Game on April 24, 2024 at 01:21, 5 players
1. 223 pts sunshine12
2. 27 pts roocatcher
3. 27 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 68 68
2. 8G 62 130
3. 11E 90 220
4. O5 60 280
5. 10F 41 321
6. 6H 41 362
7. 12D 41 403
8. 10L 35 438
9. N10 36 474
10. 15J 40 514
11. N2 45 559
12. O11 31 590
13. 3G 90 680
14. H1 39 719
15. 4L 33 752
16. 2D 21 773
17. 1A 30 803
18. 3A 32 835
19. A3 51 886
20. B8 78 964
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7529 sunshine12 4 7:16 -741 223 1.7529 sunshine12 4 7:16 -741 223
2.7018 roocatcher 0 0:39 -937 27 2.7018 roocatcher 0 0:39 -937 27
3.7769 GLOBEMAN 0 1:11 -937 27 3.7769 GLOBEMAN 0 1:11 -937 27
4. - chunk88 0 1:43 -937 27 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:09 -938 26 1. - chunk88 0 1:43 -937 27
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:09 -938 26
On 1st draw, EARI(N)GS H7 68 --- EARING a line on a ship [n]
Other tops: AGIS(T)ER H3 68, AGRISE(D) H3 68, AGRISE(S) H3 68, AGRI(S)ES H3 68, AGRI(Z)ES H3 68, AIGRE(T)S H2 68, A(N)GRIES H2 68, EAR(W)IGS H7 68, ERASI(N)G H6 68, GAI(N)ERS H4 68, GAI(T)ERS H4 68, GAR(V)IES H4 68, GAS(P)IER H4 68, GAS(S)IER H4 68, GA(S)SIER H4 68, GA(W)SIER H4 68, GISAR(M)E H4 68, GRAI(L)ES H4 68, GRAI(N)ES H4 68, GRA(V)IES H4 68, G(L)AIRES H4 68, RAG(G)IES H2 68, REGAI(N)S H2 68, REGI(N)AS H2 68, RI(V)AGES H8 68, SAG(G)IER H2 68, SEARI(N)G H6 68, SERI(N)GA H7 68, S(P)AIRGE H7 68, S(T)RIGAE H8 68, (H)EGARIS H2 68, (H)EGIRAS H2 68, (H)IRAGES H8 68, (M)IRAGES H8 68, (P)RISAGE H7 68, (T)IRAGES H8 68, (T)RIAGES H8 68
Other moves: AGIS(T)ER H2 66, AGIS(T)ER H4 66, AGIS(T)ER H6 66, AGIS(T)ER H7 66, AGRISE(D) H2 66
On 2nd draw, (F)ACTOTUM 8G 62 --- FACTOTUM a person employed to do many kinds of work [n]
Other tops: OUTMATC(H) 8D 62
Other moves: CU(S)TOMS 13B 26, SC(R)OTUM 13H 26, T(E)CTUMS 13B 26, COM(B)UST 13C 24, CU(S)TOM 6F 24
On 3rd draw, FEN(N)IEST 11E 90 --- FENNY having fens [adj]
Other moves: FEINTEST L1 80, FINEST O4 75, FEENS O4 72, FEINTEST L4 72, FENIS O4 72
On 4th draw, WIGS O5 60 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other tops: SWIG O8 60, W*GSWOGS O5 60
Other moves: OWES O5 57, OWSE O6 57, WISE O6 57, WOES O5 57, EGGS O5 54
On 5th draw, WAIDE 10F 41 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: WAIST 10F 39, WAITE 10F 39, WASTED 10J 37, WASTED 12A 36, WOADS 10J 36
On 6th draw, HAJI 6H 41 --- HAJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: HAJ 6H 40, HAJI 12K 37, HAJ 12K 35, HAME N6 33, JEAN 12C 33
On 7th draw, LYNAGE 12D 41 --- LYNAGE ancestry [n]
Other moves: ANALYSE 13C 30, INLAY 12B 30, LINEY 12B 30, ALAY 12C 28, RAYNE 9H 28
On 8th draw, ADZ 10L 35 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: MIZ N8 34, ILIAD N2 32, ZILA N2 31, ADZ 12L 30, ADZ 5K 30
ZA 13C 24 sunshine12
On 9th draw, ZOMBI N10 36 --- ZOMBI a snake God of voodoo [n]
Other moves: MORIBUND M3 34, MOB N4 28, BUM N6 26, MUM N6 26, NIMB G3 26
MOB N4 28 sunshine12
On 10th draw, NEELES 15J 40 --- NEELE a needle [n]
Other tops: RESEEN 15J 40
Other moves: ERNES 15K 37, LEESE 15K 37, LENES 15K 37, LENSE 15K 37, LERES 15K 37
On 11th draw, CLOOP N2 45 --- CLOOP the sound of a cork leaving a bottle [n]
Other moves: COPAL N2 31, PICAL N2 31, CLAP N3 29, CLOP N3 29, COOP N3 29
On 12th draw, PYA O11 31 --- PYA a copper coin of Burma [n]
Other moves: VORPAL 3I 30, RYA O11 27, PAY O11 25, PUY O11 25, ROPY 14I 24
PYA O11 31 sunshine12
On 13th draw, HIBERNAL 3G 90 --- HIBERNAL pertaining to winter [adj]
Other moves: HIRABLE 3I 32, HERB G3 30, HERBAL 3I 30, REHAB G2 28, AHI O1 27
AHI O1 27 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, chunk88
On 14th draw, REIK H1 39 --- REIK a prank [n]
Other tops: RAIK H1 39
Other moves: KEX 2F 38, AX 7L 36, EX 7L 36, XU 5K 36, EXO 4L 33
AXE J1 26 BadBoyBen
On 15th draw, OXO 4L 33 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: OXEN J1 27, OXER J1 27, OX 5K 22, OXO 13B 22, NOX L3 20
OXEN J1 27 sunshine12
On 16th draw, REVUE 2D 21 --- REVUE a type of musical show [n]
Other tops: TRAIT 14K 21
Other moves: ERE 7H 20, RARE 9H 20, TAKER 4F 20, UVAE 2E 20, VAE 2F 19
On 17th draw, FIDO 1A 30 --- FIDO a defective coin [n]
Other moves: FOOTIER 7C 24, DRIFT D1 22, FRIT D1 22, REDFOOT E1 22, ORDO 1A 21
FIDO 1A 30 sunshine12
On 18th draw, QUID 3A 32 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: EQUID E2 30, QUIT 3A 29, QUID M7 25, QI 13C 24, QI K5 22
QUID 3A 32 sunshine12
On 19th draw, QUITTOR A3 51 --- QUITTOR an inflammation of an animal's hoof [n]
Other moves: GOUTIER 7C 20, GUTTIER 7C 20, TOG 4C 20, TOIT 4C 20, TORI 4C 20
QUITTOR A3 51 sunshine12
On 20th draw, NEGATON B8 78 --- NEGATON an electron [n]
Other moves: NONG 4C 22, TOGA 4C 22, TOGE 4C 22, TONG 4C 22, UNTO 4A 22
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