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Game on April 24, 2024 at 02:53, 5 players
1. 91 pts sunshine12
2. 60 pts roocatcher
3. 24 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deiorwy   H7    34    34   dowery
 2. abgirtt  12C    22    56   bratty
 3. ?egnort   G4    70   126   negator
 4. ?eefinw   H1    37   163   fewer
 5. cegimnt   5D    40   203   metering
 6. aeilnrz   I7    55   258   zel
 7. aehorty   4A    42   300   yeah
 8. dilortu   A4    24   324   yourt
 9. adeiors   1H    89   413   foresaid
10. aeilnuv   C7    86   499   unviable
11. afhinps  10E    41   540   afresh
12. degikpu   J3    41   581   pinked
13. aimnotu   N1    28   609   ionium
14. aeilopt   O4    38   647   opiate
15. aillnsu   K5    24   671   gis
16. aiinosv   N9    36   707   avions
17. abcdego   3B    34   741   abode
18. agllrux  14B    56   797   relax
19. gijlnqu  M11    38   835   gju

Remaining tiles: ccilnq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7562 Filesunshine12  0  2:09  -744   91     1.7562 sunshine12  0  2:09  -744   91 
  2.7025 Fileroocatcher  0  3:06  -775   60     2.7025 roocatcher  0  3:06  -775   60 
  3.7769 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:54  -811   24     3.7769 GLOBEMAN    0  1:54  -811   24 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:07  -818   17            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:32  -818   17     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:07  -818   17 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:32  -818   17 

On 1st draw, DOWERY H7 34 --- DOWERY assets a wife brings to marriage [n]
Other tops: WEIRDY H4 34, WEIRDY H7 34
Other moves: DOWRY H8 32, ROWDY H8 32, WORDY H4 32, WORDY H8 32, YOWED H4 32

On 2nd draw, BRATTY 12C 22 --- BRATTY resembling a brat [adj]
Other tops: BIGA G6 22, RIBA G6 22
Other moves: BATTY 12D 20, BITTY 12D 20, GAB G8 20, GRITTY 12C 20, BAR G8 18

On 3rd draw, NEG(A)TOR G4 70 --- NEGATOR one that negates [n]
Other tops: GEN(I)TOR G4 70
Other moves: E(S)TRAGON E8 66, O(U)TRANGE E8 66, TE(T)RAGON E8 66, (F)RONTAGE E7 66, (S)TONERAG E6 66

On 4th draw, FEWE(R) H1 37 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other tops: WIFE(D) H1 37, WIFE(S) H1 37
Other moves: WEENIE(R) 5E 36, WEENIE(S) 5E 36, WIFE H1 36, (T)WEENIE 5E 36, WE(E)NIE 13B 34

On 5th draw, METE(R)ING 5D 40 --- METER to measure by mechanical means [v]
Other moves: ENE(R)GIC 5E 36, MEE(R)ING 5E 36, TEE(R)ING 5E 28, CENTIME 2B 26, MITTEN F9 25

On 6th draw, ZEL I7 55 --- ZEL an Oriental cymbal [n]
Other moves: ZILA 4A 54, ZINE 4A 54, ZIRAM D1 52, ZA 11E 46, ZEAL 6B 39

On 7th draw, YEAH 4A 42 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n] --- YEAH yes [adv]
Other moves: HAYER 13A 40, HAYER 4A 40, YEH 13C 39, WHEATY 3H 38, EARTHY 4J 37

On 8th draw, YOURT A4 24 --- YOURT a light tent of skins [n]
Other tops: DOIT 3C 24, DOLT 3C 24, DORT 3C 24, DORY A1 24, DOTY A1 24, DOUR 3C 24, DOUT 3C 24, DULY A1 24, DUTY A1 24, IDLY A1 24, OLDY A1 24, TIDY A1 24, TODY A1 24, URDY A1 24
Other moves: DOL 3C 22, DOR 3C 22, DOT 3C 22, LOID 3C 22, LORD 3C 22

On 9th draw, FORESAID 1H 89 --- FORESAID previously said [adj] --- FORESAY to predict [v]
Other moves: SOREDIA J9 69, EDS J7 29, ADORE 3B 28, RONDES J3 28, EAS J7 27

On 10th draw, UNVIABLE C7 86 --- UNVIABLE not viable [adj] --- VIABLE capable of living [adj]
Other moves: VAGINULE K3 62, VIABLE C9 30, UNALIVE 2B 24, UNVAILE 2B 24, UVAE 13A 24

On 11th draw, AFRESH 10E 41 --- AFRESH anew [adv]
Other moves: FRESH 10F 40, HAAFS 11B 36, INSHIP N1 34, HAAF 11B 32, RESHIP 10G 32

On 12th draw, PINKED J3 41 --- PINK to cut a saw-toothed edge on cloth [v]
Other moves: INKED J4 38, UNKED J4 38, KINGED J3 34, KI 11E 32, PINGED J3 32

On 13th draw, IONIUM N1 28 --- IONIUM an isotope of thorium [n]
Other tops: MOAI 3C 28, MOAN 3C 28, MOAT 3C 28, MOIT 3C 28, MONA 3C 28, MOTI 3C 28, MOTU 3C 28
Other moves: ATOM 3B 26, MOA 3C 26, MOI 3C 26, MON 3C 26, MOT 3C 26

On 14th draw, OPIATE O4 38 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other moves: PELOTA O5 32, PIOLET O5 32, POLITE O5 32, PAOLI 3B 30, PLOAT 3B 30

On 15th draw, GIS K5 24 --- GI a judo costume [n]
Other tops: GAS K5 24, SAUNA 11B 24
Other moves: ALIENS B1 22, AULA 11C 22, ILEUS B2 20, LIENS B2 20, LIEUS B2 20

On 16th draw, AVIONS N9 36 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other moves: AVENS B2 26, NOVA 3C 26, OVENS B2 26, AVIONS 11J 23, SAVIN M5 23

On 17th draw, ABODE 3B 34 --- ABODE to forebode [v]
Other moves: ADOBE 3B 32, CAGED M5 31, BODE 3C 30, *B* 3B 28, BOD 3C 28
BEAD M12 24 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, RELAX 14B 56 --- RELAX to make less tense or rigid [v]
Other moves: XU O12 36, EAUX 14C 27, AXE F1 26, GALAX E9 26, TAX F12 26
XU O12 36 sunshine12, roocatcher
OX 12N 17 chunk88, BadBoyBen

On 19th draw, GJU M11 38 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: QUINS 14J 34, QUINOL 12J 32, QI 10B 31, LUNGI 15E 29, QUINO 12J 28
QI 10B 31 sunshine12

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