Game on April 21, 2024 at 20:49, 10 players
1. 545 pts roocatcher
2. 533 pts Inkey
3. 322 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 70 70 


10E 91 161 


K4 98 259 


8K 63 322 


E8 76 398 


15D 48 446 


L1 36 482 


O8 89 571 


1J 45 616 


8A 33 649 


M1 32 681 


A8 89 770 


2D 79 849 


N10 28 877 


1F 47 924 


13I 34 958 


1A 36 994 


C7 31 1025 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
roocatcher 4 18:14 -480 545 1.8649 LongJump22 4 4:03 -703 322
Inkey 3 15:37 -492 533 2.8673 Zuincunx 1 1:18 -962 63
LongJump22 4 4:03 -703 322 3.8649 Quincunx 1 1:38 -962 63
HollyIvy 4 7:59 -708 317 4.8716 Wuincunx 0 1:21 -977 48
Zuincunx 1 1:18 -962 63 5.8703 Vuincunx 0 1:48 -977 48
Quincunx 1 1:38 -962 63 Group: advanced
Wuincunx 0 1:21 -977 48 1.7018 roocatcher 4 18:14 -480 545
Vuincunx 0 1:48 -977 48 2.7943 Inkey 3 15:37 -492 533
9. -
MMM333 1 1:58 -980 45 3.7629 HollyIvy 4 7:59 -708 317
sunshine12 1 1:09 -994 31 4.7630 sunshine12 1 1:09 -994 31
Group: not rated
1. - MMM333 1 1:58 -980 45
On 1st draw, D(O)ATING H6 70 --- DOAT to love excessively [v] --- DOATING an excessive love [n]
Other tops: DANTI(N)G H4 70, DANTI(N)G H6 70, DATING(S) H4 70, DATING(S) H7 70, DA(N)TING H4 70, DA(N)TING H6 70, DA(R)TING H4 70, DA(R)TING H6 70, DA(U)TING H4 70, DA(U)TING H6 70, DA(W)TING H4 70, DA(W)TING H6 70, DING(B)AT H4 70, D(O)ATING H4 70, T(R)ADING H6 70
Other moves: DANTI(N)G H2 68, DANTI(N)G H3 68, DANTI(N)G H8 68, DATING(S) H2 68, DATING(S) H3 68
T(R)ADING H6 70 LongJump22
DATING H7 20 Inkey
DA(R)TING H6 20 roocatcher
On 2nd draw, (S)QUIRELY 10E 91 --- SQUIRELY like a squire [adj]
Other moves: REQU(O)YL(E) 7D 73, R(E)QU(O)YLE 7D 73, (S)QUARELY 8E 73, E(N)QUIRY 10D 46, EQUI(T)Y 10E 45
(S)QUIRELY 10E 91 LongJump22
QUIRE 10F 36 Inkey
EQUI(P) 10E 33 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, POSEABLE K4 98 --- POSEABLE able to be posed [adj]
Other moves: POSABLE K5 44, PAYEES L8 28, BAYES L8 26, PAYEE L8 26, PEYSE L8 26
POSEABLE K4 98 LongJump22
POSEABLE K4 48 Wuincunx, Vuincunx
BEEPS 13D 21 Inkey, roocatcher
On 4th draw, AXLED 8K 63 --- AXLE a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [adj] --- AXLED having an axle [adj]
Other moves: OXTER L4 50, REDOX L3 48, DETOX L1 47, PODEX 4K 46, OXTER I6 45
AXLED 8K 63 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Quincunx
DETOX L1 47 Inkey
DETOX I3 42 roocatcher
On 5th draw, HO(S)PODAR E8 76 --- HOSPODAR a governor of a region under Turkish rule [n]
Other moves: POOH L3 33, DROOP L1 32, OPAH L2 31, POOH L2 31, HARO L1 30
POOH L3 33 HollyIvy
OPAH L2 31 roocatcher
HARO L1 30 Inkey
