Game on April 24, 2024 at 03:39, 5 players
1. 71 pts sunshine12
2. 63 pts roocatcher
3. 63 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 44 44
2. 8A 80 124
3. E5 94 218
4. A6 63 281
5. D11 38 319
6. F4 63 382
7. 14B 42 424
8. 15F 36 460
9. D4 38 498
10. 4H 28 526
11. N1 40 566
12. 1K 27 593
13. C10 35 628
14. O6 26 654
15. 3L 26 680
16. K4 86 766
17. J7 36 802
18. L7 38 840
19. 2F 21 861
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7577 sunshine12 0 3:10 -790 71 1.7577 sunshine12 0 3:10 -790 71
2.7020 roocatcher 1 4:02 -798 63 2.7020 roocatcher 1 4:02 -798 63
3.7769 GLOBEMAN 1 5:43 -798 63 3.7769 GLOBEMAN 1 5:43 -798 63
4. - chunk88 0 0:08 -851 10 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:36 -855 6 1. - chunk88 0 0:08 -851 10
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:36 -855 6
On 1st draw, JIBER H4 44 --- JIBER one that jibes [n]
Other moves: JIBER H8 30, BRIEF H8 28, FIBER H4 28, FIBRE H4 28, FIBRO H4 28
On 2nd draw, CA(V)EATOR 8A 80 --- CAVEATOR one that files a caveat [n]
Other moves: CABOTA(G)E 6F 69, OATCA(K)E G7 66, (P)EACOAT G7 63, OATCA(K)E G8 61, CA(P)ROATE 8E 60
On 3rd draw, DEMAINES E5 94 --- DEMAINE treatment [n]
Other tops: INSEAMED E4 94
Other moves: CNEMIDES A8 92, SIDEMEN 9H 77, DOMINEES G7 72, INSEEMED D2 72, INSEEMED D4 72
On 4th draw, VACAT(I)ON A6 63 --- VACATION to take a vacation (a period of time devoted to rest and relaxation) [v]
Other moves: ANOA(S) I4 32, VAT(M)AN D1 29, ANATTO(S) F5 28, JAVA(S) 4H 28, ANATTO F5 27
On 5th draw, POGEY D11 38 --- POGEY any form of government relief [n]
Other moves: JALOPY 4H 36, POLEY D11 36, PAYEE D4 32, AYELP D10 31, POGEY D2 30
On 6th draw, ZEX F4 63 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: ZAX F4 63
Other moves: REWAX F2 61, ZEX 7G 58, WAX F4 57, WEX F4 57, WOX F4 57
On 7th draw, FRESHEN 14B 42 --- FRESHEN to improve the condition of [v]
Other tops: FEHS I5 42, FOHS I5 42, HONERS I3 42, VACAT(I)ONER A6 42
Other moves: NIEFS 9D 40, FRESH 14B 38, NEFS I5 36, YRNEHS 15D 36, FOH D4 35
On 8th draw, AMOUR 15F 36 --- AMOUR a love affair [n]
Other tops: MAARE 15F 36
Other moves: ARAME 15F 34, AROMA 15F 34, MAAR 15F 33, MEOU 15F 33, OMER 15F 33
MORE 15G 28 sunshine12
On 9th draw, QIS D4 38 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: DIDOES D4 37, DOSED I3 31, DODS I5 30, DIODES I2 29, DIDOS D2 28
On 10th draw, JOURNAL 4H 28 --- JOURNAL a record of daily events [n] --- JOURNAL to record in a journal, JOURNALED, JOURNALING [v]
Other tops: JARGON 4H 28
Other moves: JUGAL 4H 26, AGON 13F 25, GURN C12 25, JARUL 4H 24, JOUAL 4H 24
On 11th draw, FRILLY N1 40 --- FRILLY having frills [adj]
Other moves: FELLY N2 38, FILLY N2 38, FY 15A 32, RILEY N2 32, YE F10 31
On 12th draw, ALEFT 1K 27 --- ALEFT to the left hand [adv]
Other tops: ALOFT 1K 27
Other moves: LEFT 1L 24, LIFE 1L 24, LIFT 1L 24, LOFT 1L 24, TOLAR C10 24
On 13th draw, DOWAR C10 35 --- DOWAR a type of tent village [n]
Other moves: SOWAR C10 33, WOADS 13G 29, W*GSWOGS 13G 29, GAWDS K11 28, GOWDS K11 28
On 14th draw, OGLED O6 26 --- OGLE to stare at lecherously [v]
Other moves: OILED O6 23, OLDIE O6 23, GODET 13G 22, OGLED 14J 22, LOOTED I2 21
On 15th draw, EPIC 3L 26 --- EPIC a long narrative poem [n]
Other moves: CODER I3 22, PERCED 7G 22, PIC 3M 22, PRICED 2F 22, PRICED K3 22
On 16th draw, RATIONED K4 86 --- RATION to distribute in fixed portions [v]
Other moves: DETAIN N9 26, DITONE N9 26, DONATE N9 26, NIDATE N9 25, OINTED N9 25
DA 15A 14 sunshine12
On 17th draw, KNUB J7 36 --- KNUB a knob [n]
Other moves: BURIN L8 34, KRUBUT J2 34, KRUBI J2 31, BINK J10 29, BIRK J10 29
BINK J10 29 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 18th draw, THIG L7 38 --- THIG to beg [v]
Other moves: SH*TSHIT L7 36, THIS L7 36, ISH L6 29, HIS L8 28, HIT L8 28
HUNTS 9I 13 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
HUN 9I 10 chunk88
GUN 9I 6 BadBoyBen
On 19th draw, VIRTUE 2F 21 --- VIRTUE moral excellence [n]
Other moves: URITE 14J 18, UTERI 14J 18, RIVE 2H 17, RIVET N9 17, VOTE I3 17
VIRTUE 2F 21 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
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