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Game on April 22, 2024 at 23:10, 5 players
1. 322 pts roocatcher
2. 148 pts sunshine12
3. 148 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeghotw   H3    32    32   awheto
 2. deilmnp   3F    80   112   plaidmen
 3. ?alrttu   5C    70   182   ultrahot
 4. abdeiny   4A    33   215   baye
 5. aeeilrs   J3    64   279   detailers
 6. acenost  11E    90   369   contessa
 7. dehinnr  H11    39   408   third
 8. aenoprv   A4    30   438   brave
 9. ainnnos   M9    25   463   nasion
10. adioors  15J    31   494   doosra
11. aeffilo   3B    32   526   fae
12. deggiuv  14B    28   554   vuggier
13. degiitw  14K    32   586   wined
14. beknpru  12L    38   624   bink
15. ?gijooz  10F    64   688   zo
16. ?cimnor   L1    80   768   cremosin
17. egiptxy   N8    61   829   pyx
18. eeloqtu   O4    84   913   quote
19. efgijtu   B8    35   948   fuji

Remaining tiles: egilt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6966 Fileroocatcher  2 11:39  -626  322     1.7622 sunshine12  1  2:12  -800  148 
  2.7622 Filesunshine12  1  2:12  -800  148     2.7761 GLOBEMAN    1  3:56  -800  148 
  3.7761 FileGLOBEMAN    1  3:56  -800  148            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  Filechunk88     1  1:25  -884   64     1.6966 roocatcher  2 11:39  -626  322 
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:59  -940    8            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     1  1:25  -884   64 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:59  -940    8 

On 1st draw, AWHETO H3 32 --- AWHETO (Maori) a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: THEOW H8 30, WHEAT H4 30, AWHETO H4 26, AWHETO H7 26, AWHETO H8 26

On 2nd draw, PLAIDMEN 3F 80 --- PLAIDMAN a Highlander [n]
Other moves: IMPLEAD 3C 30, MANIPLE 3G 30, WIMPLED 4H 30, MEIN I3 28, WIMPED 4H 28

On 3rd draw, ULTRAH(O)T 5C 70 --- ULTRAHOT extremely hot [adj]
Other moves: RE(B)UTTAL L2 66, TE(X)TURAL L2 66, TUT(E)LAR G6 64, T(I)TULAR G6 62, A(F)LUTTER 6B 61

On 4th draw, BAYE 4A 33 --- BAYE to bathe [v]
Other moves: BELADY D3 32, DENY 4L 32, BLADY D4 30, DAUBY C3 30, ABYE 4A 29

On 5th draw, DETAILERS J3 64 --- DETAILER one that details [n]
Other moves: REALISER F5 62, ATELIERS 7G 61, EARLIES I8 61, LATERISE 7F 61, REALISE I8 61

On 6th draw, CONTESSA 11E 90 --- CONTESSA an Italian countess [n]
Other tops: CONTESSA 11D 90

On 7th draw, THIRD H11 39 --- THIRD one of three equal parts [n] --- THIRD to divide by three [v]
Other tops: THRID H11 39
Other moves: BEHIND A4 36, THEIN H11 36, THEIR H11 36, THINE H11 36, HEID 4L 32
HERD 12L 30 roocatcher

On 8th draw, BRAVE A4 30 --- BRAVE showing courage [adj] --- BRAVE to face with courage [v]
Other tops: BEVOR A4 30, BRAVO A4 30, PARVO 2B 30
Other moves: PAEON I9 28, PAVANE L8 28, VAPORER 14B 28, PROBE A1 27, VERB A1 27
BRAVE A4 30 roocatcher

On 9th draw, NASION M9 25 --- NASION a point in the skull [n]
Other moves: NAS 3B 23, ANIONS M6 19, AS 3C 19, ISNA M10 19, NINONS M6 19
SAIN M11 19 roocatcher

On 10th draw, DOOSRA 15J 31 --- DOOSRA a certain bowling action in cricket [n]
Other moves: DAS 3B 26, ADIOS L11 24, EIDOS 4J 24, AD 3C 22, ARIOSO 2A 22
SOD 15M 19 roocatcher

On 11th draw, FAE 3B 32 --- FAE from (Scots) [prep]
Other moves: FARFEL 14F 29, FAIL 4L 28, FEAL 4L 28, FIEF L1 28, FOAL 4L 28
FEEL L1 22 roocatcher

On 12th draw, VUGGIER 14B 28 --- VUGGY abounding in vugs [adj]
Other moves: GIVED N6 27, VINED G9 25, DIVE 12L 24, DIVE 9A 24, DIVI 12L 24

On 13th draw, WINED 14K 32 --- WINE to provide with wine (the fermented juice of the grape) [v]
Other moves: DEW N8 30, WITED N6 30, TEW N8 29, TWIG 12K 28, WE 10F 28

On 14th draw, BINK 12L 38 --- BINK a bench [n]
Other tops: BIRK 12L 38
Other moves: KAB L10 32, KREEP L1 32, NERK 4L 32, NEUK 4L 32, RENK 4L 32
KEEP L1 30 roocatcher

On 15th draw, ZO 10F 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: Z(A) 10F 62, Z(O) 10F 62, J(E)EZ L1 54, JO 10F 52, JAZ(Y) 10L 51
ZO 10F 64 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, chunk88, roocatcher

On 16th draw, CREMO(S)IN L1 80 --- CREMOSIN crimson coloured [adj]
Other moves: CON(A)RIUM C8 74, COR(O)NIUM C8 74, INCOM(E)R N4 73, C(O)RONIUM C8 72, CRIM(S)ON N4 70
M(A)C 9E 28 sunshine12
CON G9 8 BadBoyBen

On 17th draw, PYX N8 61 --- PYX a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n] --- PYX to test newly minted coins [v]
Other moves: YEX N8 56, TEX N8 53, EX N9 52, EXPIRY F1 42, PRETAX 10I 42
YEX N8 56 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 18th draw, QUOTE O4 84 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: TOQUE O4 57, TOQUE B8 36, (S)UQ 6L 31, ELUTE O4 30, QUEUE C11 28
LEE O7 27 roocatcher

On 19th draw, FUJI B8 35 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: JEU 2D 29, CUIF 1L 27, (S)IJO 6L 26, JETFOIL 8D 25, JO 6N 25
JO 6N 25 roocatcher

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