Game on April 22, 2024 at 10:17, 7 players
1. 304 pts Chelsea
2. 202 pts LongJump22
3. 99 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 40 40 


I3 36 76 


J2 43 119 


8A 83 202 


C3 86 288 


K5 32 320 


8K 61 381 


E5 90 471 


L8 24 495 


O6 64 559 


14J 44 603 


15G 37 640 


B10 44 684 


N1 53 737 


O1 37 774 


D3 37 811 


D12 38 849 


11H 30 879 


M1 31 910 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 3 9:44 -606 304 1.8585 LongJump22 4 4:11 -708 202
LongJump22 4 4:11 -708 202 2.8716 Wuincunx 1 4:26 -811 99
Wuincunx 1 4:26 -811 99 3.8727 Vuincunx 1 3:07 -843 67
Vuincunx 1 3:07 -843 67 4.8788 Quincunx 1 0:39 -878 32
5. -
RRR333 1 1:19 -870 40 5.8673 Zuincunx 1 1:36 -878 32
Quincunx 1 0:39 -878 32 Group: advanced
Zuincunx 1 1:36 -878 32 1.7061 Chelsea 3 9:44 -606 304
Group: not rated
1. - RRR333 1 1:19 -870 40
On 1st draw, FJORD H4 40 --- FJORD a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs [n]
Other moves: FJORD H8 36, FJORD H5 32, FJORD H6 32, FJORD H7 32, FORCED H4 32
FJORD H4 40 LongJump22, RRR333, Vuincunx
On 2nd draw, ZEA I3 36 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: MAZE G1 30, MAZE I1 30, ZEA G6 30, GAZE G1 29, GAZE I1 29
ZEA I3 36 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, LAWINE J2 43 --- LAWINE an avalanche [n]
Other moves: LAWIN J2 42, ANILE J3 34, JAWLINE 5H 34, ANIL J3 33, WAE J2 31
LAWINE J2 43 LongJump22
On 4th draw, O(U)TDARED 8A 83 --- OUTDARE to surpass in daring [v]
Other moves: DOATER(S) 9B 75, ROA(S)TED 9E 75, TOR(S)ADE 9E 75, TROADE(S) 9B 75, ADO(P)TER K6 69
O(U)TDARED 8A 83 LongJump22
On 5th draw, ISARITHM C3 86 --- ISARITHM an isopleth, a type of isogram [n]
Other moves: ZAMIAS 3I 34, THAIRMS C8 32, THIRAMS C8 32, THRIMSA C8 32, ZAMIA 3I 32
HARIMS K7 27 Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 6th draw, LAS K5 32 --- LA the sixth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: LOS K5 32
Other moves: LA K5 28, LO K5 28, OBOLUS B10 26, OBOL(U)S B4 26, SLAB 11C 26
LAS K5 32 Quincunx, Zuincunx, Wuincunx
LOS K5 32 Chelsea
On 7th draw, EXIE(S) 8K 61 --- EXIES a fit of hysterics or ague [n]
Other tops: EXI(L)E 8K 61, EXI(N)E 8K 61, EXO(D)E 8K 61
Other moves: WEXE(S) L1 47, WEX 9E 45, W(E)X 9E 43, EXI(L)E B2 42, EXI(N)E B2 42
WEX 9E 45 Chelsea
ZAXE(S) 3I 40 Wuincunx
On 8th draw, POLARISE E5 90 --- POLARISE to give polarity to [v]
Other moves: SLOPIER 11C 82, SPOILER 11C 82, SPOILER(S) O1 80, (S)POILERS O8 80, LIRIOPES M7 74
SPORE 11C 28 Chelsea
On 9th draw, XENON L8 24 --- XENON a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: ONION B10 20, INN 9L 18, ION 9L 18, ONION D11 18, NINON F10 17
INN 9L 18 Chelsea
On 10th draw, UN(S)OCKET O6 64 --- UNSOCKET to take out of the socket [v]
Other moves: NECK D12 34, NOCK D12 34, TOCK D12 34, TUCK D12 34, KENO D1 32
NOCK D12 34 Chelsea
On 11th draw, BOUGES 14J 44 --- BOUGE to budge [v]
Other moves: BOWSE 13I 39, BOWES L1 38, BOWSE L2 35, BOGUS L1 34, BOWES 14K 34
WEBS 14L 32 Chelsea
On 12th draw, GIVED 15G 37 --- GIVE to transfer freely to another's possession [v]
Other moves: DATIVE 15E 34, GIVED 13A 32, AVID 15H 31, GAITED 15F 31, VIED 15H 31
GIVED 15G 37 Chelsea
On 13th draw, MAVIE B10 44 --- MAVIE a songbird [n]
Other tops: MOVER B10 44, MOVIE B10 44
Other moves: MAIRE B10 38, MOIRA B10 38, MOIRE B10 38, MORAE B10 38, MORIA B10 38
MOVER B10 44 Chelsea
On 14th draw, BEARDY N1 53 --- BEARDY a bearded person [n] --- BEARDY having a beard [adj]
Other tops: BREADY N1 53, REBODY N1 53, REDBAY N1 53
Other moves: BARDY N2 51, BEADY N2 51, DERBY N2 51, BERAY N2 49, DEARY N2 47
BRAY F3 34 Chelsea
On 15th draw, AFT O1 37 --- AFT behind, nautically [adv]
Other moves: FRAP D12 34, ZAPATA 3I 34, FACT D12 30, FAR F6 29, FRAP F3 29
On 16th draw, TOPH D3 37 --- TOPH a porous limestone [n]
Other moves: PATH D1 36, OPAH F3 34, PATH D12 34, PAH F4 33, PHO A13 33
On 17th draw, WANY D12 38 --- WANY waning in some parts [adj]
Other tops: WALY D12 38
Other moves: AWNY D11 32, AWNY D12 32, YAWL D12 32, YAWN D12 32, NEWLY 12D 30
On 18th draw, QUINOL 11H 30 --- QUINOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: QUINO 11H 28, QUAT 3L 26, QUINOL 13F 26, QUINOL A4 25, QAT 3M 24
On 19th draw, ORC M1 31 --- ORC a marine mammal [n]
Other moves: CIGAR 13A 27, CITO 12G 23, ORT M1 23, CIG 12G 22, GIRO 12G 22
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