Game on April 23, 2024 at 22:18, 10 players
1. 90 pts LongJump22
2. 83 pts roocatcher
3. 46 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. 9H 61 125
3. O9 51 176
4. 13H 48 224
5. O7 54 278
6. L12 26 304
7. N6 38 342
8. M6 39 381
9. L1 32 413
10. 12A 80 493
11. A6 36 529
12. C8 74 603
13. 15C 57 660
14. B2 30 690
15. A1 44 734
16. 10F 36 770
17. G5 46 816
18. H1 44 860
19. 1J 27 887
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8552 LongJump22 2 1:40 -797 90 1.8552 LongJump22 2 1:40 -797 90
2.7009 roocatcher 0 2:10 -804 83 2.8798 Quincunx 1 1:37 -841 46
3.8798 Quincunx 1 1:37 -841 46 3.8745 Zuincunx 1 1:54 -841 46
4.8745 Zuincunx 1 1:54 -841 46 4.8821 Vuincunx 1 0:47 -843 44
5.8821 Vuincunx 1 0:47 -843 44 5.8899 Wuincunx 1 1:07 -843 44
6.8899 Wuincunx 1 1:07 -843 44 Group: advanced
7.7550 HollyIvy 1 1:32 -843 44 1.7009 roocatcher 0 2:10 -804 83
8.7637 sicilianc5 1 1:53 -843 44 2.7550 HollyIvy 1 1:32 -843 44
9.7746 queen66 1 0:17 -860 27 3.7637 sicilianc5 1 1:53 -843 44
10.7673 moonmonkey 1 0:40 -860 27 4.7746 queen66 1 0:17 -860 27
5.7673 moonmonkey 1 0:40 -860 27
On 1st draw, OU(T)NESS H7 64 --- OUTNESS the state of being out [n]
Other tops: ENSOU(L)S H2 64, ENSOU(L)S H3 64, ENSOU(L)S H4 64, ENSOU(L)S H6 64, ENSOU(L)S H8 64, NOUS(L)ES H2 64, NOUS(L)ES H3 64, NOUS(L)ES H4 64, NOUS(L)ES H6 64, NOUS(L)ES H7 64, NO(N)USES H3 64, NO(N)USES H4 64, NO(N)USES H6 64, NO(N)USES H7 64, NO(N)USES H8 64, OU(T)NESS H3 64, OU(T)NESS H4 64, OU(T)NESS H6 64, OU(T)NESS H8 64, S(I)NUOSE H2 64, S(I)NUOSE H4 64, S(I)NUOSE H6 64, S(I)NUOSE H7 64, S(I)NUOSE H8 64, S(W)OUNES H2 64, S(W)OUNES H4 64, S(W)OUNES H6 64, S(W)OUNES H7 64, S(W)OUNES H8 64, UNS(H)OES H2 64, UNS(H)OES H3 64, UNS(H)OES H4 64, UNS(H)OES H6 64, UNS(H)OES H7 64, UNS(H)OES H8 64, (B)ONUSES H2 64, (B)ONUSES H3 64, (B)ONUSES H6 64, (B)ONUSES H7 64, (B)ONUSES H8 64, (N)ONUSES H2 64, (N)ONUSES H3 64, (N)ONUSES H6 64, (N)ONUSES H7 64, (N)ONUSES H8 64, (T)ONUSES H2 64, (T)ONUSES H3 64, (T)ONUSES H6 64, (T)ONUSES H7 64, (T)ONUSES H8 64
Other moves: ENSOU(L)S H5 62, ENSOU(L)S H7 62, NOUS(L)ES H5 62, NOUS(L)ES H8 62, NO(N)USES H2 62
On 2nd draw, (T)ENEBRIO 9H 61 --- TENEBRIO a night prowler [n]
Other moves: BREE I7 23, BRIE I7 23, BRIO I7 23, EBONISE 13C 22, EBRIOSE 13C 22
BOI G7 20 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, OXIDATE O9 51 --- OXIDATE to oxidize [v]
Other moves: DOXIE O8 42, XI 8N 42, AXOID O7 39, DETOX O6 39, DEX I5 36
DETOX O6 39 roocatcher
On 4th draw, SQU(I)RR 13H 48 --- SQUIRR to scour [v]
