Game on April 25, 2024 at 08:39, 6 players
1. 243 pts LongJump22
2. 211 pts Vuincunx
3. 67 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 40 40 


8A 86 126 


D6 80 206 


C12 39 245 


15B 83 328 


E11 30 358 


C2 33 391 


D1 39 430 


1D 33 463 


F10 36 499 


10F 66 565 


9I 47 612 


2H 81 693 


1L 47 740 


B4 45 785 


5G 70 855 


3L 40 895 


F6 32 927 


14I 81 1008 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 3:18 -765 243 1.8552 LongJump22 3 3:18 -765 243
Vuincunx 3 5:35 -797 211 2.8634 Vuincunx 3 5:35 -797 211
Wuincunx 1 1:50 -941 67 3.8576 Wuincunx 1 1:50 -941 67
4. -
MMM333 1 1:58 -961 47 4.8701 Quincunx 1 1:47 -968 40
Quincunx 1 1:47 -968 40 5.8754 Zuincunx 1 1:16 -969 39
Zuincunx 1 1:16 -969 39 Group: not rated
1. - MMM333 1 1:58 -961 47
On 1st draw, JANES H4 40 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other tops: JEANS H4 40
Other moves: BENJ H5 26, BENJ H6 26, BENJ H7 26, BENJ H8 26, JABS H5 26
JEANS H4 40 LongJump22, Wuincunx
JANES H4 40 Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 2nd draw, GORDITAS 8A 86 --- GORDITA a stuffed and fried pocket of cornmeal dough [n]
Other moves: ERGATOID 7H 62, JAGIR 4H 26, JIGOT 4H 26, JIRGA 4H 26, GATOR I3 25
GORDITAS 8A 86 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, UNDERT(A)X D6 80 --- UNDERTAX to tax less than the usual amount [v]
Other moves: UNEX(P)ERT 7F 79, UN(D)ERTAX 5B 78, UNTAXE(D) 5E 52, UNTAXE(S) 5E 52, REX I5 39
UN(D)ERTAX 5B 78 LongJump22
On 4th draw, PAVE C12 39 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other moves: PAV C12 37, EXUVIA 13C 34, APE C11 33, NAVE C12 33, NEVI C12 33
PAVE C12 39 LongJump22, Zuincunx
On 5th draw, CETOLOG(Y) 15B 83 --- CETOLOGY the study of whales [n]
Other moves: TOCOLOG(Y) B3 62, C(A)TALOG 5E 36, ECOLOG(Y) 15C 36, OCTAGO(N) 5E 36, LOCATO(R) 5E 32
On 6th draw, APE E11 30 --- APE to mimic [v]
Other moves: JAPER 4H 28, PATER I3 27, ARE E11 24, ATE E11 24, IRE E11 24
On 7th draw, FAWNY C2 33 --- FAWNY of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
Other tops: NYAS F10 33
Other moves: FAWNY G7 31, AWAYS G6 30, WANY I3 30, WAS F11 30, AWAY G6 29
On 8th draw, FANE D1 39 --- FANE a temple [n]
Other tops: FATE D1 39
Other moves: FEAL F10 36, BALE D1 35, BANE D1 35, BATE D1 35, ALEF I4 33
On 9th draw, FRITH 1D 33 --- FRITH an inlet of the sea [n]
Other tops: FILTH 1D 33, FIRTH 1D 33, FURTH 1D 33
Other moves: FLUTIER 1D 30, FUTILER 1D 30, FILTER 1D 27, FLUIER 1D 27, FLUTER 1D 27
On 10th draw, VOES F10 36 --- VOE a small bay, creek, or inlet [n]
Other moves: COED F10 35, DEVS E3 32, COSED I3 31, OBES F10 31, BED F11 30
JOBED 4H 30 Vuincunx
On 11th draw, VINOSITY 10F 66 --- VINOSITY the character of a wine [n]
Other moves: JONTY 4H 30, NOISY 2F 29, YOS E4 27, JOINTS 4H 26, STONY I2 25
On 12th draw, ZOL 9I 47 --- ZOL a spliff, a marijuana cigarette [n]
Other tops: ZOA 9I 47
Other moves: MATZOH L8 46, ZED 7G 46, ZEAL 7G 45, ZA 9I 44, ZEA 7G 44
ZOA 9I 47 Vuincunx
On 13th draw, MINTAGE 2H 81 --- MINTAGE the act of minting [n]
Other moves: MINTAGE 14I 77, TEAMING 2F 75, AGMINATE 5H 72, ENTAMING 6G 67, EMAILING K5 44
On 14th draw, BUMS 1L 47 --- BUM to live idly [v]
Other moves: DUMB 1L 45, BUDI 1L 43, BUDO 1L 43, BUDS 1L 43, MUDS 1L 43
BUMS 1L 47 Vuincunx, MMM333
On 15th draw, EIK B4 45 --- EIK to augment [v]
Other moves: DECK E3 42, KYLIE M9 34, LED 11I 31, BACKED L1 30, EIK E4 30
KID 9M 27 Wuincunx
On 16th draw, CARRIOLE 5G 70 --- CARRIOLE a small open carriage [n]
Other moves: JIRRE 4H 24, BARRICO L1 22, LYRIC M9 22, ORRICE 14I 21, OLE 11H 20
On 17th draw, AHED 3L 40 --- AH to make a sound of delight [v]
Other moves: RHEA 3L 38, EDH 3K 36, ODAH 6K 36, HOAED 4K 35, HOARD 4K 35
ODAH 6K 36 Vuincunx
On 18th draw, QAT F6 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: TORQUE L10 32
Other moves: LIQUOR K9 30, TOQUE L10 28, QUAY M7 27, QUEY M7 27, QUAG H12 24
QI K4 11 Vuincunx
On 19th draw, BLOWIER 14I 81 --- BLOWY windy [adj]
Other moves: OWLIER 14I 35, BIER 11K 29, BLOWER 14I 29, BLOWIE 14I 29, BOWLER 14I 29
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