On 6th draw, WRETHE 15D 48 --- WRETHE to shape into a wreath [v]
Other moves: WHEFT L2 43, WHERRET 15A 42, WHERRET 15B 42, FEWER L1 40, HEWER L1 40
WRETHE 15D 48 HollyIvy
HEW F12 38 Inkey
FREER 15D 36 roocatcher
On 7th draw, WAGER L1 36 --- WAGER to risk on an uncertain outcome [v]
Other moves: AWEE 14E 35, MAWGER I5 34, WAME L1 34, WAMPEE 4H 34, WAME F12 33
WAGER L1 36 HollyIvy, roocatcher
WAME F12 33 Inkey
On 8th draw, DYESTERS O8 89 --- DYESTER a dyer [n]
Other moves: DYESTERS 13E 73, AYES 14E 35, SYRTES 13H 35, YEASTS 2J 34, SWEYS 1K 33
AYES 14E 35 HollyIvy
SWEYS 1K 33 roocatcher
EYE F13 30 Inkey
On 9th draw, MAWKIN 1J 45 --- MAWKIN a scarecrow [n]
Other moves: KIAAT 2J 38, KRAIT 2J 38, TWANK 1K 36, TWINK 1K 36, MIRTH 8A 33
MAWKIN 1J 45 HollyIvy, MMM333
TWINK 1K 36 Inkey
WARK 1L 33 roocatcher
On 10th draw, BOOTH 8A 33 --- BOOTH a small enclosure [n]
Other moves: KNOT M1 29, BLOAT 14B 27, OBO D11 25, BLENT N6 24, OBE F13 24
BOOTH 8A 33 Inkey, roocatcher, HollyIvy
On 11th draw, KAID M1 32 --- KAID a North African chief [n]
Other moves: VOEMA N6 31, MAID 2K 30, MAID N10 30, AMIA 14E 29, DAME F12 29
MAID 2K 30 Inkey
MAID N10 30 HollyIvy, roocatcher
On 12th draw, BICOLOUR A8 89 --- BICOLOUR something having two colors [n]
Other moves: COULOIR I2 68, COLOUR 14J 28, COULOIR C7 26, COLOR J3 25, LOCI J3 24
COLOUR 14J 28 HollyIvy
CURIO 2F 21 roocatcher
COLOUR 14H 19 Inkey
On 13th draw, TRANSOM 2D 79 --- TRANSOM a small window above a door or another window [n]
Other moves: MATRONS F2 78, TRANSOM G1 72, MATRONS I2 68, SAMAAN 2I 34, STREAM N5 31
TRANSOM 2D 29 HollyIvy
MOAN N10 28 roocatcher
MOAT N10 28 Inkey
On 14th draw, TUINA N10 28 --- TUINA a Chinese massage using vigorous hand movements [n]
Other moves: ETUI 1E 24, UNAI 1E 24, ENTIA 1A 23, TENIA 1A 23, TINEA 1A 23
TAU 1F 19 roocatcher
QI F10 15 Inkey
On 15th draw, JEE 1F 47 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: JEU 1F 47
Other moves: GJU 7B 41, JUDGES 6F 33, JUDIES 6F 32, JUDGE 13C 30, JEON B6 29
JEE 1F 47 roocatcher
JOIN C7 20 Inkey
On 16th draw, FLAVINE 13I 34 --- FLAVINE a yellow pigment [n]
Other moves: FAG M12 30, VAGI 1A 30, VIGA 1A 30, ALIF J4 28, FILA 1A 27
VIGA 1A 30 roocatcher
FAG M12 30 Inkey
On 17th draw, FIVE 1A 36 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: UNIFIER I4 31, FENI 1A 27, FINE 1A 27, FINI 1A 27, NEVI 1A 27
FIVE 1A 36 Inkey
NEF I5 21 roocatcher
On 18th draw, COZING C7 31 --- COZE to chat [v]
Other moves: ZIG M12 29, COZ 12D 28, C(O)ZIE 7G 28, COZ C7 27, C(O)Z 7G 26
COZING C7 31 roocatcher, sunshine12, Inkey
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