Game on April 22, 2024 at 02:49, 5 players
1. 88 pts roocatcher
2. 26 pts sunshine12
3. 26 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 74 74
2. 9C 24 98
3. 8A 38 136
4. 10B 39 175
5. 5D 94 269
6. 4A 29 298
7. B2 68 366
8. 11E 46 412
9. H11 36 448
10. 12A 30 478
11. 8H 98 576
12. 13C 35 611
13. O8 80 691
14. 10I 26 717
15. 2F 89 806
16. N11 40 846
17. A12 30 876
18. 6J 36 912
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6964 roocatcher 1 2:39 -824 88 1.7622 sunshine12 0 1:00 -886 26
2.7622 sunshine12 0 1:00 -886 26 2.7761 GLOBEMAN 0 1:29 -886 26
3.7761 GLOBEMAN 0 1:29 -886 26 Group: intermediate
4. - chunk88 0 1:56 -889 23 1.6964 roocatcher 1 2:39 -824 88
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:57 -904 8 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 1:56 -889 23
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:57 -904 8
On 1st draw, ASP(E)RGE H2 74 --- ASPERGE to sprinkle [v]
Other tops: ASPERG(E) H2 74, E(N)GRASP H6 74, GAP(P)ERS H2 74, GRASPE(D) H8 74, GRASPE(R) H8 74, G(R)ASPER H8 74, PARGE(T)S H4 74, PAR(A)GES H4 74, PRESAG(E) H4 74, PR(E)SAGE H4 74, PR(I)SAGE H4 74, P(A)RAGES H4 74, SPARGE(D) H3 74, SPARGE(R) H3 74, SPARGE(S) H3 74, SPA(D)GER H3 74, SPA(I)RGE H3 74, SPA(R)GER H3 74, SPREAG(H) H3 74, (S)PARGES H3 74
Other moves: ASPERG(E) H7 72, ASP(E)RGE H7 72, E(N)GRASP H2 72, GAP(P)ERS H4 72, GASPER(S) H4 72
On 2nd draw, BOATED 9C 24 --- BOAT to travel by boat (watercraft) [v]
Other moves: BOATED G5 22, DEBATE 9H 22, DEBATES 3B 22, ABODE 9E 21, ADOBE 9G 21
On 3rd draw, ROOM 8A 38 --- ROOM to occupy a room (a walled space within a building) [v]
Other tops: ROAM 8A 38
Other moves: MAINOR 10B 30, MORION 10B 30, ROMAINE 8B 29, MOAI 8A 28, MOAN 8A 28
On 4th draw, JAIL 10B 39 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other tops: JILT 10B 39
Other moves: JAI 10B 36, PUJAH 4H 34, THUJAS 3C 34, JHALA 2F 33, LATHI 10B 31
On 5th draw, MAUV(E)(I)NS 5D 94 --- MAUVEIN a mauve dye [n]
Other moves: MAUV(I)N(E)S 5B 72, VANTS F6 32, VAUTS F6 32, VA(N)TS F6 31, VA(S)TS F6 31
On 6th draw, GONAD 4A 29 --- GONAD a sex gland [n]
Other moves: JEANED B10 28, DONEE 4A 26, GENOA 4A 26, DANG 4C 25, DONG 4C 25
On 7th draw, TROOZ B2 68 --- TROOZ trews [n]
Other moves: ZOSTER 11A 57, ZEROS 3B 52, ZERO 3B 50, ZOS 3B 44, COSTER 11A 43
On 8th draw, BIFLEX 11E 46 --- BIFLEX bent in two places [adj]
Other moves: FLEXO 11E 42, FOXIE 11E 42, FLEX 11E 40, FLIX 11E 40, BOLIX 11E 38
On 9th draw, LYASE H11 36 --- LYASE an enzyme [n]
Other tops: PIOYES 12A 36, POESY 12C 36
Other moves: YIPES 6J 35, YIPES 12A 34, PASEO 12D 32, PIOYE 12A 32, PIOYS 12A 32
On 10th draw, WRATE 12A 30 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other moves: WATTER 10I 29, WETTER 10I 29, SWATTER 3H 28, SWEATER 3H 28, SWEERT 3H 26
On 11th draw, ENARCHES 8H 98 --- ENARCH to graft a plant [v]
Other tops: ENARCHES 15H 98
Other moves: ENCHASER 15H 92, ENCHASER 8H 92, ARCHNESS 14A 80, ARCHNESS 14B 80, RANCHES 10I 79
On 12th draw, HIED 13C 35 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other moves: WHID A12 33, HIE 13C 31, EH 6E 30, SHILLED 3H 30, WHET A12 30
HELD 10I 26 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HE 10I 23 chunk88
On 13th draw, SEDITION O8 80 --- SEDITION incitement of rebellion against a government [n]
Other tops: EDITIONS O1 80
Other moves: SEDITION 14H 76, TENIOID 10I 75, TAENIOID 2G 72, SEDITION 3H 70, IDEATION 2E 65
DEE N6 8 BadBoyBen
On 14th draw, FOUNT 10I 26 --- FOUNT a fountain [n]
Other tops: AFRONT 13H 26, FOURTH M3 26
Other moves: FOIN 10I 25, FONT 10I 25, FORT 10I 25, FOUR 10I 25, FUERO N6 25
On 15th draw, QUANTILE 2F 89 --- QUANTILE any of the values of a random variable that divides a frequency distribution [n]
Other moves: SQUINT 3H 50, LIQUATE 2D 38, QUINELA J2 38, EQUALI 2E 37, EQUANT 2E 37
On 16th draw, PEAK N11 40 --- PEAK to reach a maximum [v]
Other moves: KEPI N11 36, WAKE A12 33, WAUK A12 33, WEAK A12 33, WEKA A12 33
On 17th draw, WIVE A12 30 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: WIG 1M 26, REVIEW N4 25, REVIEW M1 24, VIG 14B 24, WEEVIL M1 24
WIVE A12 30 roocatcher
On 18th draw, YOWIE 6J 36 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other moves: YOWE 6J 33, YOWL 6J 33, WEY 1M 32, WYE 1M 32, YEW 1M 32
WEY 1M 32 roocatcher
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