Game on April 23, 2024 at 20:46, 5 players
1. 785 pts LongJump22
2. 481 pts roocatcher
3. 169 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 74 74
2. 10D 26 100
3. E5 126 226
4. F2 28 254
5. 12E 74 328
6. D6 34 362
7. 3C 36 398
8. K5 82 480
9. 13E 33 513
10. 14F 44 557
11. 8J 51 608
12. 15A 42 650
13. L1 26 676
14. 4B 51 727
15. 14B 31 758
16. 1J 33 791
17. 9K 24 815
18. O6 62 877
19. N4 65 942
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8589 LongJump22 10 13:36 -157 785 1.8589 LongJump22 10 13:36 -157 785
2.7000 roocatcher 3 13:07 -461 481 2.8821 Vuincunx 1 4:29 -773 169
3.8821 Vuincunx 1 4:29 -773 169 3.8899 Wuincunx 1 2:53 -815 127
4.7746 queen66 1 3:09 -808 134 Group: advanced
5.8899 Wuincunx 1 2:53 -815 127 1.7000 roocatcher 3 13:07 -461 481
2.7746 queen66 1 3:09 -808 134
On 1st draw, ACRASIN H3 74 --- ACRASIN a substance secreted by the cells of a slime mold [n]
Other tops: ARNICAS H8 74, CARINAS H4 74
Other moves: ACRASIN H2 70, ACRASIN H4 70, ACRASIN H6 70, ACRASIN H7 70, ACRASIN H8 70
CARINAS H4 74 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, RIVAS 10D 26 --- RIVA a cleft in rock [n]
Other tops: AVAILS 3H 26, SALIVA 3C 26
Other moves: AWLS 10E 25, VISA 10F 25, SAV 10H 24, SAW 10H 24, VAS 10F 24
RIVAS 10D 26 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, JEHADIST E5 126 --- JEHADIST one who takes part in a jehad [n]
Other moves: JEHADIS E5 72, JEHADIST 8C 70, DEARTHS 5E 44, HATREDS 5E 44, HAJ G1 38
JEHADIST E5 126 LongJump22
JEHADIST E5 76 Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 4th draw, BLOAT F2 28 --- BLOAT to swell [v]
Other moves: TABOR D6 27, TUBAR D6 27, BOLA F4 26, BOTA F4 26, GLOAT F2 25
BLOAT F2 28 LongJump22
On 5th draw, THESAURI 12E 74 --- THESAURI dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms [n] --- THESAURUS a word-finder of synonyms and antonyms [n]
Other moves: SHERIA D7 49, HARES D8 42, HIRES D8 42, RASHIE 13C 40, ARISH 13B 36
THESAURI 12E 74 LongJump22
HEARS 13A 36 roocatcher
On 6th draw, GEYER D6 34 --- GEY great [adj]
Other moves: DERMA 8A 33, EDEMA 8A 33, REGMA 8A 33, EMYDE 11K 30, EYED 11I 30
EYED 11I 30 LongJump22
DRY I1 20 roocatcher
On 7th draw, FEELBAD 3C 36 --- FEELBAD a feeling of personal unease, the opposite of feelgood [n]
Other moves: FOB 13G 33, SOWF H12 30, DOW 13G 29, SWOB H12 27, BOWERED K8 26
FOB 13G 33 LongJump22, roocatcher
On 8th draw, OUTLINER K5 82 --- OUTLINER one that outlines [n]
Other moves: ELUTION 2I 71, OUTLINE 2I 71, ELINT 13F 22, ELOIN 13F 22, NOULE 11I 20
OUTLINE 2I 71 LongJump22
NOEL 4A 19 roocatcher
On 9th draw, (S)ORI 13E 33 --- SORUS a cluster of plant reproductive bodies [n]
Other tops: (S)ARI 13E 33, (S)ILO 13E 33, (S)OLI 13E 33
Other moves: O(S)AR 13D 31, AL(S)O 13C 30, (S)AL 13E 30, (S)AR 13E 30, (S)IR 13E 30
ROAR(S) 13A 27 roocatcher, LongJump22
On 10th draw, MANLY 14F 44 --- MANLY having the qualities of a man [adj]
Other tops: MARLY 14F 44
Other moves: YAM 14F 41, YARN 14F 38, YAR 14F 37, MAYA 4A 36, MANY 14F 35
MANLY 14F 44 roocatcher
YAM 14F 41 LongJump22, queen66
On 11th draw, CLOQ(U)E 8J 51 --- CLOQUE a fabric with an embossed design [n]
Other tops: CLAQ(U)E 8J 51, C(R)OWEA 15A 51
Other moves: COWA(G)E 15A 42, QUEAC(H) 6J 42, WA(S)E 15E 42, CA(S)E 15E 39, COW(P)EA 15A 39
QUEAC(H) 6J 42 LongJump22, queen66, Vuincunx
QUEA(N) 6J 33 roocatcher
On 12th draw, DAMAGE 15A 42 --- DAMAGE to injure [v]
Other moves: GAED 15H 40, DWAM 4A 37, WEAMB 2B 35, DAE 15H 34, GAE 15H 34
DAMAGE 15A 42 LongJump22
DAE 15H 34 roocatcher
On 13th draw, WROTE L1 26 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other tops: ELUTOR 15J 26, OUTLER 15J 26
Other moves: OWER 4A 25, TREW 2A 24, TROW 2A 24, LEW 2B 22, LOW 2B 22
WROTE L1 26 LongJump22
WOT 2B 19 roocatcher
On 14th draw, KEX 4B 51 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other moves: DOEK 15H 49, DEX 4B 45, KO 15H 44, REX 4B 43, TEX 4B 43
KEX 4B 51 LongJump22, queen66, roocatcher, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 15th draw, FUD 14B 31 --- FUD an old-fashioned person [n]
Other tops: FED 14B 31
Other moves: ENUF 14A 30, WEFT 1L 30, DEF 14B 29, FEN 14B 28, FET 14B 28
FUD 14B 31 LongJump22
WEFT 1L 30 roocatcher
On 16th draw, UNWEPT 1J 33 --- UNWEPT not wept [adj] --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [adj]
Other tops: UPWENT 1J 33
Other moves: TWERP 1K 30, WEPT 1L 27, PURER 2J 26, WENT 1L 21, WERT 1L 21
UNWEPT 1J 33 LongJump22
TWERP 1K 30 roocatcher
On 17th draw, IWI 9K 24 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other moves: LOBO 2D 22, WO M3 22, LOW 5A 21, NOW 5A 21, ROW 5A 21
WO M3 22 roocatcher
OW 15J 10 LongJump22
On 18th draw, OVERTOIL O6 62 --- OVERTOIL to wear out or exhaust by excessive toil [v]
Other moves: LOBO 2D 22, PIVOT N1 20, OVUM C12 18, VOR 5A 18, LOB 2D 17
VOR 5A 18 roocatcher
VOTED 9A 10 LongJump22
On 19th draw, POZ N4 65 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: PIZING N1 51, PIPING N1 37, POZ 5A 35, GIO 15H 34, ZO 6N 31
POZ N4 65 roocatcher
PO 6N 10 LongJump22
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