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Game on April 23, 2024 at 21:32, 5 players
1. 768 pts LongJump22
2. 414 pts roocatcher
3. 150 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehostv   H4    32    32   hoveas
 2. ?eipqrv   5E    68   100   piroque
 3. aenorru   8H    77   177   aurorean
 4. aabemno   M3    82   259   amoebean
 5. finorsu   N3    36   295   surf
 6. ?aegsst   N8    77   372   agatises
 7. eiklntw  15G    98   470   twinkles
 8. aehiotv   L1    44   514   have
 9. abdinpt   1H    33   547   bandh
10. adeello   F3    63   610   oeillade
11. eefgipw   6H    28   638   vig
12. aceittw   E8    28   666   tawtie
13. cddeirt  13B    80   746   directed
14. ijnotyy   O1    37   783   jot
15. lmouyyz   2G    36   819   moly
16. eiinopu  B10    28   847   pendu
17. cfgiorz  12L    50   897   friz
18. ginooux  A14    36   933   xi
19. cginouy   3C    39   972   uncoy

Remaining tiles: giiioo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8556 FileLongJump22  9 13:30  -204  768     1.8556 LongJump22  9 13:30  -204  768 
  2.7012 Fileroocatcher  2 11:51  -558  414     2.8798 Quincunx    2  3:40  -829  143 
  3.7673 Filemoonmonkey  1  5:55  -822  150     3.8745 Zuincunx    2  4:44  -829  143 
  4.8798 FileQuincunx    2  3:40  -829  143            Group: advanced
  5.8745 FileZuincunx    2  4:44  -829  143     1.7012 roocatcher  2 11:51  -558  414 
                                             2.7673 moonmonkey  1  5:55  -822  150 

On 1st draw, HOVEAS H4 32 --- HOVEA an Australian shrub with purple flowers [n]
Other moves: HAVES H4 30, HOVEA H4 30, HOVES H4 30, AVOSET H3 26, HOVEAS H3 26
HOVEAS H4 32 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, PIROQ(U)E 5E 68 --- PIROQUE a dugout canoe [n]
Other moves: PIVO(T)ER 5E 44, Q(U)IPO 5D 30, REEQ(U)IP 7F 28, EQ(U)IPE 7H 27, QI(S) I3 27
PIROQ(U)E 5E 68 LongJump22, Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 3rd draw, AUROREAN 8H 77 --- AURORA the rising light of the morning [adj] --- AUROREAN relating to the dawn [adj]
Other moves: AUROREAN 8B 59, PRONEUR E5 18, RERAN 6B 17, ROUEN 6B 17, AEON 6C 14
AUROREAN 8H 77 LongJump22
AUROREAN 8H 27 moonmonkey

On 4th draw, AMOEBEAN M3 82 --- AMOEBEAN alternately responding [adj]
Other moves: AMOEBAN G9 68, AMOEBEAN M5 66, ABOMA 7J 29, AMEBA 7J 29, AMOEBA 7J 28
AMOEBEAN M3 82 LongJump22
BEMA 9K 26 roocatcher

On 5th draw, SURF N3 36 --- SURF to ride breaking waves on a long, narrow board [v]
Other moves: FIAR N6 34, FUSION N1 34, ORF N4 33, FINO L1 32, FRONS N2 32
FIAR N6 34 roocatcher
RIF 6D 31 LongJump22

On 6th draw, AGAT(I)SES N8 77 --- AGATISE to cause to resemble agate [v]
Other tops: AGE(L)ASTS N8 77, GASTNES(S) O4 77, GASTNE(S)S O4 77
Other moves: GA(S)TNESS O4 76, P(O)STAGES E5 70, (U)PSTAGES E4 70, STENGA(H)S O5 68, O(U)TGASES K8 66
P(O)STAGES E5 70 LongJump22
GESTS O1 33 roocatcher

