Game on April 22, 2024 at 11:03, 11 players
1. 263 pts LongJump22
2. 195 pts Chelsea
3. 79 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 86 86 


13C 84 170 


11H 74 244 


O8 21 265 


9F 64 329 


D8 70 399 


8A 35 434 


L8 48 482 


I3 47 529 


H1 34 563 


15C 33 596 


B4 65 661 


13L 29 690 


A11 41 731 


C3 42 773 


D1 57 830 


M5 21 851 


14D 37 888 


N4 29 917 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 4:00 -654 263 1.8585 LongJump22 3 4:00 -654 263
Chelsea 0 3:41 -722 195 2.8727 Vuincunx 1 2:25 -838 79
Vuincunx 1 2:25 -838 79 3.8716 Wuincunx 0 1:42 -872 45
moonmonkey 1 0:24 -860 57 4.8788 Quincunx 0 2:00 -872 45
5. -
JJJJJJ1143 1 1:56 -860 57 5.8673 Zuincunx 0 0:13 -877 40
Wuincunx 0 1:42 -872 45 Group: advanced
Quincunx 0 2:00 -872 45 1.7047 Chelsea 0 3:41 -722 195
Zuincunx 0 0:13 -877 40 2.7664 moonmonkey 1 0:24 -860 57
HollyIvy 0 1:19 -888 29 3.7588 HollyIvy 0 1:19 -888 29
sicilianc5 0 1:33 -888 29 4.7661 sicilianc5 0 1:33 -888 29
Mycophot 0 1:47 -888 29 5.7861 Mycophot 0 1:47 -888 29
Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ1143 1 1:56 -860 57
On 1st draw, EARLOCK H6 86 --- EARLOCK a curl of hair near the ear [n]
Other moves: EARLOCK H7 82, EARLOCK H2 78, EARLOCK H3 78, EARLOCK H4 78, EARLOCK H8 78
EARLOCK H6 86 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, UNB(L)EST 13C 84 --- BLESS in invoke divine favour upon [adj] --- UNBLEST not blest [adj]
Other tops: NU(M)BEST 13C 84
Other moves: BUN(N)ETS 13B 82, BUT(A)NES 13B 82, BUT(E)NES 13B 82, BU(N)NETS 13B 82, BU(R)NETS 13B 82
B(R)UNETS 13B 82 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, CANTRAPS 11H 74 --- CANTRAP a magic spell [n]
Other moves: PARTANS I1 66, SPARTAN G1 66, SPARTAN I1 66, TARPANS I1 66, TRAPANS I1 66
CANTRAPS 11H 74 LongJump22
On 4th draw, LOOSIE O8 21 --- LOOSIE in rugby, a player free from the scrum [n]
Other tops: ESLOIN O10 21, LOONIES O5 21, LOOSEN O8 21
Other moves: ELOINS O6 18, LOOIES O6 18, LOONIE 10F 18, LOOSE O8 18, NOISE O8 18
LOOSIE O8 21 LongJump22
On 5th draw, HALATION 9F 64 --- HALATION a blurring of light in photographs [n]
Other moves: TANNAH D10 26, HOA G7 25, PHAT N11 25, PHON N11 25, PHOT N11 25
On 6th draw, ANNOUNC(E) D8 70 --- ANNOUNCE to make known publicly [v]
Other moves: UNANCHO(R) F4 66, AN(N)OUNCE 6A 63, ANNOU(N)CE 6A 61, A(N)NOUNCE 6A 61, NUNC(I)O 8A 35
CAN(S) 14L 16 Chelsea
On 7th draw, RIVAGE 8A 35 --- RIVAGE a coast, shore, or bank [n]
Other moves: DIV(E)RGE 15A 33, GRI(E)VED 15A 33, V(E)RGED 15C 30, VORRED L8 28, D(E)RIVE 15C 27
GIV(E)D 15A 27 Chelsea
On 8th draw, ZORRO L8 48 --- ZORRO a South American fox [n]
Other moves: MOZ G5 47, REZ G5 45, ZO 8L 44, MEZ(E) 15A 42, MOZ(E) 15A 42
MOZ G5 47 Chelsea
REZ G5 45 Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Quincunx
On 9th draw, FEDEX I3 47 --- FEDEX Federal Exprss [n] --- FEDEX to send by Federal Express [v]
Other moves: FAX(E)D 15A 45, FED(E)X 15A 45, FIX(E)D 15A 45, FAX I5 40, AX E10 38
FIX(E)D 15A 45 Chelsea
FAX I5 40 Zuincunx
On 10th draw, GIED H1 34 --- GIE to give [v]
Other tops: GUID H1 34
Other moves: NIED H1 31, DINE J4 28, GIEN H1 26, FEUDING 3I 24, DUNCE 14A 22
GIED H1 34 Vuincunx
DINE J4 28 Chelsea
On 11th draw, B(E)HELD 15C 33 --- BEHOLD to view [v]
Other tops: BEH(E)LD 15A 33, H(E)RBED 15C 33
Other moves: BILE J4 32, DEBRIEF 3C 28, DIEB G3 27, H(E)ILED 15C 27, H(E)IRED 15C 27
BILE J4 32 Chelsea
On 12th draw, GRAPIEST B4 65 --- GRAPEY resembling grapes [adj] --- GRAPY resembling grapes [adj]
Other moves: PAGERS 14J 37, PARGES 14J 37, PATERS 14J 35, PETARS 14J 35, PRATES 14J 35
On 13th draw, SWEE 13L 29 --- SWEE to sway [v]
Other moves: WIVE C6 26, WOVE C6 26, OWSE J1 25, POWS N11 25, OW E10 22
On 14th draw, AWNED A11 41 --- AWN a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses [adj] --- AWNED having awns [adj]
Other moves: CAY 14D 37, WAVEY C6 36, AMEND A11 35, MYNA A1 34, WANE J4 34
On 15th draw, QUEY C3 42 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: QUEER 6F 36, YE 14F 29, QUEY A3 28, QI C3 25, RIMU A1 25
YE 14F 29 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 16th draw, JAIL D1 57 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: LIMO D2 38, MAIL D1 37, MOIL D1 37, MILO D2 34, AIM D2 33
JAIL D1 57 moonmonkey, JJJJJJ1143
On 17th draw, TIMON M5 21 --- TIMON a helm [n]
Other tops: OM 14M 21
Other moves: MORT A6 20, TOMO 10G 20, MON M7 19, TOIT G3 19, DEVOT 4H 18
On 18th draw, COY 14D 37 --- COY bashful [adj] --- COY to caress [v]
Other moves: FY N6 36, ORF G5 30, RIF N4 29, IF N5 28, OF N5 28
On 19th draw, RIF N4 29 --- RIF to dismiss from employment [v]
Other moves: IF N5 28, RIFT G3 22, VIM L4 22, FIR E4 20, FIT E4 20
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