Game on April 25, 2024 at 18:30, 9 players
1. 681 pts Inkey
2. 239 pts LongJump22
3. 179 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 50 50 


11E 40 90 


F4 73 163 


5E 94 257 


H1 36 293 


10J 30 323 


N10 41 364 


3H 74 438 


15H 88 526 


N2 34 560 


2J 27 587 


13B 90 677 


12H 39 716 


8L 43 759 


12D 39 798 


B10 56 854 


8A 33 887 


O1 38 925 


7J 26 951 


O11 24 975 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Inkey 6 19:08 -294 681 1.9717 Pacific 1 4:28 -796 179
LongJump22 2 2:55 -736 239 Group: expert
Pacific 1 4:28 -796 179 1.8496 LongJump22 2 2:55 -736 239
queen66 1 5:00 -804 171 2.8576 Wuincunx 1 2:50 -887 88
Wuincunx 1 2:50 -887 88 3.8606 Vuincunx 1 2:58 -887 88
Vuincunx 1 2:58 -887 88 4.8648 Zuincunx 1 2:08 -915 60
Zuincunx 1 2:08 -915 60 5.8574 Quincunx 0 1:41 -947 28
8. -
MMM333 1 0:59 -925 50 Group: advanced
Quincunx 0 1:41 -947 28 1.7951 Inkey 6 19:08 -294 681
2.7744 queen66 1 5:00 -804 171
Group: not rated
1. - MMM333 1 0:59 -925 50
On 1st draw, (U)MIAQ H8 50 --- UMIAQ an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other tops: Q(U)ALM H4 50
Other moves: QI(B)LA H4 46, Q(U)AIL H4 46, FAQI(R) H4 40, MAQ(U)I H4 36, Q(U)ALM H8 36
(U)MIAQ H8 50 LongJump22, MMM333, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
Q(U)ALM H4 50 Pacific
QI(B)LA H4 46 Inkey
On 2nd draw, ATHANOR 11E 40 --- ATHANOR an alchemist's furnace [n]
Other moves: TRANQ 12D 28, TOHO G7 26, HAN G9 25, HAT G9 25, HOA G9 25
TRANQ 12D 28 LongJump22, Inkey, Quincunx
On 3rd draw, WAY(P)OINT F4 73 --- WAYPOINT a point between major points on a route [n]
Other moves: NOWAY(S) 13C 45, WAN(E)Y 10J 41, WAN(K)Y 10J 41, WAN(L)Y 10J 41, WAN(T)Y 10J 41
WAY(P)OINT F4 73 LongJump22
NOWAY(S) 13C 45 Inkey
WON(K)Y 10J 41 Pacific
On 4th draw, VANILLAS 5E 94 --- VANILLA a flavouring extract [n]
Other moves: VILLANS 13B 88, VILLANS L5 72, VILLANS I2 63, VILLAS 12A 42, VINALS 12A 42
VILLANS 13B 88 LongJump22, Pacific
VILLAS 12A 42 Inkey
VILLANS 13B 38 Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 5th draw, BODGIE H1 36 --- BODGIE a male cult figure of the 1950s [n] --- BODGIE useless or fraudulent [adj]
Other moves: BREDIE H1 33, BEEDI H1 30, BODGER 10J 30, BORED 10J 30, GREEBO 8A 30
BORED 10J 30 Inkey
BODGER 10J 30 Zuincunx
On 6th draw, HATE 10J 30 --- HATE to despise [v]
Other tops: HAET 10J 30, HEAT 10J 30, HOTE 10J 30
Other moves: HAE 10J 29, HAO 10J 29, HAT 10J 29, HET 10J 29, HOA 10J 29
HATE 10J 30 Inkey, Zuincunx
On 7th draw, DOGEY N10 41 --- DOGEY a stray calf [n]
Other tops: DURGY N10 41
