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Game on April 21, 2024 at 23:05, 5 players
1. 191 pts roocatcher
2. 63 pts sunshine12
3. 61 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eioorsv   H4    26    26   virose
 2. eegnrsy   8A    98   124   greyness
 3. deehlsu   9C    31   155   heed
 4. ?aimruv   4H    86   241   vivarium
 5. aagilou   O4    24   265   mulga
 6. ?beiors   K4    86   351   arborise
 7. eoprtwy   O1    45   396   promulgate
 8. aeilnot   A8    80   476   gelation
 9. adfnort  N10    49   525   fantod
10. aiiortt  B11    22   547   ratio
11. aabdehu  15L    36   583   hade
12. admnosw   6B    74   657   sandworm
13. ejlopwy   2J    64   721   jowler
14. acdeipu   5A    29   750   cadie
15. ailntux  12L    38   788   lanx
16. befgnnu  M11    27   815   fauna
17. bekntuy   7G    34   849   boy
18. eiinpqu   D1    50   899   quinin
19. cegiipt   A1    30   929   ictic

Remaining tiles: egkptz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6988 Fileroocatcher  1 10:26  -738  191     1.7630 sunshine12  0  2:28  -866   63 
  2.7630 Filesunshine12  0  2:28  -866   63     2.7743 GLOBEMAN    0  3:20  -868   61 
  3.7743 FileGLOBEMAN    0  3:20  -868   61            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:28  -915   14     1.6988 roocatcher  1 10:26  -738  191 
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:54  -915   14            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:28  -915   14 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:54  -915   14 

On 1st draw, VIROSE H4 26 --- VIROSE poisonous [adj]
Other tops: VIREOS H4 26
Other moves: VERSO H4 24, VIERS H4 24, VIREO H4 24, VIRES H4 24, VISOR H4 24

On 2nd draw, GREYNESS 8A 98 --- GREYNESS the state of being gray [n]
Other moves: GYRENES 10B 77, ERYNGOES 7C 66, GREYNESS 8B 63, SYRINGE 5E 44, GEYER G5 33

On 3rd draw, HEED 9C 31 --- HEED to pay attention to [v]
Other tops: HUED 9C 31
Other moves: HEEL 9C 29, HUES 9C 29, SHEELED C3 28, SHELVED 4D 28, SHEELED 9F 27

On 4th draw, V(I)VARIUM 4H 86 --- VIVARIUM a place for raising and keeping live animals [n]
Other tops: VIVAR(I)UM 4H 86
Other moves: VIVAR(I)UM 4F 80, V(I)VARIUM 4F 80, VI(V)ARIUM 5C 74, VI(V)ARIUM 5G 74, (V)IVARIUM 5C 74

On 5th draw, MULGA O4 24 --- MULGA an acacia tree [n]
Other tops: AGAMI O1 24, MOGUL O4 24
Other moves: ALGA 3L 23, ALAMO O1 21, GAUM O1 21, GLAM O1 21, GLIM O1 21

On 6th draw, ARBO(R)ISE K4 86 --- ARBORISE to form many branches [v]
Other tops: AEROBI(C)S K4 86, A(R)BORISE K4 86
Other moves: SOBERI(N)G A1 83, (D)ISROBER B1 80, (F)IBROSE N8 79, (L)IBEROS N8 79, (D)ISOBEYER D2 76

On 7th draw, PROMULGATE O1 45 --- PROMULGATE [v]
Other moves: PROW 7C 39, OPTER 7B 36, TWIRPY M2 36, POET 7C 33, PORTY B6 33

On 8th draw, GELATION A8 80 --- GELATION the process of gelling [n]
Other moves: TOENAIL L9 72, ELATION J8 70, TOENAIL J9 69, TOENAILED F1 64, ELATION I9 62

On 9th draw, FANTOD N10 49 --- FANTOD an emotional outburst [n]
Other tops: AFRONT N9 49
Other moves: FONDA N10 47, FROND N10 47, FRONT N10 45, FORNENT E5 40, FONDA 12H 37
FRONT N10 45 roocatcher

On 10th draw, RATIO B11 22 --- RATIO a proportional relationship [n]
Other tops: ORA O13 22, RATIO 7D 22, RATOO 7D 22
Other moves: TARDO 15K 21, ART 7B 19, ORA 7B 19, ORT 7B 19, RATO B11 18
TOIT M11 18 roocatcher

On 11th draw, HADE 15L 36 --- HADE to incline [v]
Other tops: AUBADE 15J 36
Other moves: AHA O13 34, BAHADUR B2 34, DAUBE M11 32, HAE 7C 32, AHA 7B 31
HADE 15L 36 roocatcher

On 12th draw, SANDWORM 6B 74 --- SANDWORM a sand-dwelling worm [n]
Other moves: WANDS 12H 37, WOADS 12H 37, SOWND 12K 32, DAWNS 12K 31, DOWNA 12K 31
MOO 3M 20 roocatcher

On 13th draw, JOWLER 2J 64 --- JOWLER a heavy-jawed hound [n]
Other moves: YOWLER 2J 40, JOE 5C 37, JOE M11 35, JOWLED E1 34, PLOWER 2J 34
JOE 5C 37 roocatcher

On 14th draw, CADIE 5A 29 --- CADIE a caddie [n]
Other moves: DEPICT 13I 26, CADE 12I 25, CADI 12I 25, CEDI 12I 25, CIDE 12I 25
PEA 5C 22 roocatcher

On 15th draw, LANX 12L 38 --- LANX a platter [n]
Other moves: UNTAX J10 36, XI I9 34, XU I9 34, TAXI J7 29, XI L11 27
YEX D8 13 roocatcher

On 16th draw, FAUNA M11 27 --- FAUNA the animal life of a particular region [n]
Other tops: FAENA M11 27
Other moves: BEGUIN D1 24, BEGUN J7 24, FAE M11 21, FUB I9 21, FUNG I9 21
BUNG J9 19 sunshine12

On 17th draw, BOY 7G 34 --- BOY a male child [n] --- BOY to act a female role as a boy [v]
Other moves: BOKS G5 30, YEUKY D8 30, YUKE J7 29, BUKE J7 27, KEY J9 27
KIN D4 14 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, chunk88, BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, QUININ D1 50 --- QUININ an alkaloid [n]
Other moves: QUEP J9 34, QUENAS B1 30, QUINAS B1 30, EQUIPE 9H 28, QI J9 28
QUINAS B1 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 19th draw, ICTIC A1 30 --- ICTIC pertaining to ictus [adj] --- ICTUS a recurring stress or beat in a poetical form [adj]
Other moves: ECO 3M 21, GIP J9 19, EPIC J10 18, PICAS B2 18, PIET J9 18

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