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Game on April 25, 2024 at 23:48, 5 players
1. 146 pts roocatcher
2. 56 pts sunshine12
3. 56 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aenorz   H4   100   100   zebrano
 2. aefgisy  11F    42   142   gasify
 3. degiknq   5E    52   194   dekeing
 4. eeilnst   I8    67   261   lenities
 5. abeinrv  15D    42   303   braves
 6. delnnoo  14B    33   336   looed
 7. aadhilr  14H    83   419   headrail
 8. aenrrtt   F1    62   481   rattener
 9. afipqtw  15A    35   516   qi
10. beimntx  O11    60   576   ixtle
11. emopswy   1D    51   627   wormy
12. ?eiopuv   8A    42   669   prover
13. abginou  12K    33   702   unbox
14. aginouw   4K    25   727   awing
15. aceoosu   3K    29   756   cose
16. aafiprt  12A    85   841   parfait
17. dijmotu   O1    38   879   midgut
18. cehlosu   B1    90   969   sloucher

Remaining tiles: eju

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7058 Fileroocatcher  0  6:16  -823  146     1.7058 roocatcher  0  6:16  -823  146 
  2.7577 Filesunshine12  1  2:22  -913   56     2.7577 sunshine12  1  2:22  -913   56 
  3.7787 FileGLOBEMAN    1  3:35  -913   56     3.7787 GLOBEMAN    1  3:35  -913   56 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:36  -945   24            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:14  -951   18     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:36  -945   24 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:14  -951   18 

On 1st draw, ZE(B)RANO H4 100 --- ZEBRANO a tree having striped wood [n]
Other tops: ZAN(J)ERO H4 100
Other moves: ZAN(J)ERO H2 82, ZAN(J)ERO H3 82, ZAN(J)ERO H6 82, ZAN(J)ERO H7 82, ZAN(J)ERO H8 82

On 2nd draw, GASIFY 11F 42 --- GASIFY to convert into gas [v]
Other moves: AZYGIES 4G 40, FAYS 11E 36, FEYS 11E 36, YAGIS 11D 34, FAGS 11E 32

On 3rd draw, DEKEING 5E 52 --- DEKE to feint in hockey, pr p DEKING, DEKEING [v]
Other moves: ZENDIK 4H 40, ZINKED 4H 40, ZINKE 4H 36, ZINGED 4H 34, EKING 10J 32

On 4th draw, LENITIES I8 67 --- LENITY the quality of being lenient [n]

On 5th draw, BRAVES 15D 42 --- BRAVE to face with courage [v]
Other tops: AVENIRS 15C 42, BAVINS 15D 42, BREVIS 15D 42
Other moves: VARIES 15D 39, VINERS 15D 39, BAIRNS 15D 33, BINERS 15D 33, BRAINS 15D 33

On 6th draw, LOOED 14B 33 --- LOO to subject to a forfeit at loo (a card game) [v]
Other moves: FEND J11 23, FEOD J11 23, FOND J11 23, FOOD J11 23, NOONED 6A 23

On 7th draw, HEADRAIL 14H 83 --- HEADRAIL a rail on the head of a ship [n]
Other moves: DAHL 13A 33, DAH 6D 31, HALID 6B 31, AAH 6D 30, LAH 6D 30
DAH 6D 31 roocatcher

On 8th draw, RATTENER F1 62 --- RATTENER one that rattens [n]
Other tops: NATTERER F1 62
Other moves: ETNA 15L 28, ALTERANT 8H 27, ALTERNAT 8H 27, TRENTAL O8 24, ATONE 10F 23
ETNA 15L 28 roocatcher

On 9th draw, QI 15A 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: WAIF 13A 34, FILA O12 33, WALI O12 33, WILT O12 33, FAW 13A 30

On 10th draw, IXTLE O11 60 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other tops: IMBREX 1C 60
Other moves: MIREX 1D 51, REMIXT 1F 45, BEMIX 12C 44, REMIX 1F 42, NIMBLE O10 39

On 11th draw, WORMY 1D 51 --- WORMY infested with worms [adj]
Other moves: WORMS 1D 42, YORPS 1D 42, PYRES 1D 39, PYROS 1D 39, YOMPS 6J 38

On 12th draw, P(R)OVER 8A 42 --- PROVER one that proves [n]
Other tops: PU(L)VER 8A 42, P(L)OVER 8A 42
Other moves: ZOU(A)VE 4H 40, O(L)IVER 8A 36, (L)OUVER 8A 36, (Q)UIVER 8A 36, P(A)VIOR 8A 33

On 13th draw, UNBOX 12K 33 --- UNBOX to remove from a box [v]
Other moves: BAGNIO 12A 27, BAGUIO 12A 27, BONING 10G 27, GABION 12B 23, UNBAG 4K 23
BOI I3 19 roocatcher

On 14th draw, AWING 4K 25 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: GNOW 12D 24, WONGA 10B 24, WAGON 12C 23, ANOW 12D 22, AWNING J1 22
WAI I3 21 roocatcher

On 15th draw, COSE 3K 29 --- COSE to make oneself cosy [v]
Other tops: CASE 3K 29
Other moves: ECOS 3J 27, GUACOS O4 27, OCAS 3J 27, COO 3K 25, COS 3K 25
CASE 3K 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 16th draw, PARFAIT 12A 85 --- PARFAIT a frozen dessert [n]
Other moves: ATONIA 10F 30, GRAFT O4 27, GRIFT O4 27, FENITAR N2 24, GRAIP O4 24
GRIFT O4 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GRIPT O4 24 chunk88

On 17th draw, MIDGUT O1 38 --- MIDGUT the middle part of the embryonic digestive tract [n]
Other moves: JO(R)UM B6 35, JUDO 2A 29, DENIM N2 28, GOMUTI O4 27, JI(R)D B6 27
JO(R) B6 25 roocatcher
MO 2N 18 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, SLOUCHE(R) B1 90 --- SLOUCHER one that slouches [n]
Other moves: SCOUTH 3B 30, CLOTH 3C 28, COUTH 3C 28, COSH 2I 27, CUSH 2I 27
HEN N2 22 roocatcher

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