Game on April 24, 2024 at 02:09, 5 players
1. 104 pts sunshine12
2. 50 pts roocatcher
3. 29 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 56 56
2. I8 75 131
3. 5E 44 175
4. J8 28 203
5. 6B 47 250
6. H1 69 319
7. K11 36 355
8. C2 72 427
9. 6J 42 469
10. D8 83 552
11. 15J 78 630
12. O8 86 716
13. M6 74 790
14. B8 76 866
15. H12 34 900
16. A7 44 944
17. G12 25 969
18. B2 51 1020
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7562 sunshine12 0 4:44 -916 104 1.7562 sunshine12 0 4:44 -916 104
2.7025 roocatcher 0 2:17 -970 50 2.7025 roocatcher 0 2:17 -970 50
3.7769 GLOBEMAN 0 1:23 -991 29 3.7769 GLOBEMAN 0 1:23 -991 29
4. - chunk88 0 1:55 -991 29 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:35 -992 28 1. - chunk88 0 1:55 -991 29
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:35 -992 28
On 1st draw, JI(N)XED H4 56 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other moves: J(A)XIE H4 52, JI(N)XED H7 44, JI(N)XED H3 42, JI(N)XED H8 42, JUDIE(S) H4 42
On 2nd draw, MI(S)KNEW I8 75 --- MISKNOW to fail to understand or recognize [v]
Other tops: MI(S)KNEW G8 75
Other moves: JE(R)KIN 4H 32, JINKE(D) 4H 32, JINKE(R) 4H 32, J(U)NKIE 4H 32, J*W*NgJEWIN(G) 4H 30
On 3rd draw, MURICES 5E 44 --- MUREX a marine mollusc [n]
Other tops: CERIUMS 5E 44
Other moves: CRUZIES 5D 36, CIZERS 5G 34, CRUZIE 5D 34, MUCKERS 11F 30, MUCKER 11F 28
On 4th draw, OBIA J8 28 --- OBIA an African witchcraft [n]
Other moves: BAL H13 24, BAT H13 24, BATTIK 11D 24, BIOTA 4A 24, BOA H13 24
On 5th draw, GREYHE(N) 6B 47 --- GREYHEN the female black grouse [n]
Other moves: YEH K11 38, TYEE K10 36, TYER K10 36, TYG K10 36, TYRE K10 36
On 6th draw, OUTJI(N)XED H1 69 --- OUTJINX to surpass in jinxing [v]
Other moves: BEFIT K10 38, BEFIT K11 38, BOEUF K11 38, BUFO K11 36, FIB K11 36
On 7th draw, SHIVA K11 36 --- SHIVA a period of mourning [n]
Other moves: SHIV K11 34, SIDHA K10 34, SADHU K11 32, SIDH K10 32, SIDHA K11 32
HAD H13 31 sunshine12
On 8th draw, INDORSOR C2 72 --- INDORSOR one that endorses [n]
Other tops: NIDOROUS 2B 72
Other moves: TORDIONS 3H 70, ODOR H12 29, NADIRS 15J 27, NADORS 15J 27, RADIOS 15J 27
RANIDS 15J 24 sunshine12
On 9th draw, FITLY 6J 42 --- FITLY in a more fitting manner [adv]
Other moves: FAIRLY 2A 40, FLIRTY 2A 40, FAIRLY 15J 39, FAIRLY 4J 39, FLOATY 8A 39
On 10th draw, PETRALE D8 83 --- PETRALE a type of sole fish [n]
Other moves: PETRALE B8 78, PTERYLAE N2 76, REPLATE D8 75, ELOPER 8A 33, PELTAE D8 31
On 11th draw, GAZARS 15J 78 --- GAZAR silky sheer fabric [n]
Other moves: ZAGS 15A 56, SAZ B8 40, ZA C12 37, GAUZY N2 36, GAZERS 14A 36
On 12th draw, AIDANCES O8 86 --- AIDANCE help [n]
Other moves: AIDANCE B9 77, ACEDIA B9 33, CINDER N10 30, CAAING B1 29, CANIER N10 28
On 13th draw, LOBELINE M6 74 --- LOBELINE a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other tops: LOBELINE M2 74
Other moves: EBON H12 33, BEING B2 31, BOING B2 31, ENGOBE B4 26, BEEN E9 25
On 14th draw, TUTELAR B8 76 --- TUTELAR one who has the power to protect [n]
Other moves: TELLURATE 13A 70, ETAT H12 25, TROPE 8A 21, ALERT C11 20, AR L12 19
TROPE 8A 21 sunshine12, roocatcher
On 15th draw, ENOW H12 34 --- ENOW enough [n]
Other moves: ENOW A12 31, DOW H13 29, UDON H12 29, WED C13 29, WUD C13 29
WED C13 29 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, chunk88
On 16th draw, FAD A7 44 --- FAD a practice or interest that enjoys brief popularity [n]
Other moves: FA A7 33, AD A8 32, FADO G12 31, FANO G12 29, FAD A13 28
QAID 2A 28 BadBoyBen, sunshine12
On 17th draw, GOV G12 25 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other tops: AVO G13 25, OVA G13 25
Other moves: VAUNTY N1 24, TAV G12 23, TAV A13 22, UNGOT G10 21, AGON G11 20
On 18th draw, QUA B2 51 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QADI 4A 48, QI B2 46, QUAT F10 42, QUA F10 37, QUINTA 2A 34
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