Other moves: QUO(I)FS 13C 42, QUO(I)F I3 39, FORERU(N) 11E 36, QU(I)NO J6 35, QUO(I)FS 12C 34
QUA 13M 24 roocatcher
On 5th draw, DEOXIDATE O7 54 --- DEOXIDATE
Other moves: FANTOD 10F 29, FONDA 10F 26, DAFTIE N5 25, DIOTA N8 24, FAINTED 10E 24
On 6th draw, PROF L12 26 --- PROF a professor [n]
Other moves: FIE N8 24, FRAP L12 24, PIA N8 22, PIE N8 22, GOAF I4 21
On 7th draw, HOMIE N6 38 --- HOMIE a member of a youth gang [n]
Other moves: THIEF 15H 33, MOITHER M3 32, METIF 15H 30, MOTIF 15H 30, TOMIA N6 29
On 8th draw, APERT M6 39 --- APERT open or public [adj]
Other moves: PERT M7 33, TAPER M5 29, TOPER M5 29, APER M6 28, ATAP M4 23
On 9th draw, MOTUCA L1 32 --- MOTUCA a large Brazilian fly [n]
Other moves: CODA L4 28, MUDCATS 12B 24, OCTAD L2 23, CAUMED 11D 22, CAUMED K5 22
On 10th draw, YEARNERS 12A 80 --- YEARNER one that yearns [n]
Other moves: YEARNER I1 65, RAREFY 15H 36, RENAY 10F 33, RENEY 10F 33, EMERY 1K 30
On 11th draw, SONANCY A6 36 --- SONANCY a voiced character [n]
Other tops: CANONRY A6 36, CANYONS A9 36, CRAYONS A9 36, SCRANNY A6 36
Other moves: CRANNY A7 33, CANNY A8 30, CARNY A8 30, CAROMS 1H 30, CORNY A8 30
On 12th draw, TRAVAILS C8 74 --- TRAVAIL to toil [v]
Other moves: VIOLAS 2J 34, VIOLA 2J 32, VIOLS 2J 32, TRAVIS B2 28, MIRV 1L 27
On 13th draw, SKEIGH 15C 57 --- SKEIGH proud [adj]
Other moves: SHITAKE 15C 54, SKAITH 15C 54, GASKET 15A 48, HASK 15A 48, KESH 15A 45
On 14th draw, WAIFT B2 30 --- WAIFT cast up goods [n]
Other tops: VAWTE 3I 30
Other moves: FETWA D4 27, VAWTE D4 27, WAIVE D4 27, TWAITE 3H 26, VAWNTIE E9 26
On 15th draw, DOAB A1 44 --- DOAB land between two rivers [n]
Other moves: WALD A1 42, WOAD A1 42, WOLD A1 42, BALD A1 39, BOLD A1 39
On 16th draw, DENAY 10F 36 --- DENAY to declare to be untrue [v]
Other tops: DANNY 10F 36
Other moves: EMYDE 1K 33, AYIN M1 29, EYEN M1 29, NAY 10H 29, YEAN M1 29
On 17th draw, WIZ G5 46 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other moves: GLITZ 3I 34, LUZ J12 32, WILTING 3I 30, ZINC 5I 30, ZIG K2 29
WIZ G5 46 LongJump22, Quincunx, Zuincunx
On 18th draw, OGIVE H1 44 --- OGIVE a pointed arch [n]
Other tops: GLOVE H1 44
Other moves: OLIVE H1 41, VOGIE H1 35, VIOLET 2J 34, VOILE H1 32, VOLTE H1 32
GLOVE H1 44 LongJump22, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 19th draw, LIMING 1J 27 --- LIME to treat with lime (a calcium compound) [v] --- LIMING the preparation of leather [n]
Other tops: TIMING 1J 27
Other moves: NIL I5 23, TIL I5 23, INTO 14I 22, MING 1L 21, IN 14I 19
TIMING 1J 27 queen66
LIMING 1J 27 moonmonkey
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