Game on April 22, 2024 at 00:37, 5 players
1. 136 pts roocatcher
2. 31 pts sunshine12
3. 31 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 34 34
2. 5E 94 128
3. 8A 83 211
4. F7 70 281
5. L1 50 331
6. 15D 45 376
7. 11E 86 462
8. 1K 42 504
9. 12K 48 552
10. A8 104 656
11. 9H 64 720
12. 3I 32 752
13. O8 36 788
14. C3 24 812
15. 13C 38 850
16. 14H 42 892
17. 10M 29 921
18. O8 48 969
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6958 roocatcher 2 4:07 -833 136 1.7630 sunshine12 0 1:30 -938 31
2.7630 sunshine12 0 1:30 -938 31 2.7743 GLOBEMAN 0 1:56 -938 31
3.7743 GLOBEMAN 0 1:56 -938 31 Group: intermediate
4. - chunk88 0 0:22 -957 12 1.6958 roocatcher 2 4:07 -833 136
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:50 -967 2 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 0:22 -957 12
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:50 -967 2
On 1st draw, FOYNED H4 34 --- FOYNE to thrust with a spear or sword [v]
Other moves: DEIFY H8 32, EDIFY H8 32, FENDY H4 32, FENDY H8 32, FOYNE H4 30
On 2nd draw, REBOILED 5E 94 --- REBOIL to boil again [v]
Other moves: BELFRIED 4E 78, ERODIBLE 5F 72, LINEBRED 7F 65, RENDIBLE 7F 65, BEEDI I5 29
On 3rd draw, BOTANISE 8A 83 --- BOTANISE to collect plants for study [v]
Other moves: BANDITOS L2 74, BASTION G8 69, BONITAS G8 69, OBTAINS G9 65, OBTAINS I9 65
On 4th draw, VILIPEND F7 70 --- VILIPEND to defame [v]
Other moves: PIEND 4K 30, PILED 4K 30, PINED 4K 30, VINED 6B 30, DEVIL 4K 29
On 5th draw, JEHADI L1 50 --- JEHADI one who takes part in a jehad [n]
Other moves: JEHAD L1 48, JIHAD L1 48, JIVED L1 48, JAPED L1 46, JAPE D3 40
On 6th draw, MOSSO 15D 45 --- MOSSO rapidly -- used as a musical direction [adv]
Other moves: JAMS 1L 39, JOMO 1L 39, SMOGS 15F 39, JAGS 1L 36, JOGS 1L 36
On 7th draw, (O)PTIONEE 11E 86 --- OPTIONEE one who holds a legal option [n]
Other tops: OPTI(O)NEE 11E 86
Other moves: BETONIE(S) A8 80, E(Y)EPOINT 11C 68, NEOTENI(C) 13F 68, NOI(S)ETTE C2 68, NOI(S)ETTE C3 68
On 8th draw, OJIME 1K 42 --- OJIME a bead on a cord which fastens a Japanese container [n]
Other moves: ALME M1 39, AMIE M1 37, OLM M1 35, AMI M1 33, JAIL 1L 33
On 9th draw, REDUX 12K 48 --- REDUX brought back [adj]
Other tops: REDUX 2K 48
Other moves: AXED 12K 44, RAXED 12I 43, EAUX 12L 42, AXE 12K 40, AXED 12J 39
On 10th draw, BAL(L)PARK A8 104 --- BALLPARK a facility in which ballgames are played [n]
Other tops: BA(L)LPARK A8 104
Other moves: KAL(Y)PTRA C3 84, PAL(I)KAR 14H 82, (B)ALLPARK J2 69, PARKA(S) 13I 45, MALARK(Y) N1 44
On 11th draw, DUATHLON 9H 64 --- DUATHLON an athletic event where everyone runs and cycles [n]
Other moves: THENAL 2J 39, UNTAX O8 36, HAULT N10 32, HAUNT N10 32, UNEATH 12D 31
On 12th draw, WIGHT 3I 32 --- WIGHT a living being [n] --- WIGHT to blame [v]
Other moves: TURNING O4 27, WRING O6 27, WRUNG O6 27, MURING N1 26, MUTING N1 26
On 13th draw, UNTAX O8 36 --- UNTAX to remit a tax on [v]
Other tops: IXORA O11 36
Other moves: WAITRON O3 33, OUTWIN O4 30, AW 10M 28, OW 10M 28, WO 10N 28
On 14th draw, OVERATE C3 24 --- OVEREAT to eat to excess [v]
Other tops: OUVERTE C3 24
Other moves: PREVUE 12A 23, OVEREAT C2 22, AVENUE 13C 20, OUVERT C3 20, REAVE 4A 20
On 15th draw, QUINSY 13C 38 --- QUINSY an inflammation of the tonsils [n]
Other moves: SUQ 14H 34, QI J2 31, SUQ 7L 31, QIS 7J 30, QUIM D12 30
QI J2 31 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, GAZER 14H 42 --- GAZER one that gazes [n]
Other moves: GAZE 14H 41, ZETA 2F 38, REZ B1 35, RITZ 6K 35, AZON B6 33
DAZE M12 28 roocatcher
ZOA 3B 12 chunk88
UT N12 2 BadBoyBen
On 17th draw, AFT 10M 29 --- AFT behind, nautically [adv]
Other moves: FOCI B7 25, FURCA N11 25, FUCI N11 23, IF 2N 23, TIC 8J 22
AFT 10M 29 roocatcher
On 18th draw, UNTAXING O8 48 --- UNTAX to remit a tax on [v]
Other moves: TIC 8J 22, IRING 6J 18, TWICE F1 18, GNAWN J7 17, GWINE F1 17
UNTAXING O8 48 roocatcher
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