Other moves: DUROY N10 39, DROGUE N10 37, DOGEY 4K 35, DURGY 4K 35, DUROY 4K 33
DOGEY N10 41 Inkey
On 8th draw, DIOPTRAL 3H 74 --- DIOPTER a measure of refractive power [adj] --- DIOPTRAL pertaining to diopter [adj]
Other moves: TROOPIAL 2F 68, POLARITY 14G 65, TROOPIAL 2E 64, PILAO O11 39, PILAR O11 39
POLAR O11 39 queen66
APO M12 26 Inkey
On 9th draw, DURRIES 15H 88 --- DURRIE an Indian cotton rug [n]
Other moves: DURRIES 13B 84, SLURRIED O2 80, DRUSIER 13E 76, EQUIDS 12G 49, QUIDS 12H 42
DURES O11 35 queen66
RIDERS 12A 32 Inkey
On 10th draw, NATIVE N2 34 --- NATIVE one who belongs naturally to an area [n]
Other moves: VENAE M9 33, LEVANT O3 30, VALINE O1 30, VALET O1 27, VENITE 13I 26
NATIVE N2 34 Inkey
VALINE O1 30 queen66
On 11th draw, MOU 2J 27 --- MOU a Scots form of mouth [n]
Other tops: AMONG 12J 27, MOA 2J 27
Other moves: CALO O1 26, COLA O1 26, COOM 2G 26, MACON 12A 26, MOLA O1 26
MOA 2J 27 queen66
COLA O1 26 Inkey
On 12th draw, NAUTICS 13B 90 --- NAUTICS water sports [n]
Other moves: ANICUTS 13B 86, ACTINIUMS 9A 66, UNCAST 8J 43, QUASI 12H 39, QUATS 12H 39
UNCAST 8J 43 Inkey
NAUTICS 13B 40 queen66
On 13th draw, QUOTE 12H 39 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other tops: QUATE 12H 39, QUATS 12H 39, QUEST 12H 39, QUOTA 12H 39
Other moves: ALTOS 14B 28, LEAST 8K 28, LOAST 8K 28, LOUSE 8K 28, TOUSE 8K 28
QUATS 12H 39 Inkey
On 14th draw, DESK 8L 43 --- DESK a writing table [n]
Other moves: KERNED B10 42, KERNES B10 40, KEENS B10 38, KERNE B10 38, KERNS B10 38
KERNED B10 42 Inkey
On 15th draw, XI 12D 39 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: FAX 14A 39
Other moves: AX 12C 38, FAXING B9 38, FIX 13J 36, GIF 14D 33, RAX 14A 33
FAX 14A 39 Inkey
On 16th draw, JNANA B10 56 --- JNANA knowledge acquired through meditation [n]
Other moves: JUTES L1 40, JA 1L 35, JAW 14A 35, J*WJEW 14A 35, WANNA B10 32
JAW 14A 35 Inkey
On 17th draw, FOREGO 8A 33 --- FOREGO to go before [v]
Other moves: FOE M13 27, WOE M13 27, FORE O11 24, WOF O11 24, WORE O11 24
WOE M13 27 Inkey
On 18th draw, ZEL O1 38 --- ZEL an Oriental cymbal [n]
Other tops: FRIZER C3 38
Other moves: FIERE 13J 32, FEZ 13M 30, WIFE O11 30, WIFE 7K 26, FLEW 13L 25
ZEL O1 38 Inkey
On 19th draw, CREWE 7J 26 --- CREWE a pot [n]
Other moves: PREFER C3 24, EWER 7A 23, BEEF 1H 22, BREW 1H 22, CREPE 7J 22
PREFER C3 24 Inkey
On 20th draw, FILE O11 24 --- FILE to arrange in order for future reference [v]
Other tops: PILFER C3 24
Other moves: FEEB 13L 23, BEEF 1H 22, BILE O11 22, FIE 13J 22, FIL 13J 22
BEY 14L 14 Inkey
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