Game on April 24, 2024 at 23:33, 5 players
1. 89 pts sunshine12
2. 26 pts roocatcher
3. 26 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 40 40
2. 5D 90 130
3. 10B 78 208
4. J1 68 276
5. 1H 51 327
6. 4A 34 361
7. 8A 80 441
8. 8J 33 474
9. 11C 25 499
10. 12A 38 537
11. A1 36 573
12. O1 93 666
13. 2F 39 705
14. A11 33 738
15. M3 30 768
16. 3E 26 794
17. 13C 27 821
18. N8 33 854
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7605 sunshine12 1 4:22 -765 89 1.7605 sunshine12 1 4:22 -765 89
2.7059 roocatcher 1 1:18 -828 26 2.7059 roocatcher 1 1:18 -828 26
3.7787 GLOBEMAN 1 1:49 -828 26 3.7787 GLOBEMAN 1 1:49 -828 26
4. - chunk88 0 0:10 -846 8 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:42 -849 5 1. - chunk88 0 0:10 -846 8
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:42 -849 5
On 1st draw, HEJIRA H4 40 --- HEJIRA an exodus [n]
Other moves: HEJRA H4 38, HIJRA H4 38, HEJIRA H3 34, HEJIRA H7 34, HEJIRA H8 34
On 2nd draw, AUD(I)ENCE 5D 90 --- AUDIENCE a group of listeners or spectators [n]
Other tops: CUNEA(T)ED 5E 90
Other moves: RAUNC(H)ED 8H 89, UNCA(S)ED 10D 85, HAUNC(H)ED 4H 80, CHAUN(C)ED 4G 76, CHAUN(G)ED 4G 76
On 3rd draw, TOONIES 10B 78 --- TOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin [n]
Other moves: ISOTONE L4 77, SNOOTIER 8A 77, ISOTONE 10G 76, COONTIES J5 64, ISOTONE I9 62
On 4th draw, DOVECOTS J1 68 --- DOVECOT a roost for domesticated pigeons [n]
Other moves: VOTES L1 35, DOVES L1 33, DOETH 4D 30, NODES I5 28, NOSED I5 28
On 5th draw, BEDWARF 1H 51 --- BEDWARF to cause to appear small by comparison [v]
Other moves: WAFFED 1E 48, BAFFED 1E 45, WAFF 11D 45, WAFF 4A 44, BAFF 11D 42
On 6th draw, VIMEN 4A 34 --- VIMEN a long, flexible branch of a plant [n]
Other moves: FEMINIE N1 28, MEVE 4A 28, MEE 2L 26, MOVIE C9 26, NEEM 2L 26
On 7th draw, BE(N)ITIER 8A 80 --- BENITIER a holy-water font [n]
Other moves: BENITIE(R) E8 68, (S)IB O1 60, (S)ITE O1 60, (S)TIE O1 60, (S)EE O1 54
On 8th draw, SEPTAL 8J 33 --- SEPTAL pertaining to a septum [adj]
Other tops: PRIVET A1 33
Other moves: PARVE A1 30, FLEAPIT N1 28, PIETA 11C 28, PRATE 11C 28, PERV A1 27
On 9th draw, IDANT 11C 25 --- IDANT a chromosome which is an agregation of ids [n]
Other moves: DAL 3B 22, FIAUNT N1 22, FLAUNT N1 22, DANT 11D 21, DUAN 11C 21
On 10th draw, YULAN 12A 38 --- YULAN a Chinese magnolia [n]
Other moves: UNLAY 12A 35, LEAVY A1 33, YALE 12A 33, YULE 12A 33, LEY 2L 32
On 11th draw, FERVOR A1 36 --- FERVOR great warmth or intensity [n]
Other moves: FILTH 7G 30, FIRTH 7G 30, OH 3B 26, ELHI 7E 24, FEHM C1 24
On 12th draw, SCRAWM O1 93 --- SCRAWM to scratch [v]
Other moves: SCAW O1 90, SWAM O1 87, SWUM O1 87, SACRUM O1 84, SCAM O1 84
On 13th draw, ZHO 2F 39 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZOOEAE N4 39, ZOOEAS N4 39
Other moves: ZOOEA N4 38, ZEE 2F 36, ZOO 2F 36, ZOO N4 36, ZOS L3 35
On 14th draw, PYOID A11 33 --- PYOID puslike [adj]
Other moves: GOA 3E 26, YAGI A12 24, YOGA A12 24, YOGI A12 24, POA N4 22
On 15th draw, REALITY M3 30 --- REALITY something that is real [n]
Other moves: ALARY N6 24, AY 3C 24, QI 7D 24, YAE N4 24, AERILY 12G 23
AY 3C 24 sunshine12
On 16th draw, GOE 3E 26 --- GOE to go [v]
Other tops: GAE 3E 26, GOA 3E 26
Other moves: POSTAGE L8 25, POTAGES L8 25, POTAGE L8 23, PAGES L8 21, POTAES L8 21
GOA 3E 26 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 17th draw, SLAG 13C 27 --- SLAG to convert into slag (the fused residue of a smelted ore) [v]
Other moves: SLAT 13C 25, AGUTIS 12G 21, PASTIL L8 21, PAILS L8 19, PATUS L8 19
INSULT F10 17 sunshine12
OILS C10 8 chunk88
GNUS E3 5 BadBoyBen
On 18th draw, AUXIN N8 33 --- AUXIN a substance used to regulate plant growth [n]
Other moves: EXING K8 26, NIX 7B 24, TIX 7B 24, TUX 7B 24, TIX 7D 23
EXIT 2A 22 sunshine12
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