On 7th draw, TWINKLES 15G 98 --- TWINKLE to shine with a flickering or sparkling light [v]
Other moves: TWINKLES 13G 84, TWINKLES 9A 67, LIKEST 15J 45, WELKINS 15H 45, WINKLES 15H 45
TWINKLES 15G 98 LongJump22
TWINKLES 15G 48 moonmonkey
LIKEST 15J 45 roocatcher

On 8th draw, HAVE L1 44 --- HAVE a wealthy person [n] --- HAVE to be in possession of [v]
Other tops: HIVE L1 44, HOVE L1 44
Other moves: HATE L1 35, HOTE L1 35, VIAE L1 35, VITA L1 35, VITE L1 35
HAVE L1 44 LongJump22, Quincunx, Zuincunx
HIVE L1 44 moonmonkey

On 9th draw, BANDH 1H 33 --- BANDH (Hindi) in India, a general strike [n]
Other moves: BAITH 1H 30, AHIND 1K 27, HIPT 1L 27, TABID 6B 25, VINA 6H 25
BANDH 1H 33 LongJump22

On 10th draw, OEILLADE F3 63 --- OEILLADE an amorous glance [n]
Other moves: ALLOD 6B 23, ALOED 6B 23, ALOD 6C 20, DEV 6F 20, ELODEA 14B 20
OEILLADE F3 63 LongJump22
VASE 3L 7 roocatcher

On 11th draw, VIG 6H 28 --- VIG short form of vigorish, a charge paid to a bookie on a bet [n]
Other moves: SPEW 9H 26, EWE O1 25, FEE O1 25, FIE O1 25, GIF O10 25
FEE O1 25 roocatcher, LongJump22

On 12th draw, TAWTIE E8 28 --- TAWTIE tatty [adj]
Other tops: TWAITES 13H 28
Other moves: TAWIE E8 26, TEWIT E8 26, WAITES 13I 26, AWE O1 25, EWT O1 25
TAWTIE E8 28 LongJump22
AWE O1 25 roocatcher

On 13th draw, DIRECTED 13B 80 --- DIRECT to control or conduct the affairs of [v]
Other moves: CREDITED 13C 78, DEID D9 31, TIERCED 13C 30, CIDER 14A 26, DETICK K10 26
DEID D9 31 LongJump22, Quincunx, Zuincunx, moonmonkey
DICER 14A 26 roocatcher

On 14th draw, JOT O1 37 --- JOT to write down quickly [v]
Other moves: TINY 2G 34, TONY 2G 34, ONY 2H 33, JONTY K7 30, JIN 14A 28
JOT O1 37 roocatcher
ROJI J8 27 LongJump22

On 15th draw, MOLY 2G 36 --- MOLY a wild garlic [n]
Other moves: MOLDY B10 34, MOZ L10 33, MY 2I 32, OOZY K8 32, MOZO 3C 30
MY 2I 32 roocatcher
DZO B13 26 LongJump22

On 16th draw, PENDU B10 28 --- PENDU (Hinglish) culturally backward [adj]
Other moves: PINETA 8A 27, PINE 14A 22, PONE 14A 22, UNOPEN O7 22, UPO D8 22
PINE 14A 22 LongJump22
POI D9 19 roocatcher

On 17th draw, FR(I)Z 12L 50 --- FRIZ to curl hair tightly [v]
Other moves: ZORIL 6B 38, ZO(I)C 12L 34, RIZ J8 32, FICO A7 31, FIZ 12H 31
RIZ J8 32 roocatcher
ZO 3E 11 LongJump22

On 18th draw, XI A14 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU A14 36
Other moves: OXO A8 34, OXO G9 30, OX A14 29, OX G9 29, GOX C9 26
OXO A8 34 roocatcher

On 19th draw, UNCOY 3C 39 --- COY bashful [adj] --- UNCOY not coy [adj]
Other tops: UNCOY A7 39
Other moves: ORGY D12 28, CONGOU 3B 25, YGO A8 25, CION A8 24, ICON A8 24
UNCOY A7 39 roocatcher

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