Game on April 21, 2024 at 18:29, 7 players
1. 208 pts Pacific
2. 143 pts LongJump22
3. 50 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 24 24 


10D 29 53 


11B 36 89 


12D 50 139 


13F 29 168 


12H 28 196 


B9 40 236 


C13 30 266 


C3 83 349 


15C 36 385 


4C 70 455 


A4 29 484 


A12 57 541 


H1 30 571 


K9 20 591 


5H 22 613 


4L 40 653 


O4 54 707 


M3 48 755 


L7 26 781 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 2 4:36 -573 208 1.9842 Pacific 2 4:36 -573 208
LongJump22 4 2:48 -638 143 Group: expert
Vuincunx 1 1:39 -731 50 1.8649 LongJump22 4 2:48 -638 143
Quincunx 1 1:58 -731 50 2.8738 Vuincunx 1 1:39 -731 50
Wuincunx 1 1:48 -752 29 3.8649 Quincunx 1 1:58 -731 50
6. -
SSS333 1 1:00 -757 24 4.8752 Wuincunx 1 1:48 -752 29
Zuincunx 0 1:37 -759 22 5.8673 Zuincunx 0 1:37 -759 22
Group: not rated
1. - SSS333 1 1:00 -757 24
On 1st draw, UNSEW H8 24 --- UNSEW to undo the sewing of [v]
Other tops: WANES H4 24, WEANS H4 24
Other moves: SEAWAN H3 20, SEAWAN H4 20, SEAWAN H7 20, SEAWAN H8 20, SEAWAN H5 18
WANES H4 24 LongJump22, SSS333
On 2nd draw, DOJOS 10D 29 --- DOJO a school that teaches judo or karate [n]
Other tops: (H)ODJAS 10C 29
Other moves: DOJO G11 28, DOJO I11 28, DOJO(S) G11 28, DOJO(S) I11 28, DOJ(O)S 10D 28
DOJOS 10D 29 LongJump22, Wuincunx
On 3rd draw, GLEBA 11B 36 --- GLEBA a spore-bearing mass of some fungi [n]
Other moves: BA 11E 25, GLIB 11B 25, BADGE D8 24, QADI D8 24, QI 9C 24
On 4th draw, YAY 12D 50 --- YAY an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: YAM 12D 47, NAY 12D 38, NAM 12D 35, AYE 12C 33, YA 12D 29
YAY 12D 50 LongJump22, Vuincunx, Quincunx
YAM 12D 47 Pacific
On 5th draw, SIST 13F 29 --- SIST to stop [v]
Other moves: SIS 13F 27, SOS 13F 27, VIGORS B9 24, SOVS 13A 22, TOSS 13B 22
VORS 13A 22 Zuincunx
On 6th draw, WELCH 12H 28 --- WELCH to fail to pay a debt [v]
Other moves: EVHOE 11H 22, EVOHE 11H 22, ECHO I6 21, OCHE I6 21, CHE I7 20
On 7th draw, BEGAZE B9 40 --- BEGAZE to look at fixedly [v]
Other moves: MAZE 13L 37, MEAZEL J7 37, MEZE 13L 37, MZEE 13L 37, BEZEL J8 36
On 8th draw, ONE C13 30 --- ONE a number [n]
Other tops: ANE C13 30, ARE C13 30, OAR C13 30, ONO C13 30, ORA C13 30, ORE C13 30
Other moves: AE C13 28, AN C13 28, AR C13 28, OE C13 28, ON C13 28
On 9th draw, TRIPP(L)E C3 83 --- TRIPPLE to slow trot [v]
Other moves: PERI(A)PT I2 66, RIPP(L)ET I2 64, TIPP(I)ER I2 64, TIPP(L)ER I2 64, (F)RIPPET I2 64
On 10th draw, EMERITI 15C 36 --- EMERITUS a retired person who retains an honorary title [n]
Other moves: EMOTER 15C 33, METRO A5 26, ROM A8 24, T*MTOM A8 24, MIRO A6 23
On 11th draw, REGISTER 4C 70 --- REGISTER to record officially [v]
Other moves: INTEGERS 9G 65, PRESTIGE 6C 65, TERGITES 3C 61, GUERITES 8G 60, GREES D1 24
REGISTER 4C 70 Pacific
On 12th draw, IGNARO A4 29 --- IGNARO an ignorant person [n]
Other moves: AGO A13 28, REGISTERING 4C 26, ARGON A6 25, GIRON A6 25, NAGOR A6 25
On 13th draw, FARO A12 57 --- FARO a card game [n]
Other tops: FARE A12 57
Other moves: FANNER 3I 37, FORANE 3I 37, FANON 3I 35, FAE A12 34, FAR A12 34
FARE A12 57 Pacific
On 14th draw, VINTED H1 30 --- VINT to strip of grapes [v]
Other moves: DAVEN 3I 29, NAVAID 3I 27, ADVANCE K7 26, VANADIC K6 26, ADVICE K8 24
On 15th draw, OCICAT K9 20 --- OCICAT a domestic cat having a short spotted coat [n]
Other moves: ACTA I6 18, ATOCIA 3J 18, CACAO K10 18, CACTI K10 18, COACT K9 18
On 16th draw, ELEVON 5H 22 --- ELEVON a type of airplane control surface [n]
Other tops: REGISTERER 4C 22
Other moves: PROVED 6C 20, CLOVE 10K 18, EREV 5H 18, GLOVE E4 18, GROVE E4 18
On 17th draw, WOLF 4L 40 --- WOLF a carnivorous mammal [n] --- WOLF to devour voraciously [v]
Other moves: DOWF 4L 38, WOLD 4L 32, WORD 4L 32, WOF 4L 30, DOWL 4L 26
WOLF 4L 40 LongJump22
On 18th draw, FAQUIR O4 54 --- FAQUIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: FAQIR O4 51, REQUIN J4 37, QUINA 2F 36, QUINA F2 36, QUIN 2F 33
On 19th draw, MONAX(O)N M3 48 --- MONAXON a straight spicule in sponges [n]
Other moves: UNM(I)XT 3G 37, (E)XTREMA J1 37, MUREX J2 36, M(I)REX J2 35, M(U)REX J2 35
TAXM(E)N N8 34 Pacific
On 20th draw, AH L7 26 --- AH to make a sound of delight [v] --- AH used to express delight, relief, or contempt [interj]
Other tops: KAUGH E1 26
Other moves: HAND 3F 25, HAIDUK 2F 24, HAIDUK F2 24, KANT 3F 23, HAIKU 2F 22
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