Game on April 25, 2024 at 03:23, 5 players
1. 161 pts sunshine12
2. 141 pts roocatcher
3. 111 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 74 74
2. 5E 36 110
3. 6B 40 150
4. 4K 35 185
5. N2 72 257
6. O7 41 298
7. 4A 40 338
8. 2D 68 406
9. 1A 40 446
10. C6 76 522
11. I7 72 594
12. D9 57 651
13. 10F 68 719
14. H12 92 811
15. O1 35 846
16. B11 34 880
17. 8A 33 913
18. 11K 22 935
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7592 sunshine12 0 5:50 -774 161 1.7592 sunshine12 0 5:50 -774 161
2.7060 roocatcher 0 3:40 -794 141 2.7060 roocatcher 0 3:40 -794 141
3.7787 GLOBEMAN 1 3:34 -824 111 3.7787 GLOBEMAN 1 3:34 -824 111
4. - chunk88 0 1:55 -888 47 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:57 -906 29 1. - chunk88 0 1:55 -888 47
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:57 -906 29
On 1st draw, TACTION H2 74 --- TACTION the act of touching [n]
Other moves: TACTION H3 70, TACTION H4 70, TACTION H6 70, TACTION H7 70, TACTION H8 70
On 2nd draw, BOTTINE 5E 36 --- BOTTINE a high boot [n]
Other moves: OBIT G6 21, BENTO G7 20, BENTO I7 20, BETON G7 20, BETON I7 20
On 3rd draw, VOCAB 6B 40 --- VOCAB a vocabulary [n]
Other moves: CHAV(S) L1 39, V(O)CAB 6B 39, CHA(T)BOT 2B 38, COHAB 6B 38, COHAB(I)T 2B 38
On 4th draw, FIERY 4K 35 --- FIERY intensely hot [adj]
Other tops: DEIFY 4K 35
Other moves: EDIFY 4K 34, COIFED 4H 33, REIFY 4K 32, FOY 4D 31, YERD 6J 31
On 5th draw, SERIATED N2 72 --- SERIATE to put into a series [v]
Other moves: IDEATES 9B 71, DEVIATES B4 64, IDEATES G8 63, READIEST N4 63, ANDESITE 8G 60
YEADS O4 27 sunshine12
On 6th draw, OHIA O7 41 --- OHIA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: HAIR O8 39, HARE O8 39, HARO O8 39, HEAR O8 39, HEIR O8 39
HARE O8 39 sunshine12
On 7th draw, RHE(B)OK 4A 40 --- RHEBOK a large antelope [n]
Other moves: HOR(O)EKA 3B 36, H(O)ROEKA 3B 36, H(O)OK 4C 34, RHE(B)OK C2 34, (T)HEY O1 34
HOKE G7 31 sunshine12
On 8th draw, SEDATELY 2D 68 --- SEDATE calm [adv] --- SEDATELY in a sedate manner [adv]
Other moves: EYAS 3B 36, LAYED M1 33, SAYED M1 33, YEA 6J 33, YES 6J 33
YEA 6J 33 sunshine12
On 9th draw, LEGUME 1A 40 --- LEGUME a type of plant [n]
Other moves: GEMEL M1 28, EMU 3B 25, EMEU 1A 24, LEME 1A 24, MULE 1A 24
On 10th draw, OEDIPEAN C6 76 --- OEDIPEAN pertaining to a child's sexual feeling to a parent [adj]
Other moves: PINY O1 31, NAPED M1 29, APED M2 27, PANED M1 25, PEEN 3L 25
On 11th draw, PARI(T)OR I7 72 --- PARITOR an officer of the court [n]
Other tops: PARI(T)OR G7 72
Other moves: PRERA(D)IO 11A 68, AIRPOR(T) G8 62, AIRPOR(T) I8 62, AIR(D)ROP G8 62, AIR(D)ROP I8 62
On 12th draw, FALX D9 57 --- FALX a sickle-shaped structure [n]
Other moves: NIXY O1 53, FAX J10 44, FIX J10 44, LANX D12 44, LANX H12 41
On 13th draw, MUNITION 10F 68 --- MUNITION to furnish with war material [v]
Other moves: MOIT H12 36, MOTI H12 36, MOTU H12 36, MUNI H12 36, MUNT H12 36
MONY O1 31 sunshine12
MITY O1 31 roocatcher
On 14th draw, ZEAS H12 92 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: SAZ G1 53, NAZES H10 48, ZOEAS 12H 48, NAZE H10 47, ZEAS B12 47
ZEAS B12 47 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, chunk88
On 15th draw, QI O1 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ROJI B12 34, JUD 8A 33, JUREL M1 32, QUA 14F 32, LIQUOR K9 30
QUA 14F 32 roocatcher
On 16th draw, GROWS B11 34 --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other moves: JUD 8A 33, GROW B11 32, GJU J13 31, W*GSWOGS B12 31, W*GWOG B12 29
W*GS B12WOGS B12 31 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
W*G B12WOG B12 29 BadBoyBen
On 17th draw, JUD 8A 33 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: GJU J13 31, WAD 3G 27, WED M3 27, J*WJEW I1 26, DJIN K8 24
On 18th draw, DRUG 11K 22 --- DRUG to affect with a drug (a medicinal substance) [v]
Other moves: GROUND L8 20, DEG M3 19, GAD 3G 19, NURD G9 19, RUND G9 19
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